Sabry S. Youssef, Khaled M. Ibrahim, Mohammad Abdel-Karim, “Effect of Heat Treatment Process on Tribological Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 385-394, 2013.
Sabry S.Youssef, Ali Abd El-Aty, Mohamed Adel Taha, Masoud Ibrahim Mohamed, “Influence of Boron Addition and Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of 7050 Al Alloy”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 9, Issue 5, pp. 1119-1127, 2018.
Yingjie Ma, Sabry S. Youssef, Xin Feng, Hao Wang, Sensen Huang, Jianke Qiu, Jiafeng Lei, Rui Yang, “Fatigue crack tip plastic zone of α+β titanium alloy with Widmanstatten microstructure”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 34, Issue 11 pp. 2107-2115, 2018.
Sensen Huang, Yingjie Ma, Shilin Zhang, Sabry S. Youssef, Jianke Qiu, Hao Wang, Bernie Y. Zong, Jiafeng Lei, Rui Yang, “Nonuniform Recrystallization and Growth Behavior of β Grains Dominated by Grain Misorientation and Interfacial Energy in Metastable β Titanium Alloy”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 49, pp. 6390–6400, 2018.
Sensen Huang, Jinhu Zhang, Yingjie Ma, Shilin Zhang, Sabry S Youssef, Min Qi, Hao Wang, Jianke Qiu, Dongsheng Xu, Jiafeng Lei, Rui Yang, “Influence of thermal treatment on element partitioning in α+β titanium alloy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 791, pp. 575-585, 2019.
Rui Yang Shilin Zhang, Yingjie Ma, Sensen Huang, Sabry S. Youssef, Min Qi, Hao Wang, Jianke Qiu, Jiafeng Lei, “Temperature-gradient induced microstructure evolution in heat-affected zone of electron beam welded Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 35, Issue 8, pp. 1681-1690, 2019.
Rui Yang Hui Yu, Shuo Cao, Sabry S.Youssef, Ying-Jie Ma, Jia-Feng Lei, Yang Qi, Qing-Miao Hu, “Generalized stacking fault energies and critical resolved shear stresses of random a-Ti-Al alloys from first-principles calculations”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 850, 156314, 2021
Sabry S. Youssef, Xiaodong Zheng, Yingjie Ma, Sensen Huang, Min Qi, Jianke Qiu, Ruixue Zhang, Peitao Hua, Shijian Zheng, Jiafeng Lei, Rui Yang, “Characterization of α2 Precipitates in Ti–6Al and Ti–8Al Binary Alloys: A Comparative Investigation”, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) vol. 34, pp. 710–718, 2021.
Min Qi, Sensen Huang, Yingjie Ma, Sabry S.Youssef, Ruixue Zhang, Jianke Qiu, Jiafeng Lei, Rui Yang, “Columnar to equiaxed transition during β heat treatment in a near β alloy by laser additive manufacture”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 1159-1168, 2021.
Sabry S.Youssef, Xiaodong Zheng, Sensen Huang, Yingjie Ma, Min Qi, Shijian Zheng, Jiafeng Lei, Rui Yang, “Precipitation behavior of α2 phase and its influence on mechanical properties of binary Ti-8Al alloy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 871, 1595775, 2021.
Sabry S.Youssef, Xiaodong Zheng, Min Qi, Yingjie Ma, Sensen Huang, Jianke Qiu, Shijian Zheng, Jiafeng Lei, Rui Yang, “Effects of Al content and α2 precipitation on the fatigue crack growth behaviors of binary Ti–Al alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 819, 141513, 2021.
Samer Gowid, Elsadig Mahdi, Sabry S. Youssef, Essam Moustafa, Ahmed Mosleh, Abdallah Shokry, “Experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of wrapped and wound fiber and metal/fiber reinforced composite pipes”, Composite Structures, Vol. 276, 114569, 2021.