*Participation of the College of Dentistry in the Early EADS Competition      *Council of Conservation Department      * Council of Islamic Archaeology Department      * Council of Egyptology Department      * The Library Committee
Prof.Dr. Ayman Ahmed Owayss
Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731                          
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: aao01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Plant Protection building - Faculty of Agriculture.
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Plant Protection Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc. : Agic. Sci. (Plant Protection) - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1988
M. Sc. : Economic Entomology (Apiculture) - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1996
Ph. D. : Economic Entomology (Apiculture) - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 2002
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1988 To 1996
Assistant lecturer: From 1996 To 2002
Lecturer: From 2002 To 2008.
Asistant Professor : From 2008 to 2015.
Professor : From 2015 Untill Now.
Research Interests

Economic Entomology and related subjects


Honeybee pests and diseases

Bee products

Soft Skills

English is fluently spoken and written

German condensed course was studied

Skilled in computer and internet applications

TOEFL was passed

Qualified as a University lecturer

11 training courses in FLDP

Training course in electron microscopy

Training course in electronic learning

Teaching courses

General entomology

Apiculture and sericulture

Crop pests and their control

Orchard pests and their control

Insect vectors of plant diseases

Insect morphology and taxonomy

Insect taxonomy (advanced)

Insect technique

Ornamental pests and their control

Scientific Publications

Influence of Incorporating Honey and Royal Jelly on The Quality of Yoghurt During Storage   

The indigenous honey bees of Saudi Arabia (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apis mellifera jemenitica Ruttner): Their natural history and role in beekeeping   

Ayman Ahmad Owayss Abd-AlhakamThe Effect of Supplementary Feeding of Honeybees, Apis mellifera L. on Brood, Honey and Royal Jelly 1996   

Ayman Ahmad Owayss Abd-Alhakam Ecological and Control Studies on Certain Diseases of Honeybee with Special Reference to Integrated Management of Varroa Mite ,2002    

Mishref, A.; M.A. Hanna; H. A. Ghoniemy and A.A. Owayss (1997)." Evaluation of supplementary feeding on worker brood rearing and production of honey and royal jelly. International Symposium on Apitherapy," 8-9th March, National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 94-110 pp.

Mishref, A.; M.A. Hanna; H. A. Ghoniemy and A. A. Owayss (1997). " The effect of supplementary feeding on the physical properties and sediment contents of honey. International Symposium on Apitherapy, " 8-9th March, National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 111-123 pp.

Mishref, A.; Ghoniemy, H. A.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A. (2000). " Minerals and heavy metals in honey and royal jelly in relation to supplementary diets." The 40th science week at the auditoria of the University of Tachreen, Syrian Arab Republic, 4-9 Nov.

Ghoniemy, H. A.; Mishref, A.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A. (2001)." Antibacterial activity of honey produced from honeybee colonies supplemented with pollen substitutes. First Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development. " Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture. March 28, 349-353 pp.

E. F. Mohamed and A. A. Owayss (2004)." An inhibitory effect of propolis extract against broad bean mottle bromovirus (BBMV)." Egyptian J. Virol., Vol. 1, No. 1: 313 – 321 pp.

1Attalla F. El-Kott and 2Ayman A. OwayssProtective Effects of Propolis Against the Amitraz Hepatotoxicity in Mice    

H. A. Ghoniemy; A. M. Ismail and A. A. Owayss (2005)." Relationship between Varroa mite and chalkbrood fungus infestations in honeybees during variable ecological conditions and colony performance."The 4th international conference of Arab Beekeepers Union, Damascus, Syria, 24-27 Nov.    

Owayss, A. A. (2005)." Physicochemical analysis for standardizing quality criteria of Libyan eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.) honey." Egypt J. of Appl. Sci., Vol. 20, No. 6A: 247-255 pp.    

A. M. Ismail; H. A. Ghoniemy and A. A. Owayss (2005)." Combating Varroa mite, Varroa destructor, with soft chemicals alone or through an integrated pest management."The 4th international conference of Arab Beekeepers Union, Damascus, Syria, 24-27 Nov.

Abd El-Halim M. Ismail, Helmy A. Ghoniemy and Ayman A. OwayssCOMBATTING HONEYBEE VARROA MITES BY PLANT OILS ALONE OR IN AN IPM PROGRAMThe 2nd conference of Farm Integrated Pest Management, 16-18 Jan., Fac.Agric., Fayoum Univ., 172-185 pp., 2006.   

A. M. Ismail; H. A. Ghoniemy and A. A. Owayss (2006). " Population dynamics of Varroa mite infecting honeybees in Fayoum region, Egypt."The 2nd conference of Farm Integrated Pest Management, 16-18 Jan., Fac. Agric., Fayoum Univ., 260-272 pp.   

Mahmoud, A. A. Owayss, A. A. (2006)." A modified method to determine hydrogen peroxide activity as a quality criterion of bee honey." Annals of Agric Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 44, No. 4: 1629 – 1639 pp.    

Owayss, A. A. (2007). " Preliminary investigation on American Foulbrood Disease. 1. Recoding of the infection in the apiaries of Fayoum Governorate." Annals of Agric Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 45, No. 2: 903 – 910 pp.    

Ayman A. Owayss and Atef A. Abd-Elgayed (2007)." Potential efficacy of certain volatile oils and chemicals against greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Bull. Ent. Soc. " Egypt, Econ. Ser., No. 33: 67 – 75 pp.   

Abd-Elgayed, A. A. and A. A. Owayss (2007)." Ecological observations on the Earwig, Labidura riparia Pallas (Dermaptera: Labiduridae) inhabiting honey bee colonies. " Annals. Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 52, No. 1: 243 – 251 pp.    

Ayman A. Owayss; Mostafa M. Rady and Farouk M. Gadallah (2004). " Pigmentation of some honeybee, Apis mellifera L., products." Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., Vol. 18, No. 2: 121 – 132 pp.

Attalla, K. M.: Owayss, A. A. and Mohanny, K. M. (2007)." Antibacterial activities of bee venom, propolis, and royal jelly produced by three honey bee Apis mellifera L., hybrids reared in the same environmental conditions." Annals of Agric Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 45, No. 2: 895-902 pp.   

Training programs

Lectures in beekeeping to veterinarians at Beni Suef Gov.

Lectures in graduate training centers in Fayoum Gov.

Lectures and meetings in Extension Depts. Ministry of Agric., Egypt.

"Recent applications in beekeeping" for Agricultural teachers, MUCIA, April 2007.

Membership Of Scientific Societies

Member of the Entomological Society of Egypt.

Member of the Syndicate of Egyptian Bee Kingdom.

Member of Arab Biological Union.

Member of Arab Beekeeping Union.

Member of Environmental Development Society.

Academic Activities

Secretariat of Plant Prot. Dept.

Member of labs. and apparatuses committee

Ex. member of cultural committee.

Member of annual inventory committee

Applied Projects

The project of.“Evaluating Apistan and Bayvarol to control Varroa mite in honey bee colonies”. Honey bee Res., Dept., MALR, Egypt, 1995.

The project of.“Developing a honey bee strain naturally resistant to Varroa mite Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 1994 -1996.

Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 1994 -1996. The project of “Controlling fungal diseases of the honey bees”. Fac. Agric., Moshtohor and MALR, Egypt, 1996.

Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 1994 -1996. Evaluation of " Apiguard" for controlling Varroa mite on honey bee, MALR, Egypt, 2005.

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