Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address:hag01@fayoum.edu.eg |
Office: Plant Protection department
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Plant Protection
Department - POBox: 63514
B. Sc. : Plant Protection Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1978
M. Sc. : in Apiculture, from Economic Entomology and Pesticides Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1984
Ph. D. : in Apiculture, from Plant Protection Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1989
Demonstrator: From 1979 To 1984
Assistant lecturer: From 1984 To 1989
Lecturer: From 1989 To 1994
Assistant Professor : From 1994 To 1999
Professor : From 1999 Up Till Now
Head of the Plant Protec. Dept., Fac. Agric Fayoum Univ.,
since Dec . 2006 up to Aug . 2009.
Vice dean for research and postgraduate affairs, Fac. Agric Fayoum Univ., from Aug.2009 until now
An acting Of Dean, Fac . Agric Fayoum Univ. from May To October 2011 |
Dean, Fac . Agric Fayoum Univ. from October 2011 until now |
Apiculture |
Insect morphology and taxonomy |
Insect transmission of plant diseases |
Crop pests |
Economic pests and their control |
Insect physiology |
General Entomology (Lab.) |
Apiculture (Lab.) |
Insect pollinators |
Advanced Apiculture |
Advanced insect taxonomy |
Lectures in beekeeping to veterinarians at Fayoum Gov |
Lectures in beekeeping for beekeepers in Fayoum Gov |
Lectures in beekeeping and pollinators for African students. |
Owayss, A . A.“The effect of supplementary feeding of honeybee, Apis mellifera L. on brood, honey and royal jelly”. Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 1996. |
Ahmed, H. M. A. “Ecological studies and control of harvester subterranean termite, Anacanthotermes ochraceus (Burm) at Fayoum governorate”. Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 1997. |
Solaiman, R..H..A. “Ecological, Biological studies and microbial control of some insect pests of olive trees at Fayoum governorate”.Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 1997. |
Mohanny, K. M. “New treatments for increasing and improving the production of the honeybee colonies” Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 1999. |
Ph.D. |
Owayss, A.A.“ “Ecological and Control Studies on Certain Diseases of the Honeybee with Special Reference to Integrated Management of Varroa Mite”” Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 2002. |
Solaiman, R.H.A. . “Ecological, Biological and sex pheromone studies with the olive leafhopper , Docotettix cornutus , the olive whitefly , Aleurolobus olivinus, and the olive leaf mouth , Palpita unionalis:Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ March 2005. |
Ahmed, H. M. A. . “Ecological and control studies on subterranean termites under Fayoum conditions . Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. june. 2003. |
Mohanny, K. M.. “Investigations on propolis and bee venom produced by two hybrids of honey bee with reference to a now device for bee venom collection”Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Feb. 2005. |
Abdel-Hamied, H. M. . “Integrated pest management for some aphid species transmitted faba bean necrotic yellow virus at Fayoum governorate.” Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ.July 2005. |
Ghoniemy , H A (1991): The role of honeybees as pollinators for cruciferous plants .
Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. 5 ( 2) : 53-66.
Ghoniemy , H A (1992): The role of honeybees as pollinators for sunflower.
Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. . . 6 ( 1) : 35- 44.
Ghoniemy , H A (1992): The effect of mode of pollination on onion seed yield with observations on insects as pollinators.
. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. 6 (2) : 50-56. |
Ghoniemy , H A. (1992):The pollination of sweede rape (Brassica napus L.) with observations on insects as pollinators .
Fayoum J. Agric. Res. &- Dev. 6 (2) : 57-67 .
Abu-Zeid , M I. , and Ghoniemy , H A. . (1992 ): Evaluation of the role of some chemical compounds for controlling Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans in Egypt.Menofiya J. Agric. Res. 17 ( 3) : 1465- 1470. |
Ghoniemy, H A. and. Abu-Zeid , M I. (1993) : The effect of feeding honeybee colonies by pollen or pollen substitutes on worker brood rearing.Menofiya J. Agric. Res 17 (1) : 347- 358. |
Ghoniemy , H A. and. Abu-Zeid , M I. (1993 ): The use of formic acid for control of Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans on honeybees in Egypt.Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 8 (1) : 240-245. |
Abu-Zeid , M I. , and Ghoniemy , H A. . (1993 ) :: Evaluation of the role of two natural substances for controlling Varroa jacobsoni infesting honeybee colonies. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. . 8 (2) : 295-300. |
Ghoniemy , H A. . Abu-Zeid , M I. and Abu-Lila S. M. (1994): Studies on insect pollinators including bees, on basil flowers Egypt J. Appl. Sci.9 (5) : 488-501.
Abu-Zeid , M I. , Abu-Lila S. M and Ghoniemy H A. . (1994): ): Insect pollinators of watermelon (Citrullus landtus var. cireoids) and their effect on seed yield, with special reference to honeybees foraging behavior Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 9 (9): 389- 399. |
Abu-Lila S. M. – Ghoniemy , H A. . and Abu-Zeid , M I. (1994 ): The effect of juvenile hormone analogue (altozar, 512) on the honey bee worker larvae.. Egypt J. Appl. Sci.9 (5) : 480-488. |
Abu-Zeid , M I. , and Ghoniemy , H A. . (1994): The development of comb foundation. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. .9 (5): 471-478. |
Ghoniemy , H A. and. Abu-Zeid , M I. Abu-Lila S. M and el –Sharawy , u. (1994): The effect of feeding honeybee colonies by pollen substitutes on worker brood rearing. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 9(9) : 212-217. |
Abu-Zeid , M I. abou El-Sooud, B., , Abu-Lila S. M and Ghoniemy, H A. . (1994): Effectiveness of propolis and dark honey bee combs extract on- plant parasitic nematodes. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 9(9) : 419-425 . |
Ghoniemy , H A. and. Abu- Lila , M I (1996):Investigation on laying workers in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies, and its control. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 11 (9) : 293-299 .
Ghoniemy, H. A. , Etman, A.A.M; Moustafa, F.F.M. and. Solaiman, R.H..A. (1997): Evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis biocides against Palpita unionaqlis (Hubn.)
Moshtohor, Annals of Agric. Sc. 36 (1) : 643-662 . |
Ghoniemy, H. A Moustafa F.F.M. Etman A.A.M; and R.H.A. Solaiman.(1997):Ecological and biological studies of the olive psylla, Euphyllura straminea (Log.) on olive trees under Fayoum conditions. Moshtohor, Annals of Agric. Sc. 36 (1) : 643-662 .
Ghoniemy, H. A Moustafa F.F.M. El-Seby Y. and . Ali. H.M.A 1999) Ecological studies and control of the harvester subterranean termite Anacanthotermes ochraceus (Burm) at Fayoum governorate
Menofiya J. Agric . Res . 24 (2) : 727-740. |
Abu-Lila , S. M. , and Ghoniemy, H A. (1998 ): Evaluation of the role of borage plant, Borago officinalis L. as a source of pollens under Dokki conditions, with observations on honeyhees as pollinators. Mansoura J. Agric. Sci 23 (7) : 3401-3409 .
Ghoniemy , H A (1998): A comparison between different techniques for controlling Varroa jacobsoni Oud. (using formic acid) under Fayoum conditions. Mansoura J. Agric. Sci. 23 (7 ) : 3411-3418 |
Mishref A .E Hanna .M.A. Ghoniemy, H A. and Owayss. A.A. (1998): The effect of supplementary feeding on the production of worker brood, honey and royal jelly. International Symposium on Apitherapy , 8-9 Marsh National Research Center Dokki, Giza, Egypt 94-110 pp. .22- - Mishref A .E Hanna .M.A. |
Ghoniemy, H A. and Owayss. A.A. (1998): The effect of supplementary feeding on the physical properties and sediment contents of honey . International Symposium on Apitherapy , 8-9 Marsh National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 111-123 pp. |
Ghoniemy , H A (1999): The role of the insect pollinators in sunflower seed production with special references to honeybees .Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev 13 ( 2) : 1-15 . |
Mishref, A. E.; Ghoniemy, H. A.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A. ( 2000 ): Minerals and heavy metals in honey and royal jelly in relation to supplementary diets. The 40th science week at the auditoria of the University of Tachreen . Syrian Arab Republic 4-9 Nov. |
Ghoniemy, H. A.; Mishref, A. E.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A. ( 2001): Antibacterial activity of honey produced from honeybee colonies supplemented with pollen substitutes. First Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development. Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture. March 28-30 349-353.pp |
Mishref, A. E.; Ghoniemy, H. A.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A.( 2002 ): A comparison between chemical properties of different types of honey produced from colonies fed with supplementary diets or without feeding. Second Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development.
Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture.8-10 June . |
Ghoniemy, H. A.; Mishref, A. E.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A.( 2003 ): anna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A.( 2003 ): The effect of supplementary feeding on the physical and chemical properties as well as on antibacterial activity of royal jelly..
Ghoniemy, H. A Mishref, A. E Abu- Lila , M I and Mohanny, K. M. ( 2005) Investigation on bee venom produced by two hybrids of honeybee with Egyptian device for bee venom collection " The 4th International Conference of united Arab beekeepers . Syrian Arab Republic Damask 24-27/11/2005. |
Mishref, A. E.; Ghoniemy, H. A and Owayss, A .A.. ( 2005)).“ Combating Varroa mite Varroa destructor , with soft chemicals alone or through an integrated pest management The 4th International Conference of Arab beekeepers .Union Damask Syrian Arab Republic 24-27/11/2005. |
Ghoniemy, H. A Mishref, A. E and Owayss, A .A( 2005) " Relationship between Varroa mite and chalkbrood fungus infestations in honeybees during variable ecological conditions and colony performance . The 4th International Conference of Arab beekeepers.Union Damask Syrian Arab Republic 24-27/11/2005. |
Ghoniemy, H. A and El –Aama ,Esam ( 2005)"A comparison between Genter and Mannlake apparatus in rearing honeybee queens The 5th International Conference of united Arab beekeepers Trepoli."Libya 20-21/3/2006. |
A member of the council of the Department of Plant Protection from Oct. 1989 untill now beside being the trustee of the department council from Oct. 1996 untill now . |
A member of the faculty council from Sept. 2000 to August 2001 . |
A member of environmental and community survice committee from Oct. 2000 to Sept. 2001 . |
A member of research and post – graduate affairs committee from Oct. 2002 to Sept. 2003 . |
A member of Education and student affairs committee from Oct. 2003 untill now . |
“National campaign to control Varroa parasite”
1989-1991. Honey bee Res. Dept., Ministry of Agric. and Land Reclamation (MALR). Egypt. |
The project of
“Evaluating Apistan and Bayvarol to control Varroa mite in honey bee colonies”.
Honey bee Res. Dept., (MALR) Egypt, 1995. |
The project of
“ Developing new methods to increase and improve honey bee products”.
1995. Plant Protec. Dept., Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 1995. |
The project of
“ Controlling fungal diseases of the honey bees”.
Fac. Agric., Moshtohor and MALR, Egypt, 1996. |
The project of
“ Developing a honey bee strain naturally resistant to Varroa mite”.
Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 1994 -1996. |
The project of
“ The national campaign to develop apricot cultivars in Fayoum”.
Agric. Res. Center, 1994- 1996. |
The project of
“ Secondary products of honey bees”.
Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 2001 -2003. |
The project of
“ Using insect pollinators to pollinate crops in green houses”.
Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 2002 untill now. |
The principal investigator in the project of pesticides evaluation in controlling fruit insects at Fayoum governorate. June 2003 untill now. |
A member in South Cairo society for community service and environmental improvement from 1999 untill now |
The 4th
scientific conference on plant protection sciences.
Cairo, 1-5 Dec., 1991. |
Symposium on
“the Varroa parasite on honeybees”. Fac. Agric.,Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ, 1992. |
International Symposium on Apitherapy, 8-9 March
Nattional Research CenterDokki, Giza, Egypt, 1997. |
Conference on
“Agricultural development in Fayoum Gov. and the role of different sections in its achievement”.
Fac. Agric., Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ., 20-21 June 1998. |
The 1st annual conference on
“ Sustainable Agricultural development”.
Fac.Agric., Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ., 28-30 March 2001. |
Symposium on
“Honey bee products”.
Fac. Agric., Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ., 12 Nov. 2001. |
The 2nd annual conference on
“ Sustainable Agricultural development”.
Fac. Agric., Fayoum branch, 8-10 June 2002. |
The 1st conference on
farm integrated pest management.
Fac.Agric., Fayoum, branch Cairo Univ. 19 Feb. 2003. |
The 3rd Annual Conference on
" Sustainable Agriculture development "
Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ, 12-14 Nov.2007. |
The 4th Annual Conference on
" Sustainable Agriculture development "
" Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ, 20-22 Nov.2008. |
Symposium of the world day of Apitherapy
Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ, 31 March.2009. |
The 5th Annual Conference on
" Sustainable Agriculture development "
Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ., 21-23 Dec.2009. |
The 6th Annual Conference on
" Sustainable Agriculture development "
Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ., 27-29 Dec.2010. |
The “National campaign to control Varroa parasite”. Honey bee Res. Dept., Ministry of Agric. And Land Reclamation (MALR). Egypt. 1989-1991. |
The project of “Evaluating Apistan and Bayvarol to control Varroa mite in honey bee colonies”. Honey bee Res. Dept., (MALR) Egypt, 1995.
The project of “ Developing new methods to increase and improve honey bee products”. 1995. Plant Protec. Dept., Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 1995. |
The project of “ Controlling fungal diseases of the honey bees”. Fac. Agric., Moshtohor and MALR, Egypt, 1996. |
The project of “ Developing a honey bee strain naturally resistant to Varroa mite”. Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 1994 -1996. |
The project of “ The national campaign to develop apricot cultivars in Fayoum”. Agric. Res. Center, 1994- 1996. |
The project of “ Secondary products of honey bees”. Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 2001 -2003. |
The principal investigator in the project of pesticides evaluation in controlling fruit insects at Fayoum governorate. Agric. Res. Center, June 2003. |
A member in South Cairo Sociaty for community service and environment from 1999 until now. |
For under-graduates |
Apiculture |
Economic Entomology |
Insect physiology |
Insect morphology and taxonomy |
Insect transmission of plant diseases |
For post-graduate |
Insect pollinators |
Advanced Apiculture |
Advanced insect taxonomy |
General Entomology |
Principles of beekeeping |
Honey bee biology |
Honey bees and pesticides |
Honey bee diseases and pests |
Bee,s honey production |
Bees and plant pollination |
Beekeeping processes1,2 practical |
Morphology and physiology of honey bees |
Bees wax and pollen grains production |
Propolis and bee venom production |
Standard characteristics of honeybee products |
Honeybees and its products in alternative medicine |
Production of honey bee queens . package bees and royal jelly |
Sources of nectar and pollen grains |
Improvement of honey bee breeding |
Council of the plant protection dept from 1989 until now beside being the trustee of the dept.council from1996 until2006. |
Committee of environment and community service for one years(2000 - 2001) |
Committee of education and students affairs for one years (2003-2004) |
Committee of research and postgraduate affairs for two years (2002-2003 & 2006-2007) |
Collage council from 2000-2001 & from 2006 until now |
Membership of sustainable committee of promoting associate professors and professors from Oct, until now . |
Membership of Research and postgraduate affairs council from Sep. 2009 until now |
Improving the syllabus of Economic Entomology courses for under and post graduates. |
Improving the syllabus of Techniques of honeybee and its products dept. in Libya with UNESCO.. |
I trained on different computer courses offered from (CEMARP) from July to Oct. 1995 |
I trained on different computer courses from calculating (Statistic) institute from5/3 -14/5/2000 |
I trained on scientific writing (training cycle ) in Cairo Univ press from 7/12/-19/12/1996. |
I trained on different French language: courses programs . in the years of 1995/1996 1996/1997 1997/1998 /strong> |
Ph.D., |
in Apiculture, from Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture at Fayoum, Cairo University, March 1989.
The thesis is entitled: Studies on insect pollinators, especially Osmia latreillei Spin., on certain economic crop plants at Fayoum Governorate.
The thesis is entitled: Studies on insect pollinators, especially Osmia latreillei Spin., on certain economic crop plants at Fayoum Governorate.
M.Sc., |
in Apiculture, from Economic Entomology and Pesticides Department, Faculty of Agriculture at Giza, Cairo University, June 1984.
The thesis is entitled: Studies of some activities of the honeybee colonies under the environmental conditions of Fayoum region.
The thesis is entitled: Studies of some activities of the honeybee colonies under the environmental conditions of Fayoum region.