*Participation of the College of Dentistry in the Geniuses League competition      *The Administrative Body Criterion Team Meets with Directors of the Administrative Units and Heads of Faculty’s Administrative Departments      *Congratulations to Prof. Mamoun Abdel Halim Wajih      *Discussion of the first master’s thesis at the Faculty of Dentistry.      *Opening the door for academic advising 2024-2025
First Year (General)

First semester

Course  No Course Title Hrs / week Marks


Lect Tut Lab
Final Y.Work oral Lab Total
GEN 110 English Language (1) 2 - - 40 10 - - 50 2
GEN 113 Computational Linguistics 2 - - 40 10 - - 50 2
GEN 114 Humanities 2 - - 40 10 - - 50 2
  GEN 120 Mathematics (1) 4 3 - 115 20 15 - 150 3
GEN 125 Physics (1) 4 3 2 90 25 10 25 150 3
CSC160 Introduction to Computers 4 - 4 105 15 10 20 150 3

Second semester

Course  No Course Title Hrs / week Marks


Lect Tut Lab
Final Y.Work oral Lab Total
GEN 111 English Language (2) 2 - - 40 10 - - 50 2
GEN 115 Business Administration 2 - - 40 10 - - 50 2
GEN 121 Mathematics (2) 4 3 - 95 20 10 - 125 3
GEN 126 Physics (2) 3 2 2 75 20 10 20 125 3
GEN 127 Electronics 3 2 2 75 20 10 20 125 3
CSC 150 Fundamentals of structural programming 3 - 2 90 10 10 15 125 3
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