*Participation of the College of Dentistry in the Geniuses League competition      *The Administrative Body Criterion Team Meets with Directors of the Administrative Units and Heads of Faculty’s Administrative Departments      *Congratulations to Prof. Mamoun Abdel Halim Wajih      *Holding a self-symposium entitled (Some are born twice) at the College of Dentistry      *A reception ceremony for new and old students at the College of Dentistry
Second Year (General)

First semester

Course  No Course Title Hrs / week Marks


Lect Tut Lab
Final Y.Work oral Lab Total
GEN  212 Report Writing 2 1 - 40 10 - - 50 2
GEN  222 Mathematics (3) 4 3 - 95 20 10 - 125 3
INF 270 Data Base 3 - 2 65 10 10 15 100 3
  CSC261 Logic Design 3 - 3 75 20 10 20 125 3
GEN   233 Probability and Statistics 2 2 - 75 15 10 - 100 3
INF 280 Introduction to Information Systems 3 - 2 65 10 10 15 100 3

second semester

Course  No Course Title Hrs / week Marks


Lect Tut Lab
Final Y.Work oral Lab Total
GEN 216 Professional Ethics & Legal Aspects 2 - - 40 10 - - 50 2
GEN 228 Mathematics (4) 4 3 - 95 20 10 - 125 3
INF 271 File Organization 3 - 2 65 10 10 15 100 3
GEN 234 Statistical Analysis & Applications 3 2 - 75 15 10 - 100 3
CSC 251 Object Oriented Programming 3 - 3 90 10 10 15 125 3
GEN 231 Operations Research 3 2 - 75 15 10 - 100 3
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