B.Sc. : in Civil Engineering – Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch – 1990. |
MS.C. :in Civil Engineering – Irrigation and Hydraulics – Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University – 1993 . |
Ph.D. : in Civil Engineering - Irrigation and Hydraulics – Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University – 1996 . |
Demonstrator: 1990 - 1993 |
Assistant lecturer : From 1993 To 1996
Lecturer : From 1996 To 2001
Assistant Professor : From 2001 To 2004 In Jurden
Assistant Professor : From 2005 To 2007
Professor : From 2007 Up Till Now
President of Fayoum University from 22/9/2014 to 19/9/2018 |
Acting President of Fayoum University from 3/8/2014 until 22/9/2014 |
Supervisor over maintenance works at faculties and dorms from 3/6/2013 until 22/9/2014 |
Vice President for Education and Students' Affairs from 2012 until 2014 |
Acting Vice President for Education and Students' Affairs from 2010 until 2012 |
Vice Dean for Education and Students' Affairs, Faculty of Engineering from 2008 until 2010 |
Technical Advisor to the Governor of Fayoum from 2008 until 2009 |
Vice Dean for Community Service and Environment Development, Faculty of Engineering, from 2007 until 2008 |
Deputy Director, Engineering Research and Consultancy Center, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University from 2005 – 2008 |
Director, Irrigation and Hydraulics Lab, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University from 2005 – 2009 |
Acting director, Transport Engineering Lab, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University from 2005 – 2006 |
Deputy director, Hydraulics and Health Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Fayoum Campus from 1999 until 2001. |
Sherif, M.M., Amer A.M. and Hamza, K.I., . “Modeling Groundwater Pollution from Point Sources”. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, 41(5), October 1994.
Sherif, M.M., Hamza, K.I. and Amer A.M . “A Two-Dimensional Model for Transport of Decayables in Groundwater” . Proceedings of the International Conference on “Water Management, Salinity and Pollution Control Towards Sustainable Irrigation in the Mediterranean Region”, Valenzano, Bari, Italy, Sept. 1997.
Hamza, K.I., Sherif, M.M. and Amer A.M . “A Parametric Study for Transport of Decayables in Groundwater” . Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering, Helwan University, Materia, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 167-179, March 1998.
Hamza, K.I. “Modeling Saltwater Intrusion in Multilayer Coastal Aquifers” . Proceedings of the 1st-Minia International Conference on Advanced Trends in Engineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt, pp. 263-271, March1999.
Hamza, K.I. “Pumping from Coastal Aquifers” . Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 46(3): 453-467, June 1999.
Elansary, A.S. and Hamza, K.I. “Impacts of Oxidation Pond on Groundwater Contamination”. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 46(4): 613-628, August 1999.
Elansary, A.S. and Hamza, K.I. “Simulation of Groundwater Flow Remediation at Underground Coal Gasification Sites” . Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering, Helwan University, Materia, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 374-384, March 2000.
Abed L and Hamza, K.I. “Salinity Hazard of Soil Profile in the Nile Delta of Egypt” . Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering, Helwan University, Materia, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 263-273, March 2000.
Hamza, K.I. “Scale-Dependent Dispersion Model in Porous Media” . Proceedings of the International Conference on Geoenvironment 2000 (ICG200), Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, pp. 478-488, March 2000.
Amer, F.M., Kamel, M.A. and Hamza, K.I. “Surveying Priorities of Nonconventional Water Resources, Municipal and Industrial Wastewater as Irrigated Resource” . Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, First Report, June 2000.
Hamza, K.I. and Elansary, A.S “Contaminant Transport Modeling at Underground Gasoline Tanks Sites” . 2000 Joint Conference Water Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning & Management, Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN, USA, July 30 - August 2, 2000.
Hamza, K.I. “Scale-Dependent Saltwater Intrusion Modeling” . Proceedings of the First International Conference on “Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering and Management in Arid Lands GEO 2000, Faculty of Engineering, UAE university, UAE, pp. 429-434, Nov. 2000.
Sherif M.M. and Hamza K.I. "Mitigation of Seawater Intrusion by Pumping Brackish Water" . Journal of Transport in Porous Media, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 43(1): 29-44, April 2001.
Hamza, K.I. “Modeling Nonlinearly Adsorbing Solute Transport in a Confined Aquifer Systems” . Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Resources Management in Arid Regions, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, March 2002.
Hamza, K.I. “Impact of Waste Water near Coastal Aquifer” . Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering in Arid Lands GEO2002, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Alawaji (ed.), pp.445-450, October 2002.
Hamza, K.I. “Modeling Contaminant Transport through Porous Media out of Landfills: I. Model development” . Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering in Arid Lands GEO2002, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Alawaji (ed.), pp. 415-421, October 2002.
Hamza, K.I. “Modeling Contaminant Transport through Porous Media out of Landfills: II. Model applications” . Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Aden, Yemen, pp. 367-376, December 2002.
Hamza, K.I. “Numerical Solution of the Two-Dimensional Time-Dependent Transport Equation” . Proceedings of the Fourth Specialty Conference on Environmental Progress in the Petroleum & Petrochemical Industries, Bahrain Society of Engineers, Kingdom of Bahrain, February 23-25 2004.
Hamza, K.I. “Contaminant Migration in the Saturated Soil Zone: The Effect of Nonlinearly Sorption”. Dirasat, an International Journal for Engineering Science, University of Jordan, Jordan, 31(1): 60-70, April 2004.
Hamza, K.I.“A Two-Dimensional Finite Element Model for Pollutant Transport out of Dumped Disposal sites: (2D-FEPT)” . Dirasat, an International Journal for Engineering Science, University of Jordan, Jordan, 31(1): 82-96, April 2004.
Hamza, K.I. and Elansary, A.S. “Modeling Density-Dependent Flow in Layered Aquifer Systems: I. Model development," . Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 51(4), 691-708, Aug., 2004.
Hamza, K.I. and Elansary, A.S. “Modeling Density-Dependent Flow in Layered Aquifer Systems: II. Model applications" . Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 51(5), 857-875, Oct., 2004.
Hamza, K.I. " Numerical Solution of the Two-Dimensional Transport Equation with Time-Dependent Dispersion coefficient" . Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 51(6), 1085-1097, Dec., 2004.
Hamza, K.I. “Modeling Groundwater Remediation” . Proceedings of the First Middle East International Conference on Advances in Civil, Mechanical, and Materials Engineering, University of Jordan, May, 2005.
Hamza, K.I. “Numerical Analysis of Saltwater Upconing beneath a Pumping Well” . Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, 41(1), 453-466, March 2006.
Hamza, K.I. and Aldahshoory, W.T.“Groundwater Management for Salinity under a Pumping Well near a Saline Lake” . Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, 41(2), 317-331, June 2006.
Hamza, K.I. and Aldahshoory, W.T." Modeling Density-Dependent Solute Transport below a saline Basin” . Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, 41(3), 357-374, September 2006.
Hamza, K.I. and Awdalla, N.A “Influence of Natural Recharge on Seawater Intrusion” . under publication
The international conference for water and salinity engineering and pollution control In the Mediterranean region, Italy, September 1997.
The First international conference for civil engineering, ICCE, Helwan University, Egypt, April 1998.
Minia international conference for engineering, March 1999.
The international conference for Geo-engineering, Oman, March 2000.
The Second international for civil engineering, IC0CE, Helwan University, Egypt, April 2000.
The third international conference for civil engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt, April 2000.
The international conference for water resources engineering, Kansas, USA, July/August 2000.
The international conference for Geo-engineering sciences in the dry areas, Emirates, November 2000.
The international conference for water resources management in the dry areas, Kuwait Institute for scientific researches, Kuwait, March 2002.
The international conference for Geo-engineering sciences in the dry areas, Saudi Arabia, October 2002.
The international conference for civil engineering, Aden, Yemen, December 2002.
The international conference for civil engineering, Al-Azhar University, Egypt, April 2003.
The international conference for studying the environmental effects of petroleum products, Bahrain, February 2004.
Middle-eastern international conference for civil engineering and Mechanics, Jordan, May 2005.
The international conference for water technology, Egypt, March 2006.