Amr Mohamed Refat Mohamed Gody, Speech Processing Using Wavelet Based Algrorithms  |
Nemat Sayed Abdel Kader, Amr M. Refat , ," Voiced/Unvoiced Classification using Wavelet
based algorithm", ICSPAT98. International conference of signal processing and technology |
Nemat Sayed Abdel Kader, Amr M. Gody, "Voiced/Unvoiced classification using wavelet
correlation model", ICSPAT’99 |
Nemat Sayed Abdel Kader, Amr M. Gody, "End Points Detection Using Wavelet based
Algorithm", Eurospeech , 1999  |
Nemat Sayed Abdel Kader, Amr M. Gody , "Arabic Vowel Recognition Based on
Mathimatical Classification of Wavelet Features", CLE2002,The third conference of language engineering , Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt, October 2002 |
Amr M. Gody , "Natural Hearing Model Based on Dyadic Wavelet", CLE2002, The third
conference of language engineering , Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt, October 2002
.  |
Amr M. Gody , Mohammed Abdel Fattah , "Arabic Vowel Discrimination Using Adaptive
Threshold Wavelet Algorithm",
CLE2002, The third conference of language engineering ,
Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt, October 2002
.  |
Amr M. Gody , "Graphical Phone Representation",
CLE2003,The forth conference of
language engineering , Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt, October 2003.  |
Amr M. Gody,
"Design of Wavelet based Phone Pass Filter (PPF) Using Genetic Algorithm",
The 22nd National Radio Science Conference (NRSC' 2005), Arab Academy for science andtechnology, Cairo, Egypt, March 2005  |
Amr M. Gody,
"Adaptive Speech Activity Detection Using a Wavelet Based HMM",
CLE2005,The forth conference of language engineering , Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt,September 2005 |
Amr M. Gody,
"End Points Detection Widget",
CLE2006,The fifth conference of
language engineering , Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt, December 2006
Tamer M. Barakat, Amr M. Gody,
"Hybrid Secure Random Key predistribution
Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks",
The 2007 international conference
on computer engineering & systems (ICCES’07), Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt,
November 2007 |
Amr M. Gody,
"Human Hearing Mechanism Codec (HHMC)",
CLE2007,The sixth
conference of language engineering , Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt, December 2007
Tamer M. Barakat, Amr M. Gody
“ Security Analysis of HSRK Pre-distribution Scheme
for Wireless Sensor Networks,”
accepted in the Third IEEE International Conference on
Wireless Communications and Sensor Networks (WCSN’07 ). (Not published yet)
Tamer M. Barakat, Amr M. Gody
“ Enhanced Security of Wireless Sensor Networks using
Immunized Public-key Cryptosystem Against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack,”
published in ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security
(ASIACCS'08) ( waiting for notification).
Amr M. gody,
"Wavelet Packets Best Tree 4 Points Encoded (BTE) Features",
The Eighth
Conference on Language Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt, December
2008  |
Amr M. gody,
" Voiced/Unvoiced and Silent Classification Using HMM Classifier Based
on Wavelet Packets BTE Features",
The Eighth Conference on Language Engineering,
Ain-Shams University, Cairo Egypt, December 2008