Jointly, the Faculty of Agriculture and the Egyptian Society
of Animal Production (ESAP) organized the 15th Egyptian Society of
Animal Production Conference. The conference was held on Thursday, April 28,
2011 under the auspices of Professor Ahmed El Gohary, President of Fayoum
The event opened with a welcome speech delivered by the
Faculty Dean who wished the conference a great success. I hope that meeting will
help enhance scientific research in the field of animal production," he said.
Following, Professor Ashraf Hesham Barkoky, chair of ESAP's
board, took the floor and delivered his remark in which he sent cables of thanks
to the University President and the Faculty Dean for sponsoring the conference.
It is worth mentioning that the conference discussed 28
research papers in subjects of nutrition, animal physiology, poultry production
and fish.
The conference also featured a poster session in which nine
researchers in the field of animal production
illustrated their research methods and outcomes.
Moreover, the event concluded with a prize giving ceremony
for the best three posters. The winning posters were the ones submitted by:
Mr. Ahmed Emam, a research assistant at the Animal Production
Research Institute (APRI), who came first and got prize money of 1550 EGP.
Mr. Mohammad El-Sabry, an assistant lecturer at the Faculty
of Agriculture, Cairo University, who came second and won prize money of 1250
Mr. Mohammad Ali Radwan, an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of
Agriculture, Cairo University, who came third and won prize money of 1000 EGP.