*I failed in Dentistry - the first day of admission in a medical conference in the village of Lahore      *Appointment of Prof. Sherif El-Attar as Vice President of Fayoum University for Education and Student Affairs      *Council of Conservation Department      * Council of Islamic Archaeology Department      * Council of Egyptology Department
Prof.Dr. Naglaa AbdElKhalek Ahmed ElSherbiny
Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6300587                          
Fax number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: nas02@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: 4th floor - Department Community - Medicine Faculty
Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Medicine - Ceneral Medicine Department (Public Health)- POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Medicine & Surgery - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - 1993
M. Sc.: Public Health - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - 1999
Ph. D.: Public Health - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - 2005
Diploma of Health Professions Education (DHPE) - Faculty of Medicine - Suez Canal University - Egypt (Sept., 2008- Oct., 2009) with honors.
• Professional Diploma in Clinical Nutrition - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University–Egypt (Nov., 2009-Dec., 2010).
Academic Positions
Lecturer: from 2007 to 2012
Assistant Professor : from 2012 to 2017
Professor : from 2017 Until Now
Academic Position
Professor of Public Health & Head of Public Health Dept. – Faculty of Medicine – Fayoum University (2012 till now).
Member of Quality Assurance Unit in Faculty of Medicine – Fayoum University (2008 till 2011).
Head of Quality Assurance Unit in Fayoum Teaching Hospital – Fayoum University (2013 till 2015).
Quality Consultant for Quality Unit in Fayoum Teaching Hospital (2016-till now)
Member of Infection Control Unit in Fayoum Teaching Hospital- Fayoum University (2012 till now).
Member of Research ethics committee in Fayoum University (2010 till now).
Course Director of TCTP “Management of health facilities in African Countries” (JICA office-Cairo) (2017)
Course Director of TCTP “TQM for health facilities in African Countries” (JICA office-Cairo) (2013-2015)
Course Co-ordinator of TCTP “Control of Cross Hospital Infection for Middle East” (JICA office-Cairo) (2012-2015).
Course Co-ordinator of TCTP “TQM for health facilities in African Countries” (JICA office-Cairo) (2010-2012)
Course Director of the (TCTP) “Woman’s Health for Yemen” (JICA office-Cairo) (2008-2009).
Member of the Egyptian Nutrition Board (2015)
Research Interests
Nutrition & Alternative Medicine
Chronic Non Communicable Disease
Reproductive Health (Maternal & Child Health)
Employment History
February 2012 January, 2017: Associate Professor of Public Health – Responsible for the Public Health Department – Faculty of Medicine – Fayoum University.
March 2007- January 2012: Lecturer of Public Health – Faculty of Medicine – Fayoum University.
1. Teaching fourth grade undergraduate students the curriculum of public health in Faculty of Medicine- Fayoum University (2007 till now).
2. Sharing in the practical teaching & field visits for the fourth grade undergraduate students for primary health care in rural & urban (2007 till now).
3. Teaching Postgraduate students (Master-Doctorate Degrees) the curriculum of public health in Faculty of Medicine- Fayoum University (2010 till now).
4. Teaching third grade undergraduate students the curriculum of public health in Faculty of Science- Fayoum University (2012).
5. Teaching first grade undergraduate students the curriculum of public health in Faculty of Social Works- Fayoum University (2008-2015).
6. Teaching first grade undergraduate students the curriculum of public health in Faculty of Tourists - Fayoum University (2008-2015).
7. Teaching undergraduate nursing student’s public health, nutrition, infectious diseases and health education for first and second grade in nursing institute.
8. Teaching in the open education the first grade students the curriculum of public health in Faculty of Social Works and Tourism- Fayoum University (2008-2014).
November 2006--- April 2008
National Consultant of Training in HCI (Health Care International) in collaboration with Takamol Project USAID Cairo, EGYPT. Training of primary health care physicians and nurses on Reproductive Health Activities in the different governorates.
February 2000 – May 2006 MCH Department MOHP Healthy Mother/Healthy Child Project Cairo, Egypt.
MCH Department
1. Supervision of the maternal and child health units in the different governorates to assess and evaluate all the activities in those units.
2. Training of primary health care physicians and nurses on Maternal and Child Health Department (MCHD) Activities in the different governorates.
3. Reviewing monthly data forms on vitamin A, preparing distribution forms on governorates, follow-up on entries and analysis of data.
Health Information Unit
1. Supervision, assessment and evaluation of the maternal and child health unit’s activities in the different governorates.
2. Sharing in data analysis in the information unit.
1996 – January 2000 National Nutrition Institute Cairo, Egypt.
1. Assessment of child nutritional status.
2. Sharing in the underweight and obesity clinic.
3. Sharing in the organization of the National Conference on the Nutrition Situation of Micro-nutrients in Egypt (1996).
4. Sharing in organization of XVIII IVACG meeting in Cairo “Sustainable Control of Vitamin A Deficiency Defining Progress through Assessment Surveillance and Evaluation” (1997).
February 1995 – 1996 GP in MCH Unit, Cairo, Egypt.
March 1994 – February 1995 House Officer Training Program Cairo University Hospital – Egypt.
Academic Research Work
Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “ Importance of self-care management in Egyptian Diabetic patients with type 2 diabetes” (2016).
Sharing in the research work with the Cardiology Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Association between bisphenol (A) exposure and dilated cardiomyopathy” (2016).
Sharing in the research work with the Dermatology Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Prevalence and risk factors of scabies in Sinuris district primary schools” (2015).
  Sharing in the research work with the Dermatology Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Pediculosis capitis among primary school children in Minofyia Governorate” (2014).
Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Doctorate thesis entitled “Health promotion of women at risk of obesity- an intervention study” (2014).
Sharing in the research work with the Parasitology Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Prevalence of Malaria infection in some localities of Fayoum governorate” (2014).
  Sharing in the research work with the Chest Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among women using biomas fuels in some rural areas of Fayoum Governorate” (2014).
  Sharing in the research work with the Tropical Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “The epidemiological and clinical features of hepatocellular carcinoma patients in Fayoum Governorate” (2014).
Sharing in the research work with the Dermatology Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Epidemiological study of scabies among primary school children in Fayoum Governorate” (2014).
Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Doctorate thesis entitled “Role of nutrition education in improving knowledge, attitude and practice among adolescent girls” (2014).
  Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Doctorate thesis entitled “Assessment of work system at internal medicine and general surgery clinics in Fayoum University Hospital” (2014).
  Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Utilization pattern of antenatal care services among a group of women in Fayoum Governorate” (2014).
  Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Doctorate thesis entitled “Investigation of sustainable efforts to eliminate poliomyelitis in Egypt” (2013).
  Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Doctorate thesis entitled “Improvement of medical students' academic achievement through develops a training program for junior staff to change student's attitudes about attending faculty classes” (2013).
Sharing in the research work with the Dermatology Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Tinea Capitis in Fayoum city elementary school children, incidence and aetiology” (2013).
  Sharing in the research work with the Dermatology Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Pediculosis capitis among primary school children in Fayoum Governorate” (2012).
  Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Doctorate thesis entitled “Study of hypertension among university students” (2012).
  Sharing in the research work with the Forensic Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Medico legal aspects of malpractice under anaesthesia in Fayoum Governorate “A Retrospective study” (2011).
Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Schistosoma Haematobium time changes in Fayoum Governorate” (2010).
Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Promotion of knowledge and attitude towards premarital care. An interventional study among medical student in Fayoum University” (2010).
Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Assessment of learning styles of medical students and teaching skills of staff members in Cairo and Fayoum Universities” (2010).
  Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “Stress profile among Fayoum University students” (2010).
Sharing in the research work of the Department as supervisor of the Master thesis entitled “KAP study in Brucellosis among personal in direct contact with animals in Fayoum Governorate” (2008).
  Sharing in the National Maternal Mortality Surveillance System in Egypt MCH-MOHP (2004).
  Epidemiological profile, prevention, and control plan for stroke patients attending Cairo University Teaching Hospitals. This is my thesis in Medical Doctorate degree in Public Health (2004).
  Sharing in the research of detection of under 5 mortality causes in El Fashin Beni-seuf Governorate MCH-MOHP (2003).
. Sharing in National Low Birth Weight Research MCH-MOHP (2003).
  Zooming in Naturalistic Preventive Approach in Community Medicine. Alternative Medicine, that include “diet, nutrition, physical activities, mind-body control, hydrotherapy, and detoxification”, with their clinical implication in various diseases. This is my thesis in master degree in Public Health (1999).
Ethics of scientific research (FLDC) Fayoum University (Jun., 21-23, 2014).
Management of research team (FLDC) Fayoum University (Jun., 7-9, 2014).
Methods of evaluation and examinations (FLDC) Fayoum University (May, 17-19, 2014).
  Professional Behaviours (FLDC) Fayoum University (Apr., 26-28, 2014).
  Fundamentals of quality management of the educational process (FLDC) Fayoum University (Apr., 22-24, 2014).
Academic advising and students support (FLDC) Fayoum University (Apr., 5-7, 2014).
  Middle East Research Ethics Training Initiative in collaboration with University of Maryland Cairo (March 11-14, 2013).
  CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative IRB Training English International Modules Curriculum (Nov. 2012).
Communication Skills (FLDP) Fayoum University (Jun, 7-9, 2011).
Credit Hour System (FLDP) Fayoum University (May, 24-26, 2011).
  International Publishing of Research (FLDP) Fayoum University (Mar, 22-24, 2011).
Examination System and Student Evaluation (FLDP) Fayoum University (Mar, 12-14, 2011).
University Administration (FLDP) Fayoum University (Oct, 2-4, 2010).
  Financial and Legal Aspects in Universities (FLDP) Fayoum University (Jan, 10-11, 2010).
Quality and Accreditation (FLDP) Fayoum University (May, 22-24, 2007).
. Time and Conference Management (FLDP) Fayoum University (May, 19-21, 2007).
  Effective Presentation Skills (FLDP) Fayoum University (May, 15-17, 2007).
  Evaluation of Teaching & Students (FLDP) Fayoum University (May, 12-14, 2007).
  University Program for Preparing Lecturer Fayoum University (Apr., 15-May,7, 2007).
Computer Skills program for Lecturer in Fayoum University (Apr., 2-14, 2007).
Advanced Evidence Based Medicine Program for Practicing Clinicians Course Pathfinder International – Tahseen Project (Dec., 10-15, 2005).
  Health Sector Reform Program (HSRP) Capacity Building Program “Leadership and Management Development Program” Cairo (Dec., 7, 2003 – May, 11, 2004).
Private Health Care: Developing Successful Policies and Programs in Stowe, Vermont USA. (Oct.,14-24,2003) (Harvard School of Public Health).8).
  Research Methods for guiding policy and Evaluation in population and Health in Social Research Center (AUC) (May4th - July 24, 2003).
Participated in the Human Resource Management Seminar “System Development & Problem Solving Techniques” (WHO) Cairo from (June,22-26, 2002)..
Management Training of Senior Cairo from (Mar.,17- Apr., 1,2002) (IIE)..
  Development & Management Training Project Hope & University of Alabama/Birmingham – USA (Apr.,2001) through the internet.
Control of Acute Respiratory Infections and Diarrhoeal Disease (HM/HC Project Cairo (Feb.,2001).
Detection of Handicapping in Children, National Council for Childhood & Motherhood Cairo (Apr., 2000).
  SPSS win (16th May 2nd June 1998) in Research and statistical Institute Cairo University.
  Active participation as Trainer (Resource person) in the “KAIZEN Seminar for pilot hospital” in Egypt from October, 17th to 20th2016.
Active participation as Trainer (Resource person) in the “5S-KAIZEN-TQM approaches for hospital’s in Egypt from April, 18th to 21th2016.
Active participation as Trainer with Mr. Sunil Gamage expert from Sri-Lanka,in cooperation with JICA as a trainer for “Tips of 5S implementation for nursing staff” . 20-24 March 2016 in Fayoum University Teaching Hospitals.
  Active participation as TCTP Course Director in the Survey team (JICA) to Ghana from March 2nd to 5th2016, to evaluate the course of the TQM for health care facilities for the previous 3 years.
  Change management for hospitals through stepwise approach 5S-KAIZEN-TQM – JICA (February -10th 2016) in Cairo.
  Active participation as Trainer (Resource person) in the TCTP on 5S-TQM-CQI implementation in Sri Lanka from Nov., 3th to 9th2015.
  Active participation as TCTP Course Director in the Survey team (JICA) to Sri lanka from January 18th to 22nd2015, to inspect the hospitals applying 5S.
  Active participation in “Developing a personality of leadership” workshop at DAAD Kairo Akademie (Oct., 27, 2014).
Active participation in “Quality Improvement of Health Services by 5S-KAIZEN-TQM (A) Workshop in Japan & Tanzania (Nov., 24-Dec., 7, 2013).
  Active participation in Research Ethics and Good Clinical Practice, Global Ethics Education Initiative (GEEI): Cairo workshop in research ethics (Mar. 11-14, 2013).
   Active participation in “ICH-GCP Overview Workshop for investigators” in Faculty of Medicine –Beni Sueif University (Dec., 19, 2010).
Active participation in “Institutional Self Evaluation for Higher Education” in the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Education (NAQAAE) Cairo – Egypt (Dec.,6-10 , 2009).
Active participation in “External Audit of the Institutions of Higher Education” in the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Education (NAQAAE) Cairo – Egypt (Nov.,8-12 , 2009).
  Active participation in 23rd Internaional Workshop on “Community –Based Education Incorporating Problem Based Learning innovative approaches” in CRD, FOM-SCU Ismailia (Mar., 15-19,2009).
  Active participation in Workshop on the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Education “Accreditation (NAQAAE\LCME)” Cairo – Egypt (Jan., 6th, 2009).
Active participation in Workshop on “How to Prepare Course Specification of the Department” in Faculty of Medicine - Fayoum University (Jun., 25, 2008).
   Active participation in Workshop on “How to Prepare Vision & Mission of the Faculty” in Fayoum University (Apr., 2, 2008).
  Active participation in Workshop on “Prospective View on Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health Integrated Services in Egypt” in Sharm El-Sheikh (Dec., 26-28, 2005).
Active participation in Workshop on Iodized Salt in National Training Center Cairo Egypt (Sept., 27-29, 2005).
Active participation in 4th International Workshop on “Innovative Marketing Communications (IMC-4) Promoting and Selling Training and Services in a Competitive Global Market” Cairo, Egypt: (SPAAC “Human Empowerment Centre” (HEC)- (AUC “Institute of Management Development (IMD) (Feb., 5-11,2005).
  Active participation in Workshop on Implementation of National Postpartum Care Guideline Cairo, Egypt. (Sept., 29-30, 2004).
   Active participation in Workshop on Reproductive Health, Family Planning Counselling Cairo, Egypt. (Dec., 20-25, 2003).
  Active participation in Workshop Training on Communication, Planning for Micronutrient Programs (CDC/ WHO) Cyprus-(Mar., 2002).
 Active participation in Workshop on Family Health Surveillance Program Implementation, Data Analysis & Application in Policy Design (Arab League) (Nov., 3 – 8, 2001).
   The First Annual Conference of Community, Enviromental and Occuptional Medicine Zagazik University “Alliance for better health: Global perspective and local Challenges” in Ein Sokna - Egypt (April, 4-5, 2016).
  The First Seminar “Enhance preparedness and response capacities to Zika virus infection” Public Health Department Kasr Al-Aini in collaboration with MOHP and WHO -Cairo- Egypt (March, 30-31, 2016).
The second international Public health conference “Health Promotion: Integrated Life Cycle Approach” Kasr ElAiny -Cairo- Egypt (June, 3-4, 2015). (Share as a Speaker with Poster Presentation).
  The “2nd International Congress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases” November 17-19, 2014 Chicago, USA. (Share as a Speaker with an Oral Presentation).
   The first international conference of Public health and community medicine Dept.,“Preventive Medicine: An Integrated Approach” Kasr ElAiny -Cairo- Egypt (May, 11-12, 2014). (Share as a Speaker with Poster Presentation)
   The 9th Annual Meeting of “The Egyptian Medical Association for the study of Obesity” Cairo- Egypt (May 31-June 1, 2012). (Share as a Speaker with an Oral Presentation).
  The 7th Annual Meeting of “The Egyptian Medical Association for the study of Obesity” Cairo- Egypt (Feb., 4-5, 2010).
  The Fifth International Psychiatry Conference “Challenges in the Outcome of Psychiatric Disorders” Jeddah-Saudi Arabia (April, 28-30, 2009).
The Second Annual Meeting for Mubarak Police Academy for Physical and Cultural Activities from Egyptian Universities with a title of “No Smoking” Cairo –Egypt (Feb., 25,2009).
  The 6th Annual Meeting of “The Egyptian Medical Association for the study of Obesity” Cairo- Egypt (Feb., 5-6, 2009).
  The National Conference on “Enhancing Medical Education related to HIV and AIDS” in Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV\AIDS) (18th Dec.2008).
The National Conference on “Safe Motherhood and Millennium Goals “MCH MOHP Cairo- Egypt (May, 12, 2005).
  The 11th Annual Congress of Pediatrics Department Ain Shams University “New Frontiers in Pediatrics “Cairo- Egypt (Mar., 3-4, 2005).
  The First Medical & Scientific Conference, “Early Detection of Causes of Disability & Blood Diseases Thalassemia” Nasser Institute Hospital Cairo- Egypt (Feb., 21, 2005).
   IBFAN Conference about breast feeding MOHP Cairo- Egypt (2003).
  National Maternal Mortality Study Egypt 2000 MOHP Cairo- Egypt (Feb., 2002).
   Participated in Advanced Paediatric Emergencies Conference Paediatric Department Faculty of Medicine El Azhar University Cairo- Egypt (2001).
  Course Co-ordinator of the Fifth Mutual Learning of Control of Cross Hospital Infection for Middle East (Nov.15th 2015 – Dec.17th 2015) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA)- Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Course director of the Seventh group of 3rd Country Training Program (TCTP) “Total Quality Management for Health Care Facilities for Africa” (Aug. 30th – Sept., 17th 2015) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA) - Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Course director of the Sixth group of 3rd Country Training Program (TCTP) “Total Quality Management for Health Care Facilities for Africa” (Feb. 8th – Feb. 26th 2015) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA) - Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Course Co-ordinator of the Fourth Mutual Learning of Control of Cross Hospital Infection for Middle East (Dec. 28th 2014 – Jan.29th 2015) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA)- Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  Course director of the Fifth group of 3rd Country Training Program (TCTP) “Total Quality Management for Health Care Facilities for Africa” (Feb. 9th – Feb. 27th 2014) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA) - Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
 Course Co-ordinator of the Third Mutual Learning of Control of Cross Hospital Infection for Middle East (Dec. 22nd 2013 – Jan.16th 2014) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA)- Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  Course Co-ordinator of the Second Mutual Learning of Control of Cross Hospital Infection for Middle East (Dec. 2nd – Dec. 28th 2012) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA)- Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Course Co-ordinator of the Fourth group of 3rd Country Training Program (TCTP) “Total Quality Management for Health Care Facilities for Africa” (Jan. 8th – Jan. 30th 2012) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA)- Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Course Co-ordinator of the Third group of the 3rd Country Training Program (TCTP) “Total Quality Management for Health Care Facilities for Africa” (Dec. 11th2011 – Jan. 1st 2012) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA)- Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  Course Co-ordinator of the Second group of the 3rd Country Training Program (TCTP) “Total Quality Management for Health Care Facilities for Africa” (Jan. 9th – Jan. 30th 2011) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA)- Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Participate in the training of agronomists on the program "Early detection of disability in children" and organized by the University of Fayoum in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural Extension Department of Agriculture in Fayoum in November (2010).
General Co-ordinator of the 3rd Student Conference for Food Safety Entitled “Food Safety Substitute for Medication” (May 10, 2010).
  Course Co-ordinator of the First group of the 3rd Country Training Program (TCTP) “Total Quality Management for Health Care Facilities for Africa” (Jan. 19th – Feb. 11th 2010) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA) and Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa (EFTCA)- Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  Assistant in Co-ordination of the 13+1 “International course for clinical immunology for infectious diseases (ICCI)” (Oct. 20th – Nov.24th 2009) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA).
  Participate in the training of agronomists on the program "Early detection of disability in children" and organized by the University of Fayoum in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural Extension Department of Agriculture in Fayoum in November (2009).
  Sharing in health education campaign of Fayoum University about preventive measures of swine influenza in the different college (Oct., 2009).
  Course Director of the second course Third Country Training Program (TCTP) “Woman’s Health for Yemen” (June 1st to July 13th 2009) Organized by Fayoum University in Collaboration with (JICA).
 Sharing in Fayoum University Conference about swine influenza (May, 2009).
  Sharing in the health education campaign of premarital counselling in child college (Apr., 2009).
General Co-ordinator of the 2nd Student Conference for Combating Obesity Entitled “Community awareness about obesity hazards” (April, 8, 2009).
General Co-ordinator of the 1st Student Conference for Combating Smoking Entitled “Fayoum University without Smoking” (April, 16, 2008).
 Course Director of the First course Third Country Training Program (TCTP) “Woman’s Health for Yemen” (October 20th to December 1st 2008) Organized by Fayoum and Suez Canal Universities in Collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
  Assistant Co-ordinator of the Final Seminar of the Asia-Africa Knowledge Co-Creation Program (AAKCP)”Total Quality Management for Better Hospital Services, A Holistic Approach to Utilizing Existing Resources” (29th October-3rd November 2008).
  Egyptian Association of Community Medicine
  Egyptian Medical Syndicate.
  Cairo Medical Syndicate.
Unrestricted license to practice Medicine & Surgery in Egypt, with special Qualification in Public Health and Nutrition.
Honors /Awards
Certificate of appreciation from Fayoum University for Scientific Publishing Award, (2016).
  Certificate of appreciation from Fayoum University for Scientific Publishing Award, (2015).
  Certificate of appreciation from Fayoum University for Scientific Publishing Award, (2014).
Certificate of appreciation from Fayoum University for Convoy of comprehensive development in collaboration with the province of Fayoum and the (NGOs) Friends of Misr El-khair, (2013).
  Certificate of appreciation from Fayoum University for Scientific Publishing Award, (2012).
Certificate of appreciation from Fayoum Rotary Club for efforts and assistance of civic education program, (2011-2012).
  Certificate of appreciation from (NGOs) Salah Addin Ayoubi Association charity (Fayoum Governorate) for cooperation and help in orphans and poor service Assembly (2011).
General medical syndicate: Distinguished Achievement in Healthcare (2002).
Fluent Arabic and English.
Other Skills
IBM literate with knowledge of word processing. Power Point, Excel, data entry, and statistical analysis on SPSS
Prevalence of primary headache disorders in Fayoum Governorate, Egypt
A comprehensive assessment of the physical, nutritional, and psychological health status of the elderly populace in the Fayoum Governorate (Egypt)
Epidemiological Comparative Study of Pediculosis Capitis Among Primary School Children in Fayoum and Minofiya Governorates, Egypt
Changing in the Epidemiology of Tinea Capitis among School Children in Egypt.
The fundamental role of educational intervention on improving health care workers’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards infection control precautions
Perception of Food Safety and Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella species Carriers among Fayoum University Food handlers
Assessment of hepatitis knowledge and attitudes among Fayoum University students: a cross-sectional study, Fayoum, Egypt
Assessment of public awareness about body measurements among Fayoum population
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among women using biomass fuels in some rural areas of Fayoum governorate
The Validity of Rapid Malaria Test and Microscopy in Detecting Malaria in a Preelimination Region of Egypt
Patient’s a Health Care Provider Satisfactions with Out- Patients Clinics System in Fayoum University Hospital
Promotion of knowledge and attitude towards premarital care: An interventional study among medical student in Fayoum University
A study of travel medicine among National and International travellers in Egypt
Knowledge and Attitude towards Smoking among Fayoum University Students
Awareness of Stroke in Adults and Pediatrics among Fayoum University Hospital Workers and Medical Students
Characteristics of women smoking in water pipe cafes in Cairo, Egypt
Exploring fayoum (Upper Egypt) preparatory school students’ and teachers’ attitude towards obesity as health risk
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