*Students of the Faculty of Specific Education Participate in the Parade of the Student for Egypt Family Carnival (Egypt can ... with its youth)           *Within Fayoum Treasures Initiative: Awareness Seminar under the Slogan "Know Your Country"           *Heartfelt Congratulations      *Result of Students’ Participation in the Fifth Creativity Forum of the Faculties of Specific Education in Egyptian Universities      *Faculty Council Meeting No. (214)     


    An open meeting for the members of the faculties with Prof. Dr. President of the university  

   Pro.Dr. Kalead Ismail Hamza – the president of the university - invites all faculties members of the university to attend an open meeting with him to discuss all issues that related to the university to be in order to the organization of the educational process. This open meeting will be on Sunday 1/10/2017 at 11:30 am in the Great Hall of Ceremonies in the university administration building.

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