B. Sc.: Electrical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Qatar University - 2000. |
Diploma in E-Commerce - Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University - 2001. |
Diploma in Information Technology (Software Development) - Information Technology Institute - 2002. |
M. Sc.: Computer Science & Engineering Department - Faculty of Electronic Engineering - Menofia University - 2005. |
Ph.D: Computer Science & Engineering Department - Faculty of Electronic Engineering - Menofia University - 2009. |
Professor: Information SystemsDepartment, Faculty ofInformation & Computer Science, Fayoum University,2020. |
Associate Professor: Information SystemsDepartment, Faculty ofInformation & Computer Science, Fayoum University,2015-2016. |
Assistant Professor: Information SystemsDepartment, Faculty ofInformation & Computer Science, Fayoum University,2009-2015. |
Assistant Professor: Faculty ofMass Communication, Cairo University,2013. |
Post-Doc at FreieUniversity,Berlin, Germany, 2011-2012 |
Associate Professor: Faculty of Business Administration,CIC, 2010-2011. |
Associate Professor: Internet & Multimedia Department, International Academy for Engineering & Media Science, 2010-2011. |
Lecturer: Faculty ofContinuing Education, AUC, 2006-2008. |
Lecturer:Information Technology Institute, ITI,2004-2008. |
Lecturer: Internet & Multimedia Department, IAEMS, 2005-2009. |
Assistant Lecturer: Internet & Multimedia Department, IAEMS. From 2002-2005 |
Vice Dean for Students Affairs of Faculty of Computers & Information,Fayoum University. |
Chief Information Officer(CIO), Fayoum University from 2014 till now.
Founder and Chairman of the Arabic Semantic Web Research Group (ASWRG), 2016. |
Member of the National IT Committee, Higher Ministry of Education, 2015. |
Member of the Executive Board of the Electronic services and knowledgeCenter, Higher Ministry of Education,2015.
Marketing IT Manager(ICTP), Higher Ministry of Education 2013. |
IT Consultant for the Information & Communication Technology Projects,2012. |
Marketing IT Manager(ICTP), Higher Ministry of Education 2011.
The Scientific Advisor for Student’s Union 2010-2011.
Member of the National IT Committee, Higher Ministry of Education 2010.
Training IT Manager,Fayoum University,2009.
Director of the training project on the use of information technology systems and the university "ICTP" |
Executive Director of Information at the University of Fayoum for a period of two years starting from 27/01/2014
to 31/8/2019. |
Haytham AL-Feel
"The Roadmap for the Arabic Chapter of DBpedia"
14th International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics (TELE-INFO '15), Sliema, Malta, August 17-19, 2015  |
HodaMokhtarHaytham AL-FeelAhmed Slama Ismail"Querying DBpedia Using HIVE-QL"
14th International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics (TELE-INFO '15), Sliema, Malta, August 17-19, 2015 |
HodaMokhtarHaytham AL-FeelAhmed Slama Ismail"Bridging the Gap for Retrieving DBpedia Data"
The Fourth International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development, Lodz University of Technology (IEEE), Poland,2015. |
H. Al-Feel
"A Step towards the Arabic DBpedia,"
International Journal of Computer Applications-IJCA 80 (3), 27-33, 2013. |
H. Al-Feel, R Schafermeier, A Paschke
"An Inter-lingual Reference Approach For Multi-Lingual Ontology Matching"
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 2, No 1, March 2013 ISSN: 1694-0814 |
H. Al-Feel and M.Khafagy
"Distributed Ontology Cloud Storage System,"
IEEE Second Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications, NCCA 2012, Pp 48-52,2012 |
H Al-Feel and M.Khafagy
"OCSS: Ontology Cloud Storage System,"
IEEE First International Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications, NCCA, pp 9-13,2011
H Al-Feel and M.Khafagy
"Search content via Cloud Storage System," IJCSI Volume 8, Issue 6, November 2011. |
H. Al-Feel, M. A. Koutb, and H. Sorour,
"Toward an Agreement on Semantic Web Architecture,"
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, Dubai, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, France, , pp. 806-810, 2009.
H. Al-Feel, M. A .Koutb, and H. Sorour,
"Toward A Semantic Web That Extends Web 2.0"
in Proceedings of the 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, AUC, Egypt, 2009.
H. Al-Feel, M. A. Koutb, and H. Sorour,
" Semantic Web on Scope: A New Architectural Model for the Semantic Web,"Journal of Computer Science, New York, USA, vol. 4, pp. 613-624, 2008. |
H. Al-Feel, M. A. Koutb, and H. Sorour,
" An Overview for E-learning From A Traditional System To A Semantic Web Based Application,"in Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of New Media, IAEMS, Egypt, , pp. 511-534, 2008. |
H. Al-Feel, M. A. Koutb, and H. Sorour,
" The Suitable Schema for the Semantic Web, A Comparative Study between DTD & XML Schema," Journal of Advances in Computer Science, vol. 2, pp. 85-90, 2008.
H. Al-Feel, M. A. Koutb, and H. Sorour,
" Towards Global Semantic Web: XML on Scope as a Case Study," Journal of Advances in Computer Science, vol. 2, pp. 91-102, 2008. |
H. Al-Feel, H.M.Kelash, M.A.Koutb and F.A.Amer,
" Step By Step E-learning Application,"in Proceedings of the 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, AUC, Egypt, 2005. |
H. Al-Feel, H.M.Kelash, M.A.Koutb and F.A.Amer,
" E-learning Concept, Implementation and Standardization,"in Proceedings of Digimedia 2005, Information Technology Institute, Egypt, 2005. |
Haytham AL-Feel" Towards the Protection of TV Content Using SDRM,"JCIT: Journal of Convergence Information Technology (ISSN: 1975-9320) |
Haytham AL-FeelAhmed Slama Ismail
" DLRS on Hadoop Framework,"AISS: Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences(ISSN: 1976-3700). |
Haytham Al-Feel, Semantic-Based Digital Rights Management System for TV Broadcasting, 2015 IEEE Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC 2015),China,Accepted. |
Haytham Al-Feel,Ahmed Salama,"Digital Library Recommender System on Hadoop",IEEE NCCA, Germany, 2015 |
Semantic Web, Ontology, DBpedia, E-learning, Big Data. |
Publisher and the responsible for the Arabic Chapter of DBpedia ar.dbpedia.org. |
Contribute as the CIO to the advancement of the global order of Fayoum University from 3416 in Jan 2015 to 2456 July 2015. |
Establishment of the Arabic DBpedia Chapter, 2015 (Under Test). |
Establishment of Fayoum University Information Center, 2015-2016. |
Establishment of Fayoum University Data Center, 2014-2015. |
Award from TIEC for the supervisionof the Mobile Cloud Computing graduation project,2014. |
The Best Idea for a TV program, Cairo Radio and Television Channel,2014. |
The Best Idea for a TV program, Arab Satellite Channels Festival, 2013. |
Establishment of the Marketing of IT Project, Higher Ministry of Education,2011. |
Award from the Electronic services and knowledge Center according to the participation in the preparation of the educational content of the MIS Project,2011. |
Participate in the Writing of Cultura Project with four European Universities in the EU-FP7,2012. |
Award from the Information & Communication Technology Project, 2010-2011. |
Participate in the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project in Faculty of Computers & Information, Fayoum University,2009-2010. |
Award from theCentral Unit for Training in Information and Communication Technology, as the Best IT Training Project in the Egyptian Universities,2009-2010. |
Member of the Strategic Committee of Fayoum University,2015-2016. |
Member of the IT Training Center Committee, Fayoum University,2015-2016. |
Judge at Google- MCIT initiative (Empowering Mobile apps Innovation and Entrepreneurship) 2016. |
Judge at Google- MCIT initiative (Empowering Mobile apps Innovation and Entrepreneurship) 2015. |
Judge at IBTIECAR 2014, Technology Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Center. |
Member of the Cultural Committee, Faculty of Computers & Information, Fayoum University2013-2015 |
Member of the Libraries Committee, Faculty of Computers & Information, Fayoum University 2014-2015. |
Member of the Faculty Main Committee, 2013-2014 |
Political & Cultural Advisor for the Students Union, Faculty of Computers & Information, Fayoum University, 2013. |
Presenter at the Internet Security Initiative (Microsoft & Higher Ministry of Education), 2013. |
Idea Creator of Egypt Future Initiative (ICTP, Higher Ministry of Education),2011. |
Participate in the preparation the training content for MIS project, Higher Ministry of Education,2011 |
Member of the Community Service and Environment DevelopmentCommittee, Faculty of Computers & Information, Fayoum University,2010. |
Member of the Students Election Committee, Faculty of Computers & Information, Fayoum University, 2011. |
Dr.Mohamed Salem Minister of Communications 2011-2012, Egypt.
Prof.Dr.KhaledHamzaPresident of Fayoum University kih00@fayoum.edu.eg |
Prof.Dr.NabilaHasan Dean of Faculty of Computers &Information,Fayoum University
Prof.Dr.AdrianPaschke Chair of the Corporate Semantic Web, Freie University, Berlin