*Participation of the College of Dentistry in the Early EADS Competition      *Council of Conservation Department      * Council of Islamic Archaeology Department      * Council of Egyptology Department      * The Library Committee
Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Ali Hassan
Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: maa22@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Agriculture - Botany Department Building - 3th Floor
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Botany Department -
POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Agricultural Sciences - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - 1996
M. Sc.: in Plant virology - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute - 2000
Ph. Ph.D.: in Plant Protection, curriculum in Plant Virology - Czech University of Agriculture - 2006
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1997 To 2001
Assistant Lecturer: From 2001 To 2007
Lecturer: From 2007 To 2013
Assistant Professor : From 2013 Up Til Now
Research Interests
Diagnosis of Fruit Tree Viruses
Molecular Characte Rization and Diagnostics For Economically Important Tospoviruses and Geminiviruses in Egypt
Genetic Diversity and Evolution Of Plant Viruses and Viroids
New Aspects In Plant Pathology
List of Publications
Hassan, M., Rysanek, P., Di Serio, F., 2003. First Report of Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid infecting peach trees in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease 87, 1235
Ismaeil F., Al-Jabor K., Myrta A., Mando M. J., E. Al-Saadoun, Hassan M., Al-Chaabi S. 2006. Viruses of pome fruit trees in Syria. EPPO Bulletin 36:1 65
Hassan, M., Myrta A., Polak, J., 2006. Simultaneous detection and identification of four pome fruit viruses by one-tube pentaplex RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods. 133, 124–129
Hassan M., Rysanek P., Malfitano M. and Alioto D. 2008. First report of Peach latent mosaic viroid infecting peach in Egypt. Plant Disease 92, 649
Paprstein F., Sedlak J., Svobodova V., Polak J., Hassan M., Bryxiova M, 2008. Results of in vitro thermotherapy of apple cultivars. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 94 (3): 347-352
Hassan M., G. Gomez, V. Pall?s, A. Myrta and P. Rysanek, 2009. Simultaneous detection and genetic variability of stone fruit viroids in Czech Republic. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 24:363–368
Hassan M., Sirlova L., Jokes M., Vacke J. 2009. Identification and characterization of a novel Tritimovirus species isolated from wild Trisetum flavescens L., family Poaceae. Virus Genes 39:146-52
Saponari, M., Alkowni, R., Grieco, F., Driouech, N., Hassan, M., Di Terlizzi, B., Digiaro, M., Pantaleo, V., Savino, V. and Martelli, G.P. 2002. Detection of olive-infecting viruses in the Mediterranean basin. Acta Hort. 586, 787-790
Rysanek P., Zouhar M. and Hassan M., 2003. Detection of Peach Latent Mosaic Viroid by PCR. Plant Protect. Sci. 38, 151-153
Hassan, M., Zouhar, M. and Rysanek, P., 2004. Development of a PCR method of peach latent mosaic viroid and hop stunt viroid detection for certification of planting material. Acta Hort. 657, 391-395
Hassan, M., Rysanek, P. and Di Serio, F., 2004. Mixed infection of peach trees with Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid in the Czech Republic. Acta Hort. 657, 397- 400
Hassan, M., Rysanek, P., Alioto, D. and Malfitano, M. 2008. Identification and molecular characterisation of peach latent mosaic viroid isolate infecting peach in Egypt. Acta Hort. 781:551-556
Hassan M., Polak J. and Papr?tein, F. 2008. Detection and distribution of four pome fruit viruses in germplasm collection in the Czech Republic Acta Hort. 781:113-118
Biri?ik, N., Myrta, A., Hassan, M. and Balo?lu, S. 2008. A preliminary account on apple viruses in Mediterranean region of Turkey.Acta Hort. 781:125-13
Loli? B., Mati? S., Hassan M., ?uri? G., Di Serio F. and Myrta A. 2009. Viruses of pome fruits in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 21st "International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops" in Germany, 5 – 10 July.
Conferences and workshops
I6th Conference of European Foundation for Plant Pathology", Prague, Czech Republic, 8-14 September 2002 .
XIX International Symposium on Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops and Xth International Symposium on Small Fruit Virus Diseases", Valencia, Spain. 20-25 July 2003
XVI Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference", Nitra, Slovak Republic, 16-17 September 2003
7th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology, University of Aberdeen, UK 5-10 September 2004
Xth Conference on Viral Diseases of Gramineae in Europe", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium September 12-14, 2005
XXth International Symposium on Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops and XIth International Symposium on Small Fruit Virus Diseases", Antalya, Turkey. 22-26 May, 2006.
Oral presentations
Hassan M., Sirlova L., Jokes M., Vacke J., 2005. Characterisation of a new Tritimovirus species isolated from yellow oatgrass (Trisetum flavescens L.), In "Xth Conference on Viral Diseases of Gramineae in Europe", September 12-14, 2005, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, p. 13
Hassan M., Polak J. and Papr?tein, F. 2006. Detection and distribution of four pome fruit viruses in germplasm collection in the Czech Republic, In XXth International Symposium on Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops Antalya, Turkey. 22-26 May, 2006
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