*College Council meeting, session No. (67)      *Master’s degree students’ performance in the oral and maxillofacial radiology exam      *Congratulations to the Christian brothers on the occasion of Christmas      *congratulations      *The beginning of theoretical exams for the master’s degree (postgraduate studies) for the academic year 2024-2025 AD
Prof.Dr. Saad El-Deen Abdel-Wahab
Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731                          
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: sam05@fayoum.edu.eg
Office:University Adminisration building - Third Floor
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Botany Department -
     POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Plant production - Faculty of Agriculture - Fayoum, Cairo University - 1980
M. Sc.: Effect of mineral nutrition on some morphological, anatomical characters and yield of chamomile and fennel plants - Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum - Cairo University - 1989
Ph. D.: Influence of some environmental treatments on the growth and yield of cassava ( Manihot esculenta Crantz) - Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum - Cairo University - 1996
Academic Positions
Demonstrator:1980 -1989 - Cairo University
Assistant Lecturer: 1989 - 1996 - Cairo University
Lecturer: 1996 - 2001 - Cairo Univrsity
Assistant Professor:2001 - 2006 - Cairo University
Professor: 2006 until now
Chair: Department of Botany 27/10/2009 – Present
Mohamed, S.A. (2000): Effect of mineral and biofertilization on growth, yield and chemical constituents and anatomical structure of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and broad bean (Vicia faba L.) plants grown under reclaimed soil conditions. Annals Of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 38(4): 2039 – 2063.
Mohamed, S.A. and F. M.A. Matter (2001): Effect of ammonium nitrate and organic fertilizers on growth, volatile oil yield and chemical constituents of marigold ( Tagetes minuta L. ) plant Fayoum J. Agric., Res. & Dev., Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 95 – 101.
Matter , F. M.A. and S.A. Mohamed (2001): Botanicl studies on Calendula officinalis L. plants as affected by organic and inorganic fertilizers under newly reclaimed soil conditions.Fayoum J. Agric., Res. & Dev., Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 50 – 65 .
Mohamed, S.A. ; M. A. El –Yazal ; R.A. Medani and R.A. Agamy (2001): Effect of nitrogen and some micronutrient fertilizers under different irrigation intervals on growth , yield, and some chemical constituents of roselle ( Hibiscus sabdariffa L. ) plant grown in calcareous soil .Fayoum J.Agric.,Res.& Dev., Vol. 15, No. 2 : 30-49.
Abed, A.M.; Medani, R.A.; Mohamed, S. A.; El- Shewy, A.A. and E.R. Khafaga (1999):Effect of bentonite and hydrogel on wheat plants grown under salinity conditions. Annals Of Agric.Sci., Moshtohor, 37(4): 2383 – 2398.
Medani, R. A.; Mohamed, S. A.; El-Yazal, M. A. and S. A. Mahfouz (2000): Growth, yield and chemical composition of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants affected by specific isolated biofertilizers in relation to nitrogen application. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 38(4): 2019 – 2038.
Mohamed, S. A.; Medani, R.A. and E.R. Khafaga (2000): Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus application with or without micronutrients on black cumin ( Nigella sativa L.) plants. 8th Conf. Agric. Dev. Res., Fac. Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, November 20-22 , 2000 . Annals Agric. Sci., Sp. Issue 3, 1323 – 1338.
Mohamed, S.A.; El- Shewy, A.A. and H. Mahfouz (2001):Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield, chemical constituents and anatomical structure of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 16 (4): 124- 141 .
Mohamed, S.A.(2006): A Comparison between the effect of different sources of organic and mineral fertilizers on growth,anatomical structure, yield and chemical composition of roselle ( Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants. The second conference on farm Integrated Pest Management, Faculity of Agric., Fayoum Univ., 16-18 January(2006), pp. 100 – 115.
Mohamed, S.A.(2006): Botanical studies on sesame plants (Sesamum indicum L.) grown under newly reclaimed soil as affected by irrigation intervals and hill spacing. The second conference on farm Integrated Pest Management,Faculity of Agric., Fayoum Univ., 16-18 January(2006), pp. 84 – 99.
Mohamed, S.A.; Medani, R.A.and M. A. El-Yazal (2006):The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization as foliar application on botanical characters of spinach (Spinacia oleraceae L.) plants grown under calcareous saline soil conditions. The second conference on farm Integrated Pest Management,Faculity of Agric., Fayoum Univ., 16-18 January(2006), pp. 67- 83.
Mohamed, S.A. and M. M. Ibrahim (2004): Effect of synthetic and natural soil conditioners on some soil physical properties and botanical characters of sunflower ( Helianthus annus L. ) plants grown under salinity conditions.Fayoum J. Agric., Res. & Dev., (18)1: 201– 220 .
Mohamed, S.A. and A. El-Yazl-Sawsan (2004): Effect of foliar spraying by some micronutrients on growth, yield, chemical constituents and anatomical structure of cotton plants (Gossypium vitifolium L.) grown in newly reclaimed sandy soil. Annals Of Agric. Sc.Moshtohor (42) 3: 1053-1070 .
Mohamed, S.A. and S.S.S. El- Ganaini (2003): Effect of organic, mineral and biofertilizers on growth, yield and chemical constituents as well as the anatomy of broad bean ( Vicia faba L.) plants grown in reclaimed soil. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. , 18 (12): 38 – 63.
Mohamed, S.A. and R. A. Medani (2005). Effect of bio-and organic fertilization combination with different levels of mineral fertilization on growth, yield, anatomical structure and chemical constituents of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) plant grown in sandy soil. Egypt J. Appl. Sci., 20 (5B):503 - 526.
Mohamed, S.A.(2005):Phytochemical studies on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) plants as affected by foliar fertilizer and active dry yeast under sandy soil conditions.Egypt J. Appl. Sci. , 20 (5B): 539 – 559 .
El- Ganaini, S.S.S.; El-Yazal, M. A. and S.A.Mohamed (2005): Fayoum J. Agric. , Res. & Dev. 10: 218- 230 .Botanical studies on cotton (Gossypium vitifolium L.) plants grown in newly reclaimed soils as affected by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Annals Of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor (43) 4: 1599-1617.
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