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Dr.Ekram Ali Megawer
Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: eam01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Agriculture Bulding
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Agronomy Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Plant Production - Fac.Of Agric Fayoum - Cairo . Unir - 1983
M. Sc.: Agronomy Depart ment - Fac.Of Agric Fayoum - Cairo . Unir - 1991
Ph. D.: Agronomy Depart ment - Fac.Of Agric Fayoum - Cairo . Unir - 1998
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1983 To 1991
Assistant Lecturer: From 1991 To 1998
Lecturer: From 1998 To 2004
Assistant Professor: From 2004 Until Now
Research Interests
Agriculture Treatment
Food Legumes
New Reclamid Soils
Phesyological Studies
List Of Publication

Migawer, Ekram A. and Mona Soliman (2001).Performance of two peanut cultivars and their response to NPK fertilization in newly reclaimed lomey sand soil. J.I. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 26(11): 6683-6667.   

Ghallab, K. H; K. M. Yousef and Ekram A. Megawer (2001). ). Yield and Water relations of some promising sesame lines in new reclaimed soils.Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 39(4): 1977- 1992.

Sharaan, A.N., F. S. Abd EL- Samei, and Ekram A. Migawer (2002) Maize productivity as influenced by genotypes, sowing dates, nitrogen doses and application times and their interactions. Proc. 2nd Conf. "Sust. Agric. Dev." Fac Agricl. at Fayoum,TCairo Univ., 8-10 May, 1:43-57.   

Sharaan, A.N.; S.AN. Afia and Ekram, A Migawer (2003).Yield and its components of diverse lentil genotypes grown under different edaphic and climatic conditions.. Egypt. J. Des. Res. 53(1): 19-30.   

Migawer, Ekram A. and A.T. Bakeer (2003). Influnce of sowing dates, plant s [acing, cultivars and their interactions on wilt disease incidence, seed yield and yield components of lupin. . Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 18(12B): 525-541.   

Mahfouz, H. and Ekram A., Migawer (2004). Effect of intercrooping, weed control treatment and their interactions on yield and its attributes of chickpea and canola. . Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 19(4): 84-101.   

Sharaan, A. N; Ekram A Migawer; H.A Saber and I.A Hemida (2004).Biological yield, its related growth criteria and chocolate-spot disease as influenced by cultivars, sowing dates and planting distances in faba bean.Fayoum J. Agric. Res. And Dev., 18(1): 110-125.   

Sharaan, A.N; Ekram A, Megawer; H.A Saber and I.A Hemida (2004).Seed yield, yield components and quality characters as affected by cultivars, sowing dates and planting distances in faba bean. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. and Dev., 18(1): 95-109.   

Sharaan, A.N; Ekram A Migawer; H.A Saber and I.A Hemida (2004). Genetical relative to environmental variations and character- association in faba bean grown under different planting dates and densities. Egypt .I. Appl. Sci. 19 (3B) : 617-635.

Sharaan, A.N., Ekram, A Megawer and K.H. Ghallab (2006). Comparative study for seed yield and its components of Chickpea collections grown in new reclaimed soil. Proc. 2nd "Conf. on Farm Integrated Pest Management". Fayoum Fac. of Agric.. 16-18 .Jan.: 129-139.    

Ghallab, K.H.; Ekram, A. Megawer, S.A. Afiah, S.M. Ahmed (2006). Characterization of some superior mung bean genotypes on the agronomic and biochemical genetic levels. Egyptian J. Desert Res., 57, No.2, 1-12.   

Ashry, M.R.R. and Ekram A. Migawer (2006). Sugar beet yield and quality characters and water relations under conditions of soil moisture stress and N fertilizer levels. . Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor 44(4): 1981-2000.

Sharaan, A.N., M. H. Abdel Wahed and Ekram A. Migawer (2007). Scheduling irrigation for canola crop grown in newly reclaimed land (in Press). Annals. Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 52, No. 1: 243 – 251 pp

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