*College Council meeting, session No. (67)      *Master’s degree students’ performance in the oral and maxillofacial radiology exam      *Congratulations to the Christian brothers on the occasion of Christmas      *congratulations      *The beginning of theoretical exams for the master’s degree (postgraduate studies) for the academic year 2024-2025 AD
Prof.Dr. Sayed Saleh Sayed
Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: sss00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Building of Faculty of Agriculture
Postal Address : Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Agriultural Economics - P.O.Box: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : Agriculture Science (Agric. Economics) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - 1973.
M.Sc.: Agriculture Economics - Minia University - Faculty of Agriculture - 1983.
Ph.D. : Agricultural Economics - Cairo University - Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture - Egypt, 1989.
Academic Positions
Assistant Lecturer: From 1985 To 1989
Assistant Professor: From 1989 To 1992
Professor: From 1997 Up Till Now
Key Qualification
Over 15 years of Experience in the field of Agriculture Economics with special reference to agricultural feasibility studies and projects evaluation, agricultural production economics, agricultural finance and credit, agricultural marketing, agricultural policy and rural development.
Participated in monitoring and evaluation of some agricultural projects as, credit and development (credit component), artificial insemination project (livestock component), in the (IFAD) project, in El Fayoum Governorates, Sorghum production development (national research center) in El - Fayoum Governorate, Integrated pest management control (IPM) project for cotton, economic efficiency of water irrigation and distribution on farm with Research Academic Centre (1st&2nd &3rd phases), land amelioration project in El Fayoum and Beni Suef Governorate.
Participated as a Scientific Coordinator (investigator) of scientific team in the activities of national integrated rural development program (Shrouk) in Beni Suef and El Fayoum Governorates. Participated as a co-principal investigator of small machinery spreading out and manufactory in Middle Egypt .Participated in verification of GOE market restriction on participation in cotton Marketing, Monitoring Verification & Evaluation Unit (MVE), Agricultural policy reform program (APRP), USAID,MALR.
Participating in (PBDAC) training programs (marketing, credit, agric. Manufacturing, feasibility studies and rural development) in Beni Suef and El Fayoum Governorates.
Professional Experience Record
2003-2006: Scientific Coordinator of the integrated rural development in Beni Suef Governorate
2003-2005 The Head of the research team of the Economical Efficiency of Production and Manufacturing the sugar crops in Egypt.
Participated in research team of preparing Human Development Report in Beni Suef Governorate.
The Role of Small Agricultural Projects in the Agricultural and Rural Sustainable Development.
1998-2003 Scientific Co-ordinator of the Rural Development (Shrouk) in Beni Suef Governorate. (2000-2003). Attending its related work shops during that period.
A member of the research team of economical Efficiency of Production and Manufacturing the Sugar Crops in Egypt (Sugar beet and sugar cane), since 2002 till 2006.
A general co- ordinator of the project “volunteering & Philanthropy” (NCPD) with sharing with the Muslim Youth association in Beni Suef , from Oct. 2002 for three years.
Making scientific and economical feasibility studies for many projects in the new reclaimed lands in El Fayoum and Beni Suef.
A scientific co- ordinator (Principal) for the”Local Development Participatory project in Beni Suef Governorate (two phases) 2001-2002
A member of research team of the project of “The Economical Efficiency of Using Irrigation Water on Farm”, the third phase (1997-2001), with the Technology and Scientific Research Academy.
The Principal investigator of the “Economical Effect of using the Mixture of Irrigation and Drainage Water" ARC (1999-2001).
The principal investigator of the " Economical Survey of the Agricultural Intensification Project (Minia, Beni Suef and El Fayoum), during June- August (1999).
Sharing in half year’s survey of the Agricultural Intensification Project in El Fayoum Governorate (1997, 1998, 1999) and prepared the final report.
Producing the scientific and Economical consultion for the (MVE) Unit in the Agricultural Reclamation policies (cotton Liberation and Marketing), 1997-1998.
Teaching different courses in the Faculty of Veterinary, Cairo University, Beni Suef .
Sharing in (PBDAC) training program in Beni Suef , El Fayoum Governorates, Egypt.
1997- 1998: Member of scientific research team of National Integrated Rural Development Program (Shourok) in Beni Fuef and El Fayoum Governorates
Participated in Monitoring, Verification & Evaluation unit (MVE) "verification of GOE market restriction on Participation in cotton marketing", agricultural policy reform program (APRP), USAAID, MARL, Egyot.
1996-1997 The co- principal investigator of Economic studies and Evaluation of land amelioration project in Beni Suef and El Fayoum Governorates, national research project, Egypt.
The co– Principal investigator of "Small Machinery Spreading out & Manufactory in Middle Egypt", National Research Project, Egypt.
Sharing in (PBDAC) training Program in Beni Suef and El Fayoum Governorates, Egypt.
Sharing in "Social fund of Development" training programs in Faculty of Agric. El Fayoum, Egypt.
Member of the research team for Economic Efficiency project: evaluation of Irrigation Water Efficiency and distribution on farm with research Academic Center ( 1st & 2nd phases), Egypt.
1994 – 1995 Member of the research team for Integrated Pest Management control (IPM) project: evaluation for cotton financing by (KFW), sharing with Hunting Technical Services Limited .
A Principal investigator "Artificial Insemination Project Evaluation", in El Fayoum Governorate, Egypt.
1989 – 1994 Sharing in "Agricultural Credit and Development Component Evaluation (IFAD project), in El Fayoum Governorate, Egypt.
Member of the Research team for "Financial and Economic of SORGHUM Production Development Project" with National Research Center, El Fayoum, Egypt.
Attending the training course in USA "developing markets for agricultural products ", CSU, USA.
1980 – 1989 Sharing in California – Egypt project for agricultural systems development “food Consumption in Egyptian societies, 1981 / 1983”
Member of research team for data collection (statistics) in co-operation between (USDA) and Ministry of agriculture in Egypt 1983 –1985.
Sharing in the studying of social and economic effects of land grading leveling by laser in Middle Egypt region with Machinery Research Institute and Faculty of Agriculture in Fayoum 1988.
Thesis Supervision
MS. C., (Agriculture Economics)
Study of Some Socio-Economic Characteristics of Adopter Categories for New Agriculture Practices.
An Economic Study of the Main Medical and Aromatic Crops Production in Beni Suef Governorate.
The effect of the Present Credit Policy on the development of Small Farmers Income in Fayoum Governorate.
An Analytical Study for the Most Important Economical Effects for land Amelioration Processes in El Fayoum Governorate.
An Economic Study of water Resource and its Impacts for the Cropping Pattern in Beni Suef.
An Economic Study for Supply Response of the Most Important Grain Crops Egypt.
Economics of Fish Farming Production “A comparison Case Study of Fayoum and Beheira Governorate”.
Economic Production of red Meat in El Fayoum Governorate.
An Economical Study for Olive Crop Marketing in El Fayoum.
2- PH. D., (Agricultural Economics)
Economics of Water Resources and the Efficiency of the Field Irrigation in El Fayoum Governorate.
The Impact of Economic Liberalization Policy on the Economic of Cotton Crops in Egypt.
The Optimum Allocation of Major Egyptian Agricultural Export in the context of world Economic Blocs.
An Analytical study on the Impact of using Modern Technology on the Egyptian Agricultural Balance of trade.
The financial efficiency of some small agricultural enterprises in El Fayoum Governorate.
Economic Return of recycling the agricultral wastes, an applied study on Fayoum Governorate.
An author and co-author of over 23 technical papers and studies in agricultural economics, socio-economics and related fields which were published in scientific magazines and / or submitted to different conferences.
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