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Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Fatah Mohammad Yassin
Contact Information
Phone Number: 0846356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: aay00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Genetics Department Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Genetics Department Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Faculty of Agricultural - Assuit University - 1990
M. Sc.: Faculty of Agricultural - Fayoum - CIAHEM University - 1998
Ph. D.: Faculty of Agricultural - CORDOBA, SPAIN University - 2003
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: 1993 - 2000
Assistant Lecturer:2000 - 2003
Lecturer: From 2003 to 2015
Assistant Professor: From 2015 Until Now
Research Interests
genetic improvement to biotic and abiotic stress in plants
Bioremediation and phytoremadiation

  Yassein, A. A. M. 1998, Resistencia al virus del mosaico de la sandía (WMV-2) en melón. M.Sc. Thesis. Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos. Instituto Agronómico Mediterráneo de Zaragoza (IAMZ).

  Yassein, A. A. M., Soria, C., Moriones, E., Gómez-Guillamón, M. L., 1999. Localización de una posible fuente de resistencia al virus del mosaico de la sandía (WMV-2) en melón. Actas de Horticulturae 24: 326-331. R. Romero-Aranda, A. A. M. Yassein, M. A. Lucena, M. A. Quesada, V. Valpuesta, J. Cuartero. 2001. Evaluación de la tolerancia a la salinidad de plantas transgénicas de tomate con sobreexpresión del gen tpx1 de la peroxidasa. SEFV Badajoz-2001. R. Romero-Aranda, M. A. Lucena, A. A. M. Yassein, V. Valpuesta, M. A. Quesada, and J. Cuartero. 2002. Foliar Na+ content, water relations, and yield of transgenic tomato plants over-expressing a basic peroxidase grown under saline conditions. 13th FESPP CONGRESS 2002, September 1-6, 2002, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

  Yassein, A. A. M. 2003. Tolerancia a la salinidad in plantas transgénicas de tomate. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Córdoba.

  Yassein, A. A. M. Ghalab, K. H. and Abdal-Aziz, S.A. 2007. Genetic diversity among Brassica napus lines based on RAPD markers and related physiological characters. 3rd conference Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Fayoum University, 12-14/11/2007. Al-Fayoum, Egypt.

  Yassein, A. A. M. 2007. Biotechnology for olive genetic resources conservation. 1st conference about olive tree. Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Gabal Al-Gharby University, 27-29/11/2007. Gherian, Libya.

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