*I failed in Dentistry - the first day of admission in a medical conference in the village of Lahore      *Appointment of Prof. Sherif El-Attar as Vice President of Fayoum University for Education and Student Affairs      *Council of Conservation Department      * Council of Islamic Archaeology Department      * Council of Egyptology Department
Dr. Helmi Mohamed El-bendary
Contact Information
Phone Number : 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: hmb02@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Plant Protection Department - 3rd floor - Plant Protection Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - plant Protection Department - POBox:63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : agriculture science - plant protection - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - 1994
M.Sc. : agriculture science - plant protection - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - 2002
Ph. D. : agriculture science - plant protection
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1994 to 2005
Assistant Lecturer : From 2005 To 2012
Lecturer : From 2012 To 2017
Assistant Professor : From 2017 Until Now
Some Studies On The Effect Of The Imidacloprid And Lead In Male Albino Rats
Relation Between The Concentration Of Some Pesticides And The Response In The Toxicological Experiments
Research Interests
pesticides toxicology
international low
The Entomotoxic assay of Nano aluminum oxide and Nano zinc oxide against Sitophilusoryzae as a promising insecticide.
First record nanotechnology in agriculture: Silica nano-particles potential new insecticides for pest control.
Silica as a promising alternative in control Sytophillusoryzae (L) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Impact of Spinosad and Nuclepolyhedrovirus Alone and In Combination against the Cotton Leaf worm Spodopteralittoralis under laboratory.
Field study to evaluate the joint action of certain insecticides, IGR's and baculoviruses against Spodopteralittoralis (Bosid.)
The silica-nano particles treatment of squash foliage and survival and development of Spodopteralittoralis (Bosid.) larvae.
Nano Silica as a promising nano pesticide to control three different aphid species under semi-field conditions in Egypt.
Study the effect of silica-nano particles on the biology ofCallosobruchusmaculatus.
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