*Congratulations to the Christian brothers on the occasion of Christmas      *congratulations      *The beginning of theoretical exams for the master’s degree (postgraduate studies) for the academic year 2024-2025 AD      *The beginning of the mid-term exams based on credit hours for the academic year 2024-2025      *The start of electronic examinations at the Faculty of Dentistry - Fayoum University
Prof.Dr.Helmy Abdou Ghoniemy
Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731                          
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address:hag01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Plant Protection department
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Plant Protection Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc. : Plant Protection Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1978
M. Sc. : in Apiculture, from Economic Entomology and Pesticides Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1984
Ph. D. : in Apiculture, from Plant Protection Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1989
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1979 To 1984
Assistant lecturer: From 1984 To 1989
Lecturer: From 1989 To 1994
Assistant Professor : From 1994 To 1999
Professor : From 1999 Up Till Now
Administrative Positions
Head of the Plant Protec. Dept., Fac. Agric Fayoum Univ., since Dec . 2006 up to Aug . 2009.
Vice dean for research and postgraduate affairs, Fac. Agric Fayoum Univ., from Aug.2009 until now
An acting Of Dean, Fac . Agric Fayoum Univ. from May To October 2011
Dean, Fac . Agric Fayoum Univ. from October 2011 until now
Courses lectured


Insect morphology and taxonomy

Insect transmission of plant diseases

Crop pests

Economic pests and their control

Insect physiology

General Entomology (Lab.)

Apiculture (Lab.)

Insect pollinators

Advanced Apiculture

Advanced insect taxonomy

Training programs of beekeeping fields

Lectures in beekeeping to veterinarians at Fayoum Gov

Lectures in beekeeping for beekeepers in Fayoum Gov

Lectures in beekeeping and pollinators for African students.


Owayss, A . A.“The effect of supplementary feeding of honeybee, Apis mellifera L. on brood, honey and royal jelly”. Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 1996.

Ahmed, H. M. A. “Ecological studies and control of harvester subterranean termite, Anacanthotermes ochraceus (Burm) at Fayoum governorate”. Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 1997.

Solaiman, R..H..A. “Ecological, Biological studies and microbial control of some insect pests of olive trees at Fayoum governorate”.Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 1997.

Mohanny, K. M. “New treatments for increasing and improving the production of the honeybee colonies” Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 1999.


Owayss, A.A.“ “Ecological and Control Studies on Certain Diseases of the Honeybee with Special Reference to Integrated Management of Varroa Mite”” Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Oct. 2002.

Solaiman, R.H.A. . “Ecological, Biological and sex pheromone studies with the olive leafhopper , Docotettix cornutus , the olive whitefly , Aleurolobus olivinus, and the olive leaf mouth , Palpita unionalis:Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ March 2005.

Ahmed, H. M. A. . “Ecological and control studies on subterranean termites under Fayoum conditions . Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. june. 2003.

Mohanny, K. M.. “Investigations on propolis and bee venom produced by two hybrids of honey bee with reference to a now device for bee venom collection”Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch,, Cairo Univ. Feb. 2005.

Abdel-Hamied, H. M. . “Integrated pest management for some aphid species transmitted faba bean necrotic yellow virus at Fayoum governorate.” Faculty of Agriculture , Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ.July 2005.

Published papers

Ghoniemy , H A (1991): The role of honeybees as pollinators for cruciferous plants . Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. 5 ( 2) : 53-66.

Ghoniemy , H A (1992): The role of honeybees as pollinators for sunflower. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. . . 6 ( 1) : 35- 44.

Ghoniemy , H A (1992): The effect of mode of pollination on onion seed yield with observations on insects as pollinators. . Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. 6 (2) : 50-56.

Ghoniemy , H A. (1992):The pollination of sweede rape (Brassica napus L.) with observations on insects as pollinators . Fayoum J. Agric. Res. &- Dev. 6 (2) : 57-67 .

Abu-Zeid , M I. , and Ghoniemy , H A. . (1992 ): Evaluation of the role of some chemical compounds for controlling Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans in Egypt.Menofiya J. Agric. Res. 17 ( 3) : 1465- 1470.

Ghoniemy, H A. and. Abu-Zeid , M I. (1993) : The effect of feeding honeybee colonies by pollen or pollen substitutes on worker brood rearing.Menofiya J. Agric. Res 17 (1) : 347- 358.

Ghoniemy , H A. and. Abu-Zeid , M I. (1993 ): The use of formic acid for control of Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans on honeybees in Egypt.Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 8 (1) : 240-245.

Abu-Zeid , M I. , and Ghoniemy , H A. . (1993 ) :: Evaluation of the role of two natural substances for controlling Varroa jacobsoni infesting honeybee colonies. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. . 8 (2) : 295-300.

Ghoniemy , H A. . Abu-Zeid , M I. and Abu-Lila S. M. (1994): Studies on insect pollinators including bees, on basil flowers Egypt J. Appl. Sci.9 (5) : 488-501.

Abu-Zeid , M I. , Abu-Lila S. M and Ghoniemy H A. . (1994): ): Insect pollinators of watermelon (Citrullus landtus var. cireoids) and their effect on seed yield, with special reference to honeybees foraging behavior Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 9 (9): 389- 399.

Abu-Lila S. M. – Ghoniemy , H A. . and Abu-Zeid , M I. (1994 ): The effect of juvenile hormone analogue (altozar, 512) on the honey bee worker larvae.. Egypt J. Appl. Sci.9 (5) : 480-488.

Abu-Zeid , M I. , and Ghoniemy , H A. . (1994): The development of comb foundation. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. .9 (5): 471-478.

Ghoniemy , H A. and. Abu-Zeid , M I. Abu-Lila S. M and el –Sharawy , u. (1994): The effect of feeding honeybee colonies by pollen substitutes on worker brood rearing. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 9(9) : 212-217.

Abu-Zeid , M I. abou El-Sooud, B., , Abu-Lila S. M and Ghoniemy, H A. . (1994): Effectiveness of propolis and dark honey bee combs extract on- plant parasitic nematodes. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 9(9) : 419-425 .

Ghoniemy , H A. and. Abu- Lila , M I (1996):Investigation on laying workers in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies, and its control. Egypt J. Appl. Sci. 11 (9) : 293-299 .

Ghoniemy, H. A. , Etman, A.A.M; Moustafa, F.F.M. and. Solaiman, R.H..A. (1997): Evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis biocides against Palpita unionaqlis (Hubn.) Moshtohor, Annals of Agric. Sc. 36 (1) : 643-662 .

Ghoniemy, H. A Moustafa F.F.M. Etman A.A.M; and R.H.A. Solaiman.(1997):Ecological and biological studies of the olive psylla, Euphyllura straminea (Log.) on olive trees under Fayoum conditions. Moshtohor, Annals of Agric. Sc. 36 (1) : 643-662 .

Ghoniemy, H. A Moustafa F.F.M. El-Seby Y. and . Ali. H.M.A 1999) Ecological studies and control of the harvester subterranean termite Anacanthotermes ochraceus (Burm) at Fayoum governorate Menofiya J. Agric . Res . 24 (2) : 727-740.

Abu-Lila , S. M. , and Ghoniemy, H A. (1998 ): Evaluation of the role of borage plant, Borago officinalis L. as a source of pollens under Dokki conditions, with observations on honeyhees as pollinators. Mansoura J. Agric. Sci 23 (7) : 3401-3409 .

Ghoniemy , H A (1998): A comparison between different techniques for controlling Varroa jacobsoni Oud. (using formic acid) under Fayoum conditions. Mansoura J. Agric. Sci. 23 (7 ) : 3411-3418

Mishref A .E Hanna .M.A. Ghoniemy, H A. and Owayss. A.A. (1998): The effect of supplementary feeding on the production of worker brood, honey and royal jelly. International Symposium on Apitherapy , 8-9 Marsh National Research Center Dokki, Giza, Egypt 94-110 pp. .22- - Mishref A .E Hanna .M.A.

Ghoniemy, H A. and Owayss. A.A. (1998): The effect of supplementary feeding on the physical properties and sediment contents of honey . International Symposium on Apitherapy , 8-9 Marsh National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 111-123 pp.

Ghoniemy , H A (1999): The role of the insect pollinators in sunflower seed production with special references to honeybees .Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev 13 ( 2) : 1-15 .

Mishref, A. E.; Ghoniemy, H. A.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A. ( 2000 ): Minerals and heavy metals in honey and royal jelly in relation to supplementary diets. The 40th science week at the auditoria of the University of Tachreen . Syrian Arab Republic 4-9 Nov.

Ghoniemy, H. A.; Mishref, A. E.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A. ( 2001): Antibacterial activity of honey produced from honeybee colonies supplemented with pollen substitutes. First Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development. Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture. March 28-30 349-353.pp

Mishref, A. E.; Ghoniemy, H. A.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A.( 2002 ): A comparison between chemical properties of different types of honey produced from colonies fed with supplementary diets or without feeding. Second Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development. Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture.8-10 June .

Ghoniemy, H. A.; Mishref, A. E.; Hanna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A.( 2003 ): anna, M. A. and Owayss, A. A.( 2003 ): The effect of supplementary feeding on the physical and chemical properties as well as on antibacterial activity of royal jelly..

Ghoniemy, H. A Mishref, A. E Abu- Lila , M I and Mohanny, K. M. ( 2005) Investigation on bee venom produced by two hybrids of honeybee with Egyptian device for bee venom collection " The 4th International Conference of united Arab beekeepers . Syrian Arab Republic Damask 24-27/11/2005.

Mishref, A. E.; Ghoniemy, H. A and Owayss, A .A.. ( 2005)).“ Combating Varroa mite Varroa destructor , with soft chemicals alone or through an integrated pest management The 4th International Conference of Arab beekeepers .Union Damask Syrian Arab Republic 24-27/11/2005.

Ghoniemy, H. A Mishref, A. E and Owayss, A .A( 2005) " Relationship between Varroa mite and chalkbrood fungus infestations in honeybees during variable ecological conditions and colony performance . The 4th International Conference of Arab beekeepers.Union Damask Syrian Arab Republic 24-27/11/2005.

Ghoniemy, H. A and El –Aama ,Esam ( 2005)"A comparison between Genter and Mannlake apparatus in rearing honeybee queens The 5th International Conference of united Arab beekeepers Trepoli."Libya 20-21/3/2006.

Scientific activity

A member of the council of the Department of Plant Protection from Oct. 1989 untill now beside being the trustee of the department council from Oct. 1996 untill now .

A member of the faculty council from Sept. 2000 to August 2001 .

A member of environmental and community survice committee from Oct. 2000 to Sept. 2001 .

A member of research and post – graduate affairs committee from Oct. 2002 to Sept. 2003 .

A member of Education and student affairs committee from Oct. 2003 untill now .

The “National campaign to control Varroa parasite” 1989-1991. Honey bee Res. Dept., Ministry of Agric. and Land Reclamation (MALR). Egypt.

The project of “Evaluating Apistan and Bayvarol to control Varroa mite in honey bee colonies”. Honey bee Res. Dept., (MALR) Egypt, 1995.

The project of “ Developing new methods to increase and improve honey bee products”. 1995. Plant Protec. Dept., Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 1995.

The project of “ Controlling fungal diseases of the honey bees”. Fac. Agric., Moshtohor and MALR, Egypt, 1996.

The project of “ Developing a honey bee strain naturally resistant to Varroa mite”. Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 1994 -1996.

The project of “ The national campaign to develop apricot cultivars in Fayoum”. Agric. Res. Center, 1994- 1996.

The project of “ Secondary products of honey bees”. Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 2001 -2003.

The project of “ Using insect pollinators to pollinate crops in green houses”. Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 2002 untill now.

The principal investigator in the project of pesticides evaluation in controlling fruit insects at Fayoum governorate. June 2003 untill now.

A member in South Cairo society for community service and environmental improvement from 1999 untill now

The 4th scientific conference on plant protection sciences. Cairo, 1-5 Dec., 1991.

Symposium on “the Varroa parasite on honeybees”. Fac. Agric.,Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ, 1992.

International Symposium on Apitherapy, 8-9 March Nattional Research CenterDokki, Giza, Egypt, 1997.

Conference on “Agricultural development in Fayoum Gov. and the role of different sections in its achievement”. Fac. Agric., Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ., 20-21 June 1998.

The 1st annual conference on “ Sustainable Agricultural development”. Fac.Agric., Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ., 28-30 March 2001.

Symposium on “Honey bee products”. Fac. Agric., Fayoum branch, Cairo Univ., 12 Nov. 2001.

The 2nd annual conference on “ Sustainable Agricultural development”. Fac. Agric., Fayoum branch, 8-10 June 2002.

The 1st conference on farm integrated pest management. Fac.Agric., Fayoum, branch Cairo Univ. 19 Feb. 2003.

The 3rd Annual Conference on " Sustainable Agriculture development " Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ, 12-14 Nov.2007.

The 4th Annual Conference on " Sustainable Agriculture development " " Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ, 20-22 Nov.2008.

Symposium of the world day of Apitherapy Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ, 31 March.2009.

The 5th Annual Conference on " Sustainable Agriculture development " Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ., 21-23 Dec.2009.

The 6th Annual Conference on " Sustainable Agriculture development " Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Univ., 27-29 Dec.2010.

Research Projects And Environmental Service

The “National campaign to control Varroa parasite”. Honey bee Res. Dept., Ministry of Agric. And Land Reclamation (MALR). Egypt. 1989-1991.

The project of “Evaluating Apistan and Bayvarol to control Varroa mite in honey bee colonies”. Honey bee Res. Dept., (MALR) Egypt, 1995.

The project of “ Developing new methods to increase and improve honey bee products”. 1995. Plant Protec. Dept., Fac. Agric., Fayoum, Cairo Univ., 1995.

The project of “ Controlling fungal diseases of the honey bees”. Fac. Agric., Moshtohor and MALR, Egypt, 1996.

The project of “ Developing a honey bee strain naturally resistant to Varroa mite”. Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 1994 -1996.

The project of “ The national campaign to develop apricot cultivars in Fayoum”. Agric. Res. Center, 1994- 1996.

The project of “ Secondary products of honey bees”. Honey bee Res. Dept., MALR, Egypt, 2001 -2003.

The principal investigator in the project of pesticides evaluation in controlling fruit insects at Fayoum governorate. Agric. Res. Center, June 2003.

A member in South Cairo Sociaty for community service and environment from 1999 until now.

Sharing in teaching courses for under and postgraduate in Egypt as follows

For under-graduates


Economic Entomology

Insect physiology

Insect morphology and taxonomy

Insect transmission of plant diseases

For post-graduate

Insect pollinators

Advanced Apiculture

Advanced insect taxonomy

Sharing in teaching courses for under graduate students. in Libya as follows

General Entomology

Principles of beekeeping

Honey bee biology

Honey bees and pesticides

Honey bee diseases and pests

Bee,s honey production

Bees and plant pollination

Beekeeping processes1,2 practical

Morphology and physiology of honey bees

Bees wax and pollen grains production

Propolis and bee venom production

Standard characteristics of honeybee products

Honeybees and its products in alternative medicine

Production of honey bee queens . package bees and royal jelly

Sources of nectar and pollen grains

Improvement of honey bee breeding

Sharing In Councils And Committees

Council of the plant protection dept from 1989 until now beside being the trustee of the dept.council from1996 until2006.

Committee of environment and community service for one years(2000 - 2001)

Committee of education and students affairs for one years (2003-2004)

Committee of research and postgraduate affairs for two years (2002-2003 & 2006-2007)

Collage council from 2000-2001 & from 2006 until now

Membership of sustainable committee of promoting associate professors and professors from Oct, until now .

Membership of Research and postgraduate affairs council from Sep. 2009 until now

Improving Syllabus

Improving the syllabus of Economic Entomology courses for under and post graduates.

Improving the syllabus of Techniques of honeybee and its products dept. in Libya with UNESCO..

Workshops.( Certificate on)

I trained on different computer courses offered from (CEMARP) from July to Oct. 1995

I trained on different computer courses from calculating (Statistic) institute from5/3 -14/5/2000

I trained on scientific writing (training cycle ) in Cairo Univ press from 7/12/-19/12/1996.

I trained on different French language: courses programs . in the years of 1995/1996 1996/1997 1997/1998 /strong>

Academic Education


in Apiculture, from Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture at Fayoum, Cairo University, March 1989. The thesis is entitled: Studies on insect pollinators, especially Osmia latreillei Spin., on certain economic crop plants at Fayoum Governorate.

The thesis is entitled: Studies on insect pollinators, especially Osmia latreillei Spin., on certain economic crop plants at Fayoum Governorate.


in Apiculture, from Economic Entomology and Pesticides Department, Faculty of Agriculture at Giza, Cairo University, June 1984. The thesis is entitled: Studies of some activities of the honeybee colonies under the environmental conditions of Fayoum region.

The thesis is entitled: Studies of some activities of the honeybee colonies under the environmental conditions of Fayoum region.

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