*Participation of the College of Dentistry in the Geniuses League competition      *The Administrative Body Criterion Team Meets with Directors of the Administrative Units and Heads of Faculty’s Administrative Departments      *Congratulations to Prof. Mamoun Abdel Halim Wajih      *Discussion of the first master’s thesis at the Faculty of Dentistry.      *Opening the door for academic advising 2024-2025
Dr.Abdel-Azeem Sayed Abdel-Azeem Ahmed
Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6356731
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: asa10@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Agriculture - Department Poultry Production
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Poultry production Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc.: Agricultural Science (Poultry Production) from September 1996 to May 2000. Fayoum Faculty of Agriculture- Cairo University- Egypt 
M. Sc.: Physiology of Poultry from September 2001 to January 2007 Faculty of Agriculture- Fayoum University- Egypt
Ph. D.: Physiology of Poultry from September 2007 to December 2010 Faculty of Agriculture- Fayoum University- Egypt
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 2000 To 2005 - Fayoum Branch, Cairo University, Egypt.
Demonstrator: From 2005 To 2007 - Fayoum University
Assistant Lecturer: From 2007 - 2011- Fayoum University
Lecturer: From 2011 -2019 Now
Assistant Professor: From 2019 Until Now
Academic Rank
Postdoc Scholar in Medicine of Animal, Production and Health Department, Faculty of Veterinary, Padova University, Italy. From 1 -12- 2013 till 31 – 5- 2014.
Deputy director of the development research and consultation center –Fayoum University, EGYPT. From October 2014 – Present.
Research Interests
  Reproductive Physiology
  Endocrine Disruptors
  Hematology and Biochemistry
  The Crossbreeding from Physiological Point of View.
  Acclimated Physiology
  DNA Sequence of Avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) in Egypt
List of Publications

  Abdel-Azeem, A. S. ; Franzo, G.; Dalle Zotte, A.; Drigo, M. ; Martini, M.; Catelli, E.; Lupini, C. and Cecchinato, M. (2014). First evidence of avian metapneumovirus subtype A infection in turkeys in Egypt. Trop. Anim. Health Prod. 46:1093 – 1097.

Abdel-Azeem, A. S.; Abdel-Azim, A. M.; Hassan H., A. and Ragab, M. S. (2012). Effects of prostaglandin F 2 alpha injection and rabbit does age on reproductive, hematological parameters and level of progesterone. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal. 32 (I): 189 – 199.

  Abdel-Azeem A. S.; Abdel-Azim A. M.; Darwish A. A. and Omar E. M. (2010). Haematological and biochemical observations in four pure breeds of rabbits and their crosses under Egyptian environmental conditions. World Rabbit Science. 18 (2): 103 – 110.

Abdel-Azeem A. S.; Abdel-Azim A. M.; Darwish A. A. and Omar E. M. (2007). Litter Traits in Four Pure Breeds of Rabbits and their Crosses under Prevailing Environmental Conditions of Egypt. In: Proceeding in the 5th International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates, 4 - 7 December, Hurghada, Egypt. 39-51.

  Abdel-Azeem A. S.; Abdel-Azim A. M.; Darwish A. A. and Omar E. M. (2007). Some Growth performance of Four Pure Breeds of Rabbits and their Crosses under Egyptian Environmental Conditions. In: Proceeding in the 5th International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates, 4 - 7 December, Hurghada, Egypt. 53-65.

  Abdel-Azeem A. S.; Abdel-Azim A. M.; Darwish A. A. and Omar E. M. (2007). Body Weight and Carcass Traits in Four Pure Breeds of Rabbits and Their Crosses under Egyptian Environmental Conditions. In: Proceeding in the 5th International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates, 4 - 7 December, Hurghada, Egypt. 67 – 80.

  Abdel-Azeem A. S.; Abdel-Azim A. M.; Darwish A. A. and Omar E. M. (2007). Hematology and Biochemistry of Pure and crossed rabbits. In: Proceeding in the 5th International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates, 4 - 7 December, Hurghada, Egypt. 391 – 401.

Thesis and Dissertation

Abdel-Azeem A. S. (2010). Improving reproductive efficiency of rabbit does using hormonal, nutritional or acetic intra-vaginal washing treatments. Ph. D. Thesis, Fac. Agric., Fayoum Univ., Egypt.

Abdel-Azeem A. S. (2006). A study of physiological and performance aspects in four pure breeds of rabbits and their crosses. M. Sc. Thesis, Fac. Agric., Fayoum Univ., Egypt.

(27 - 29 December 2010) Certificate of attendance the 6th International Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development. Fayoum, Egypt
(21 - 23 December 2009) Certificate of attendance the 5th International Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development. Fayoum, Egypt.
(10 - 13 March 2009) Certificate of attendance the 5th International Poultry Conference, Taba, Egypt.
  (20 -22 October 2008) Certificate of attendance the 4th Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development. Fayoum, Egypt.
(4 - 7 December 2007) Certificate of attendance the 5th International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates. Hurghada, Egypt
(12 - 14 November 2007) Certificate of attendance the 3rd Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development. Fayoum, Egypt.
Scientific Training
  Gel Documentation System (16-18 April 2008). Nematology and Biotechnology Lab, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University
Rabbit, Water Fowl and Turkey Production System"(28 Aug. - 8 Sept. 2004) Animal Production Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt
Training course and workshop.
SWOT analysis 13 October 2013.
Strategic Intelligence. 25 September 2013
Strategic Planning. 4 June 2013
  Brainstorming. 20 May 2013.
  Governance, financial and administrative reform in government institution (5-9 May 2013).
  Development of administrative communication skills, persuasion and influence others (7-11 April 2013).
  Planning and organization (1 – 4 April 2013).
Team building, leadership skills and performance evaluation (23-28 March 2013).
Planning and financial forecasting in the preparation of budgets, reduce costs and control (16-21 March 2013).
Forming impressions and communicate with the organizer audience (10-14 March 2013).
  Strategic planning for the successful management of higher education (2-6 March 2013).
  Modern strategies in negotiation and effective communication (23 – 28 February 2013).
  Organizational climate and its relation to scientific productivity among faculty staff (15-19 December 2012).
  Planning, monitoring and evaluation of performance (8 — 11 December 2012).
  Description of syllabuses and programs of post-graduate studies (27 — 29 November 2012).
  Pre-TOT1 (4 — 8 November 2012).
  International Publishing of Research (21 — 23 December 2010)
  Management of Research Team(18 — 20 December 2010)
  The Credit Hours System(9 — 11 October 2010)
Effective Communication Skills (25 - 27 September 2010)
  Student Evaluation and Examination Techniques (21 - 23 September 2010)
  University Teacher Preparation (26 April — 4 June 2010)
  Effective Presentation Skills (24 - 26 December 2006)
Education Using Technology (5 - 7 August 2006)
  Recent trends in teaching (15 - 17 July 2006)
Methods of scientific research (8 - 11 July 2006)
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Academic honors /Awards
  Certificate of appreciation and Fayoum University award for distinguished academic publishing in the celebration of Fayoum University 7th Science Day (2014).
  Postdoc Scholarship from Ermus Mundus Fatima Al Fihri in Medicine of Animal, Production and Health Department (MAPS), Faculty of Veterinary, Padova University from 1 -12 -2013 till 31 -5 – 2014.
Certificate of appreciation and Fayoum University award for distinguished academic publishing in the celebration of Fayoum University 3rd Science Day (2010).
Certificate of appreciation for achieving the highest standing in the undergraduate program in the poultry department- Faculty of Agriculture in the celebration of faculty silver jubilee for graduates (2005).
Received Undergraduate Student Award {financial support from Cairo University for obtaining high grades} (twice).
Received Secondary School Award (financial support from Cairo University for obtaining high grades in Secondary school (1996).
  A member of the Egyptian Rabbit Science Association (ERSA).
A member of the Egyptian Poultry Science Association (EPSA).
A member of the Egyptian Society of Nutrition and Feeds.
A member of Association of poultry wealth development in Fayoum.
A member of Association of Agricultural Occupations.
  A member of Association of Service Society and Environmental Development in Fayoum.
An establishing member of Association of Arab Club for Development (under establishment).
Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools
  Good command of computer (ICDL, 2010).
Good command of statistical analysis program SPSS.
Organizational / managerial skills
  Good command of leadership (I am one of candidates for position of Minister Assistant of Higher Education in Egypt. I reached to the final stage and waiting the final result).
Good command of leadership (I am working as a deputy director of the development research and consultation center – Fayoum University, EGYPT.
  (Participate in supervising actions in the farm belongs to the department of poultry production (Layers, Broilers, Quails and rabbit).
Participate in the committees to buy components diets for poultry farm - Poultry Farm - Fayoum University.
Participate in committees to determine the price and sale of various types of poultry farm poultry – Poultry Farm - Fayoum University.
Language Skills
Excellent command of English language .
Institutional TOEFL .
Job-related skills
  Good command of quality processes (I worked as coordinator of poultry department for the quality assurance 2012⁄2013)
Good command of advisory (Within advisory group for assessing the local economy and business climate in Fayoum Governorate after the revolution of January 25 (Responsible for poultry sector in this study)- Development Unit of the local administration - Ministry of Local Development cooperation with UNDP to the UN).
Communication skills
Good communication skills as coordinator seminar under title (the most important new viral diseases and comparative methods of diagnosis) hosted by Faculty of Agriculture (7/ 5/2012)-invited to it (poultry farmers) Sponsored by Al-Asama feed manufactory.
Good communication skills as coordinator and lecturer of the first training course for small projects in the field of poultry which held on 21/03/2012 at Ibshway - Fayoum in collaboration with freedom and justice party in the framework of the plan to revitalize the economic aspect of the youth and create employment opportunities for them.
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