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Dr. Abdel-Atty Mohamed Ibrahim Khairallah
Contact Information
Phone Number : 084 6356731                          
Fax Number: 084 6334964
E-mail Address: ami01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Agriculture Building - Soil and water Bulding
Postal Address: Fayoum -Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Soils and Water Science Department - POBox : 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : Agricultural Sciences (Soils & Water)- Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1981
M.Sc. : Agricultural Sciences (Soils & Water) – Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1988
Ph.D. : Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences (Soils & Water) - Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University - 1995
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1981 To 1988
Assistant Lecturer : From 1988 To 1995
Lecturer : From 1995 To 2004
Assistant Professor : From 2004 To 2011
Professor : From 2011 Up Till Now
Research Interests
Studies on the effect of soil physical properties on soil productivity and plant growth.
Soil conservation and modification of its properties to increasing soil productivity and yield of crops.
Development of soil and water management practices in different soils and its effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties and plant growth.
Other Academic Activities
Member in the Egyptian Society of Soil Science, Egypt.
Member in the Central Laboratory of Soil, Water and Plant Analyses at Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, Egypt.
Visitor Professor to Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences Department), 330 Smyth Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA. as Visiting Scholar (from November 17 2008 to May 15 2009) for discuss the optimum subsoil compaction levels for turfgrass growth in constructed soil profiles.
Scientifc activeties
Attended many international and local congresses and symposiums
Published twenty four scientific papers in local and international journals.
Supervisor about 6 M.Sc. and Ph.D. in soil physics and soil & water management.
Applied researches for increasing the main crops productivity and for increasing water use efficiency.
Contribution of water table in moisture supply to crops and determination of crop water requirement.
List of Publications

Mohamed, S. A.; Abdel-Gawad, M.; El-Samanoudy, I. M. and Ibrahim, A. M. (1990). Effect of particle size distribution on soil porosity and available water. Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 4 :163-182.

Mohamed, S.A.; Abdel-Gawad, M.; El-Samanoudy, I. M. and Ibrahim, A. M. (1990). Effect of particle size distribution on soil aggregation and hydraulic conductivity. Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 4 :183-193.

Abou-Arab, A. A.; Mohamed, S. A.; Abdel-Gawad, M. and Ibrahim, A. M. (1998). Effect of soil compaction on some soil properties under different moisture regimes. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 38 (1-4): 211-228.

Abou-Arab, A. A.; Mohamed, S. A.; Abdel-Gawad, M. and Ibrahim, A. M. (1998). Plant productivity, nutrient states and uptake as influenced by soil compaction and water stresses. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 38 (1-4): 229-249.

Ibrahim, A. M. (2003). Assessment of moisture regime as related to properties of soil developed on the main sediments in El-Fayoum region, Egypt. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 18 (12): 356-367.

Mohamed, S. A. and Ibrahim , A. M. (2004). Effect of synthetic and natural soil conditioners on some soil physical properties and botanical characters of sunflower ( Helianthus annus, L.) plants grown under salinity conditions.Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 18 (1) :201-220.

Ibrahim, A. M. and Ibrahim, M. El. F. (2003). Response of bean crop (phaseolus Vulgaris, L.) to soil moisture stress and potassium fertilization levels. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 18 (12): 368-388.

Abdel-Aal, T. S. and Ibrahim, A. M. (2002). Efficiency use of saline water for irrigation the sandy soils treated with hydrogel and shale conditioners under Wheat crop. Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 16 (1) :147-161.

Ibrahim, A. M.; Awadalla, A. A.; and El-Bassiouny, M. A. M. (2003). Effects of tillage and organic management on some soil physical properties and Wheat yield. Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 17 (2) :9-21.

El-Bassiouny, M. A. M.; Ibrahim, A. M. and Awadalla, A. A. (2003).Impact of organic and inorganic amendments on saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of sandy soil under alfalfa plants. Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 17 (2) :22-34.

Awadalla, A. A.; El-Bassiouny, M. A. M. and Ibrahim, A. M. (2003). Identifying development degree of some soils calcareous in nature at the Eastern rim of Beni Suff Governorate, Egypt. Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 17 (2) :35-46.

Ahmed, H. A.; Ibrahim, A. M. ; Abdel-Aal, A. I. N. and Abdel-Mawgoud, A. S. A. (2003). Organic manures as a solution to some soil physical problems in calcareous soils. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 18 (2): 366-379.

Ibrahim, A. M. ; Seef El-Yazal, S. A. and El-Sayim, R. G. (2005). Response of Maize vegetative growth and yield to partial N- mineral replacement by biological nitrogen fixation under different soil moisture stresses. J. of Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 30 (4): 2259-2273.

Ibrahim, A. M. ; El-Samanoudy, I. M. and Taia, A. A. (2006).Impact of salinity levels and effective soil depth on Sorghum plants grown in some Nile alluvial and calcareous soils under El-Fayoum conditions. Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 20 (1) :103-118.

El-Shakweer,M. H. A. and Ibrahim, A. M. (2006). Scheduling supplementary drip irrigation requirements of Date palm trees in soils subjected to contribution from ground water depths under El-Fayoum condition. Fayoum J. of Agric. Res. and Dev., Vol. 20 (1):119-135.

Ibrahim, A. M. ; El-Samanoudy, I. M. and Abdel-Razik, M. A. (2006).Stress significance of moisture and salinity levels on some characteristics of soil and plant under applying different rates of organic fertilization. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 21 (7): 332-355.

Bakry, M. A.; El-Bassiouny, M. A. M. and Ibrahim, A. M. (2006). Using simple mathematical functions of some easily measured physical properties of the Nile alluvial soils for calculating the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 21 (9) : 226-240.

Abou-Arab, A.A.; Ibrahim, A. M. and Ibrahim, M.E.F. (2007).Effect of scheduling irrigation and soil tillage depth for cotton crop on soil strength and hydrophysical properties. The 8th National Conference of Egypt. Soil Sci. Soc. on "Soils and Water Studies in Sustainable Agriculture Systems", November 25-26/2007, as a poster, Egypt. Intr. Center for Agric., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. (Accepted for Publishing in November 5, 2007).

Ibrahim, A. M.; Yousef, K.M.R. and Ibrahim, M.E.F. (2007).Effect of scheduling irrigation and soil tillage depth for cotton crop on its growth, yield and water relationships. The 8th National Conference of Egypt. Soil Sci. Soc. on "Soils and Water Studies in Sustainable Agriculture Systems", November 25-26/2007, as a poster, Egypt. Intr. Center for Agric., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. (Accepted for Publishing in October 17, 2007).

Wahdan A. A. A.; Ibrahim A. M. and Bakry M. A. A. (2009).Integrated input soil and water managements in maximizing peanut crop under the eastern drought-front desert outskirt of El Fayoum governorate, Egypt. Research journal of agriculture and biological sciences, 5(1): 1-15. Pakstan.

Ibrahim A. M. and Abdel-Samad G. A. (2009). Effect of different irrigation regimes and partial substitution of N-mineral by organic manures on water use, growth and productivity of pomegranate trees. European Journal of Scientific Research, 38 (2): 199-218.

Abdel Aal, T.S. and Ibrahim, A. M. (2010).Micromorphological properties of salt affected soils as related to salinization processes at El-Fayoum depression, Egypt. International Conference on Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands in Arid Environments, May 17-19, 2010 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (Accepted for Publishing in December 20, 2010).

Ibrahim, A.M. (2011).A more suitable compacted layering for growing turfgrass in artificial constructed soil profiles. Egypt. J. of Soil Sci. (Accepted for Publishing in January 18, 2011).

Ibrahim, A.M. and Persaud, N. (2011).Soil air permeability as affected by reducing compaction effort of different soil textured grades. Egypt. J. of Soil Sci. (Accepted for Publishing in January 19, 2011).

Theses supervision
Master Thesis Supervision
The effect of soil moisture stress and potassium fertilization on bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.). Ibrahim M.E.F. (2003), M.Sc.
Studies on the effect of soil salinity and water table depth on sorghum crop production at Fayoum governorate. Abdelmageed T.A. (2005), M.Sc.
Studies of ground water of some soils in Fayoum Governorate using GIS. Ahmed harby, M.Sc. (under writing).
Dissertation Supervision
Scheduling cotton irrigation using pan evaporation under different tillage practices. Ibrahim M.E.F. (2007), Ph.D.
Soil and water management of some crops under Fayoum conditions. Abdelmageed T.A. (2010), Ph.D.
Studies on soil and water management practices of sugar beet plants under Fayoum conditions. Abdelrazek M.A. (2005), Ph.D.
Messages summary
“Effect of some soil characteristics on water relations in some soils of Fayoum”
“Studies on soil compaction in relation to some soil characteristics and plant growth”
Courses Taught
Physics and Meteorological
Fundamental of Soil Sciences.
Soil physics.
Soil conservation and Management.
Hydrology and Water resources.
Irrigation and Drainage
Soil water relationships
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