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Prof.Dr.Atef Abdel Tawab Awad
Contact Information
Phone Number : 084 6356731                          
Fax Number : 084 6334964
E-mail Address: aaa04@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Agriculture Building
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Agriculture - Soils and Water Science Department - POBox : 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. : Agricultural Sciences (territory) - College of Agriculture - Cairo University - Fayoum branch - 1988
M.Sc. : Agricultural Sciences (territory) - College of Agriculture - Cairo University - Fayoum branch - 1993
Ph.D. : Philosophy - Agricultural Sciences (territory) - College of Agriculture - Cairo University - Fayoum branch - 1998
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1989 To 1993.
Assistant Lecturer : From 1993 To 1998.
Lecturer : From 1998 To 2004.
Assistant Professor: From 2004 To 2009.
Professor: From 2009 UpTill Now.
List of Research Papers

First: Research Conducted Alone:

Awadalla,A.A.(2002):Monitoring of soil profile development in area located at the Nile Valley, Beni Suef Governorate, Egypt. Fayoum J.Agric. Res.& Dev., 16 (1):136-147.

Awadalla,A.A.(2002):The significance of amorphous materials as function of the forming factor and process intensities for some soils developed on Beni Suef Governorate, Egypt. Fayoum J.Agric. Res.& Dev., 16(2):193- 207.

Awadalla,A.A.(2004): Characterization of some wetland ars developed under arid and semi-arid climatic conditions of Egypt. Egypt. Egypt j.Appl.Sci, 19(11)437-460.

Second: Joint Research:

Khater,E.A., Awadalla,A.A. and Ibrahim ,S.B.(2004) : Some desertification as frrtility status. Second Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Devolpment, Fac. Of Agric ., ElFayoum , pp.129-146.

.Awadalla,A.A , Salib , M.M. and Ibrahim , S.B. (2003): Response of Maize yield grown on calcareous soil to some organic and inorganic amendments under irrigation with saline drainage water. Egypt. J.Appl.Sci, 18(3)366- 381.

Khater,E.A. Ibrahim ,S.B, and Awadalla,A.A.(2002) :Utilization of some farm organic wastes for improving soil productivity of the newly reclaimed areas at ElFayoum Governorat . Egypt. J.Soil Sci

Hagag,A.A.and Awadalla,A.,A. (2005):Soil taxonomy and evaluation of some promising areas for agriculture utilization in the western desert of Egypt.j.Agric.Sci Mansoura Univ.,30(3):1773-1786.

Wahdan A.A., Awadalla,A.A.and Mahmoud , M.M.(2006) :Response of wheat-maize cropping sequence in a calcareous soil to some mineral or chelated micronutrient forms added to soil incombination with sulphur and organic manures.Fayoum J. Agric.Res.&Dev.,20(1) 25-39.

.Wahdan A.A, Awadalla,A.A.and El Bassiouny, M .A .M.(2006) :Utilization of some local organic and inorganic materials for improving the characteristics of marginal soils at El Fayoum Governorate. ,Egypt. Egypt J.Appl.Sci,21 (2)345-360

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