*I failed in Dentistry - the first day of admission in a medical conference in the village of Lahore      *Appointment of Prof. Sherif El-Attar as Vice President of Fayoum University for Education and Student Affairs      *Council of Conservation Department      * Council of Islamic Archaeology Department      * Council of Egyptology Department
Education Fundamental
  The department is responsible for teaching the following courses: the social foundations of education, the philosophical foundations of education, principles of education, history of education, Education and societal problems, in addition to the different courses related to the foundations of education taught to students of variant sections throughout the years of the faculty. The department is also involved in higher studies programs introduced to post graduate students in the General Diploma, Professional Diploma (Adult Education Division) and special Diploma (Foundations of Education Section). The members of the department, according to their fields of specialization, help in supervising the practical teaching groups being trained in schools. The department is made up of six senior staff members and ten demonstrators and assistant lecturers, being prepared for their M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees, in addition to a number of external students who have registered in the M.Ed. and Ph.D. programs at the department.
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