B. Sc. : Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery- Cairo university - 2003
Diploma in pediatrics, . Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University 2008. |
M. Sc. : Basic Medical Sciences ( Physiology ) Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University 2013. |
P. hd. : Medical Sciences (Physiology)Faculty of Medicine, Alazhar University 2016. |
Demonstrator : From 2006 To 2013
Assistant Lecturer : From 2013 to 2017
Lecturer : From 2017 to 2023
Assistant Professor: From 2023 Untill Now
Effect of Intravenous Calcitriol on Serum IL-6 & IL-8 in Regular Hemodialysis Patients
Effect of Short-term Erythropoietin Therapy on Insulin Resistance and Serum Levels of Leptin and Neuropeptide Y in Hemodialysis Patients
Effect of different steroids on the skeletal muscles in adult male albino rat: a histological study
Effect of insulin and captopril on diabetic cardiomyopathy in adult male albino rat: Histological, biochemical and pharmacological study
Calcitriol and Immunity In Chronic Regular Haemodialysis Patients  |
Effect of short term erythropoietin therapy on insulin resistance and some appetite neuropeptides in end stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis  |
Association of MicroRNA-155rs767649 Polymorphism with
Susceptibility to Preeclampsia.
Association Between rs1859168/HOTTIP Expression Level and Colorectal Cancer and Adenomatous Polyposis Risk in Egyptians.  |
Serum miR-34a-5p and miR-199a-3p as new biomarkers of neonatal sepsis.
Therapeutic effect of selenium and vitamin E on arsenic induced cardiac damage in adult male albino rat: Histological, biochemical and pharmacological study. |
Evaluation of serum long noncoding RNA NEAT and MiR-129-5p in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Serum long noncoding RNAs FAS-AS1 & PVT1 are novel biomarkers for systemic lupus erythematous. |
COVID-19 in Children: Clinical Presentations and Outcomes in Fayoum Governorate, Egypt. |
Mir 129 5-P as a noninvasive prognostic biomarker of liver fibrosis in HCV Egyptian population.