Objectives :
1-Establishing a new education reform system which can help achieve social and economic development and social justice, and meet the requirements of efficiency, excellence and accountability to confront the national and international challenges of quality assurance and accreditation.
2-Designing an Internal Quality Assurance System.
3-Setting benchmarks for Internal Quality Assurance System.
3-Setting up an Internal Quality Assurance Unit to preserve the continuity of applying mechanisms of quality and excellence.
4-Developing new electronic systems to support the application of quality mechanisms.
6- Faculty, leadership, administrators and personnel development.
7- Conducting a self-study of the current situation to develop a strategic plan and implement the assigned tasks and activities to establish an Internal Quality Assurance System; all this with the aim of complying with quality assurance standards and accreditation.
8- Reviewing the organizational structure, improving communication, and defining procedures for dealing with students' complaints.
9-Setting a mechanism for faculty development to enhance their participation in the development of educational programs, research and community progress.
10- Improving the quality of learning, activation of academic and student guidance system, upgrading learning sources and methods, and exploring the views of students of courses.
11- Setting a research plan, promoting joint research between the various departments and providing opportunities for the participation in national and international conferences.
12-Promoting the faculty activities in the field of community service and environmental development.