Faculty of Engineering

Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Latif Mohamed Abdel-Latif

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6337580 / 084 6337588                          
Fax Nnumber: 084 6334031
E-mail Address: aam00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Electric Engineering Bulding - Third Floor
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Engineering - Mathematics and Physics Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Mathematics and Physics - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - 2000
M. Sc.: Physics - Biophysics - Cairo University - 2006
Pre-Ph.D.: Department of Mathematica and Physics - Fayoum University - 2009
Ph.D.: Department of Mathematica and Physics - Fayoum University - 2014
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2000 To 2006
Assistant Lecturer : From 2006 to 2014
Lecturer : From 2014 to 2022
Assistant Professor : From 2022 Until Now
Academic Graduation
Acting Head of Mathematics and Engineering Physics Department on 11/1/2022.
Acting Head of Mathematics and Engineering Physics Department on 18/8/2024.
Finite Element Modeling of Multi-Exponential Diffusion phenomena in MRI
Publications List
Study of mass attenuation properties for cobalt-free maraging steels at photon energies from 200 to 3000keV
"Investigation of a Modified Cobalt-Free Alloy for Nuclear Application". By Mamdouh Mahmoud Eissa, Maged Mahmoud Kassab, Samir Uoshaa El-Kameesy, Abdel-Latif Mohamed. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 10/2015; 3(9):52-56. DOI:10.4236/msce.2015.39007.
"A Study of Neutron and Gamma-Ray Interaction Properties with Cobalt-Free Highly Chromium Maraging Steel". By: M M Kassab, S U El-Kameesy, M M Eissa, A. Abdel-Latif M: Journal of Modern Physics 10/2015; 6(11):1526-1532. DOI:10.4236/jmp.2015.611156

“A Study of Neutron and Gamma-Ray Interaction Properties with Cobalt-Free Highly Chromium Maraging Steel”, M. M. Kassab, S. U. El-Kameesy, M. M. Eissa, A. Abdel-Latif M Journal of Modern Physics (Jmp Vol. (6); pp. 1526-1532 September/2015

Study on neutron and gamma-ray interactions properties with cobalt-free martensite steel”,. M, M.M. Eissa, S.U. El-Kameesy, M.M. Kassab 4th Nuclear Materials Conference, Elsevier conferences, 2016, Poster presentation, NUMAT2016, Montpellier- France. Journal of nuclear materials. NUMAT2016, 7-10, November 2016 Montpellier-France

“Effect of using concrete containing marble as a shielding material from the nuclear energy”, Y.A. Abdelgany, M.M kassab, A. Abdellatif M, M.M Radwan.2nd International scientific Conference 2018, Paper, Qaroun Lake, Fayoum, Egypt. 25-26, February 2018 Smart city-Egypt

Optimizing shielding properties of strength enhanced concrete containing marble”, A. Abdellatif M, M. I. Sayyed, H. O. Tekin, M. M. Kassab.Papers in physics Vol. (12); 120005 August/2020

“The Effect of burnable absorbers on neutronic parameters of VVER-1200 reactor”, Noura Hafez, Hesham Shahbunder, Esmat Amin, S. U. El-Kamessy, S. A. Elfiki and Ahmed Latef IOP conference series: Material science & engineering Vol. (956); 012007 October/2020

“Study on criticality and reactivity coefficients of VVER-1200 reactor”, Noura Hafez, Hesham Shahbunder, Esmat Amin, S.A. Elfiki, A. Abdel-Latif Journal of Progress in Nuclear Energy Vol. (131); 103594 January/2020

“Shielding parameters for cobalt free steel alloys”, H. A. saudi, M.M. Mourad, M. M. Eissa, M. Y. Hassan, A. Abdel-Latif. IOP conference series: Material science & engineering Vol. (1171); 012010 July /2021

“MODIFIED AUSTENITIC STAINLESS-STEEL ALLOYS FOR SHEILDING NUCLEAR REACTORS”, M.M. Mourad,H. A. saudi, M. M. Eissa, M. Y. Hassan, A. Abdel-Latif. Journal of Progress in Nuclear Energy Vol. (142);104009 December/2021

Conference Proceedings
"Study of mass attenuation properties for cobalt-free maraging steels at photon energies from 200 to 3000keV". By: M.M. Kassab, M.M. Eissa, S. U. Elkameesy, Ahmed Abdel-Latif Mohamed: Second International Conference in Prospects of Engineering Solutions and Challenges of the Times 2014, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University; 09/2014 . DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1949.7449.
Radiation Physics, Radiation Detection, Radiation Protection, Gamma Spectrscopy, Ionizing Radiation, Experimental Physics, Radioactivity, Nuclear Science.
Programming- Finite element analysis- Gardening.