B.Sc. Agricultural – Sciences (Dairying) – Food Science - Cairo University – 1970 |
M.Sc. Agricultural – Sciences (Dairying) – Food Science - Cairo University – 1976 |
PhD: Agricultural – Sciences (Dairying) – Food Science - Cairo University – 1980 |
Assistant Lecturer : from 1978 to 1980 - Dept. of Food Industries - Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ. at Al-Fayoum Branch |
Lecturer : from 1980 to 85 - Dept. of Food Industries - Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ. at Al-Fayoum Branch |
Associate Professor : from 1985 to 1990 - Dept. of Dairying, Fac. Of Agric., Cairo Univ. at Al-Fayoum Branch, Egypt |
Professor: from 1990 to 1994 - Dept. of Dairying, Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ. at Al-Fayoum Branch |
Professor: from 1994 Until Now - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels |
Research Assistant : from 1970 to 1977 - Dairy Technology Section, Animal Production Res. Institute, Agric.Res. Center, Cairo, Egypt. |
Research Assistant : from 1977 to 78 - Radiobiology Dept., Atomic Energy Establishment, Academy of Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt. |
Acting Head : from 1986 to 1987 - Dept. of Dairying, Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ.at Al-Fayoum Branch, Egypt. |
Professor and Head : from 1993 to 1994 - Dept. of Dairying, Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ. at Al-Fayoum Branch, Egypt. |
Professor and acting Dean : from February 1994 to October 1994 - Fac. of Tourism & Hotels, Cairo Univ at Al-Fayoum Branch, Egypt. |
Professor and Dean : from 1994 to 2003 - Fac. of Tourism & Hotels, Univ. Cairo at Al-Fayoum Branch, Egypt. |
Cultural Counsellor and Director : from 2004 to 2006 - Egyptian Cultural Beauru, Embassy of Egypt, Tripoli, Libya. |
Cultural Counsellor and Director : from 2007 Until Now - Department of Hospitality, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt. |
Coordinator of an Academic Link between the Departments of Hospitality Studies and Food Sciences at Cairo University, Al-Fayoum Campus, Egypt and Food Safety and Center of Consultancy, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK, April (2000-2004). The title of the link was “Improving the Hygiene Practices of Food Handlers, Especially Females, in the Al-Fayoum Region of Egypt.” The yields of the link were as follows:
. 5 Female staff members and assistant staff members visit X3weeks each for 2 years. The purpose of visits was to train staff on safe food handling and HACCP (Visitors were from Faculties of Tourism, Agriculture and Home Economics)
. 3 Male staff visits X3weeks each.
. Training approximately 1000 female on proper food handling
. Several staff members from UWIC visited the Faculty and presented their experience to the Faculty staff and assistant staff members and students.
. UWIC (British link partner) donated the Faculty ATB Luminance apparatus. It is equivalent to 3000Sterling.
Coordinator of an Academic Link between the Dept. of Dairying, Faculty of Agric., at AL-Fayoum, Egypt and North East Wales Institute UK. The link was for 5 years (April 1990 - March 1995). The title of the link was "Food and Agriculture Additives "The yields of the link activities are as follows:
. 10Visits by 8 staff members for 3 months each from Faculties of Agriculture at Fayoum, Minia and Cairo.
. 8 Scientific papers published in International Refereed Journals.
. Several visits by NEWI staff members to present their experience to our staff in the field of the link.
. UWIC donated ELISA instrument to the department of Dairying. The instrument is valued for 3000 Sterling.
Personal Contract with FAO to carry out research on “Vegetable Milk Coagulants" (1991).
Created a scholarship to an assistant staff member (Department of Dairying) to study Ph.D. at University of Salford, UK. The scholarship was created based on personal contact with NEWI.
e. Created a scholarship to an assistant staff member (Department of Dairying) to study M.Sc. at University College, Cork, Ireland. The scholarship was created based on personal contact with Irish Embassy in Cairo.
Participated in furnishing and providing The Faculty of Agriculture laboratories with chemicals and equipment.
Created and founded the "Dairy Processing Model Unit" starting from the idea and raising fund through all steps including building, layout design and purchasing equipment.
Beard the responsibility of establishing the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels and building its administrative and academic staff.
Lecturing under and postgraduates
F&B, purchasing, storage and issuing food ingredients, principles of hospitality, principles of tourism, international tourism, food production, public health, food safety, food hygiene, quality assurance in tourism and hospitality, hotel management, mangement of minor projects, methods of research, environment and tourism,etc.
Supervising graduation projects on different aspects of tourism and hotels.
Supervising MSc.(7) and Ph.D. (3)theses on different aspects of tourism and hotel management.
Team member for creating "Fayoum Govornorate Development Horizons: Tourism development ", Fayoum, 1998.
Member of Creating Academic Standards for Tourism and Hospitality Sector Group, National Assiciation of quality Assurance and Accreditation, Egypt.
Member of Stratgic Plan for Tourism and Hospitality Higher Education Group, Minsitry of Higher Education.
Peer-reviewer, Suremecouncil of Universites
Food Heritage Museum to Reflex Egyptian Identity  |
Adopting Cooperative Marketing Strategy By Tourism Service Providers: Comparing Perceptions Of Travel Agencies And Hotels
Improving the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Education: the Students’ Clues |
Hewedi, M., M.: M.A.Morsy and Farag, A.S. (2007). A Study of waste management in flight catering at Cairo International Airport. Proceedings of "1st International Conference and Exhibition on Environmental Impact of Energy and Water Saving in Tourism" May 30-31, 2007, Tripoli, Libya, pp.215-227 |
Hewedi, M.M. (2004).Desert Tourism in the Context of Tourism Development. Paper presented at scientific symposium on "Desert Tourism". 20- 22 October, Hon, Libya.
Kattara, H. S.; M. Eraqi and M. M. Hewedi (2004). Tourism and Hospitality postgraduate research experience: A highlight of tourism and hospitality research issues in Egyptian higher education, Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism. Vol. 4 (2), 1- 17.
Hewedi, M.M. and M.I Eraqi (2002). Tourism and Hospitality in Egypt: The highlights of academic and Industrial Research issues. Paper Presented at the Arab Conference "Tourism and its role in the Development of Arab Countries".16-17 October 2002, Thamar University, Yemen.
Hewedi, M.M. and M.I Eraqi (2002). Market oriented approach: A means to improve tourism facilities efficiency in Egypt. In Proceedings of "First Tourism Congress of Mediterranean Countries, April 17-21, 200. Turkey", pp.316- 329
Griffith, C.G and M.M. Hewedi (2001). The role of risk analysis within crisis management in the tourism and hospitality industries; an overview. In proceedings of "Culinary Arts and Sciences III Global and National Perspectives" Edwards, J.S. and Hewedi (Eds.) Cairo, Egypt. pp187-198.
Hewedi, M.M. and Griffith, C.G. (2001). Food and Tourism in Egypt: Supply and Safety. In proceedings of "Culinary Arts and Sciences III Global and National Perspectives" Edwards, J.S. and Hewedi, M.M., Cairo, Egypt (Eds). pp206-220
Hewedi, M.M., N.M. Doma and S.A. AL-Hamamsy (1998). Hospitality Education in Egypt: an Overview, . In proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences, University of Bournemouth, U.K.
B. National refereed Journals, Bulletins and Conferences (11papers)
Hewedi, M.M. (2007). The missing links between higher education and tourism and hotel industry. Invited lecture presented to "Workshop on Alexandrian Tourism, 16/17 Sept, 2007", Organized by Higher Institute for Hotel and Tourism & Computer Sciences, El_Seuif, Alexandria, Egypt. (In Arabic)
Hewedi, M.M. (2007). Quality of training and higher education in tourism and hotel: Brief investigation of challenges and barriers, Journal of Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Vol, No.2. pp.1-10. (In Arabic).
Hewedi, M.M. (2006). The relationship between education, training research and tourism and hospitality industry: Reading the missing links, Journal of Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Vol.1 No.1, pp. 1- 30. (In Arabic)
Badran, N.A.; Hewedi, M.M., ElKurdi, M.K. and Morsy, M.A. (2005). Assessment of employee empowerment and its impact upon employee and commitment and quality of service offered in five star hotels in Cairo. Paper presented at Conference for Developing Tourism and Archeology in Egypt and Arab World, April 2005, Suez Canal University.
Abdel Aati, M.A.; Hewedi, M.M.; Elkurdi, M.k. and Morsy, M.A. (2004). The Web based applications for the small and medium sizes hotels, Egyptian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, Vol.9.
Morsy, M.A., Abd Almaaboud, A. and Hewedi, M.M. (2004). Attitudes of hospitality staff towards sanitation in hotels and restaurants in Cairo. Egyptian Journal of Tourism Studies, Vol.3, No. 1-2, 1-23.
Morsy,M.A.;Nassar,M.A.and Hewedi, M.M.(2003).Web-based training (WBT): A powerful tool to enhance cognitive training programs in the 4 &5 star hotels in Cairo and Alexandria.Egyptian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality,8,7-40.
Hewedi, M.M. and Iraqi, M. (1999). Tourism quality service industry in Egypt: Implementation and standard rising. (Research report carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism, Egypt. (In Arabic)
Al-Hammasy, S; M.M.Hewedi and N. Doma (1998). Developing quality customer service for hospitality industry. Egyptian J. of Tourism& Hospitality 1:47-61.
Doma, N and M.M.Hewedi (1997). By-products and wastes of home kitchen and the environmental pollution In proceedings of "Conference on the Role of Universities in Community and Environmental Development" Cairo University, March (1997) pp.543-544 (In Arabic).
Hewedi, M.M; N.Doma and H.Morsy (1997). Tourism development in Egypt and its impact on the environmental pollution. In proceedings of "Conference on the Role of Universities in Community and Environmental Development" Cairo University, March (1997) pp387-394. (In Arabic)
April (2008) Seminar on "The requirements of Hotel Industry and its Matching with the Community". Egyptian Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotels, 23April, Cairo
(April 2007) Seminar on: "Towards New Views for Tourism Higher Education"Shepard Hotel, April 22, 2007, Cairo.
2005).Scientific seminar on:
"Desert Tourism ", 20-22
December, 2005, Hon, Libya.
November (2005). Challenges of Regional Integration for Tourist Destinations, 14-16 November, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, October 6 University, Egypt.
Seminar on "Quality management systems ISO 9000 and Environmental Management Systems ISO 14000" 27- 30, 2004, Tripoli, Libya.
(Sept 2003). Conference in Alexandria: "The City of Civilization and Culture: Historical, culturtral, Archeological, Touristic and Environmental Dimensions". 25September, 2003. Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt.
4th Annual Scientific Conference "Human Resources Developments and Modernization of Egypt" , 14- 15, 2003
(Oct2002). Tourism and its Role in Development in the Arab Countries, 16-17 October, 2002, Thamar University, Yemen.
(Sept 2002). Fourth Arab Tourism Symposium, Arab League, 22-24 September, 2002, Cairo, Egypt.
Sept (2002) . Ragional Semirar on the Recovery of the Travel and Tourism Industry in the Middle East and North Africa. Sept. 16, (2002) Cairo, Egypt.
June (2001). HRD
Meeting of the WTO Education
Council. 12-13June, Madrid,
May (2001). Regional Seminar on Globalization and its Challanges and Opportunities for Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa. 20-21May, 2001. Cairo, Egypt.
April (2001). The Fourth Conferenc of “The Food Industry at the Service of Tourism”. Ismalia, Egypt.
April (2001). 3rd International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences: Global and National Prospectives, Universities of Cairo (Egypt) and Bournemouth (UK), Cairo, Egypt.
First Fayoum Conference the Past, Present and Future " Archeological and Tourism Promotion" 7 -8 April, 2001, Fayoum. Egypt
April (2000). Advanced Course on “Tourism in Rural Areas : Planning and Strategies.” CIHEAM, Zaragoza, Spain.
May (1999). “Unimed Symposium on the Enhancement of Non- Material Culture in the Mediterranean – Workshop 3 “The Non-Material Culture as a Torist Resource”, Rome, Italy.
November (1998). W.T.O. Seminar on Eco-tourism Development in the Middle East and North Africa. Cairo, Egypt.
June – July (1998). 2nd International Culinary Arts and Sciences: Global and national Prospectives. University of Bournemouth, Uk.
December (1997). W.T.O. Seminar on Tourism Statistics and Economic Impact Measurement. Cairo, Egypt.
8.21April (1996). First Sientific Conference for Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, University of Helwan
September–October (1996). W.T.O. International Regional Seminar on Marketing Opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa Cairo, Egypt.
May (1995). W.T.O. Workshop on Educating The Educators in Tourism and Hospitality, Cairo, Egypt.
Organized and managed Conferences and Seminars
• May (2003) organized and managed "Tourism Integration Conference among Fayoum, Beni-Suif and Minya Governorates", Fayoum, Egypt
• April (2001) Organized and managed a joint international conference entitled " Culinary Arts and Sciences III: Global and National Perspectives" with Professor J. Edwards, University of Bournemouth, UK.
• February (1998). Organized and managed seminar entitled "Education and Training in Faculties and Institutes of Tourism and Hotels: Present and Future", Fayoum, Egypt
• March (1997). Organized and managed seminar entitled "Strategy for Tourism Development in Al_Fayoum Region till Year 2015."
Fayoum, Egypt.
Secretary (1996-2000). Editorial
Secretary, Egyptian Journal of
Tourism & Hospitality.
. External
reviewer for the Faculty of
Tourism and Hotel Management
Quality Project
(1998) Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee for "2nd International Conference on Culinary Arts and Science: Global and National Perspectives", University of Bournemouth, UK.
(2005) Scientific referee "5th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Science: Global and National Perspectives". Poland
Certificates of training and examinations
• July (1998)."Basic Food Hygiene". Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, UK.
• September (1998). "HACCP Principles". The Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, UK.
Certificates of successful attendance
• April-May (2008). TOT, British Council, Cairo
• September (2000). "Executive Management Training Workshop for University Administration". Fulbright Commission, Cairo Egypt.
• April (2000). "Tourism in Rural Areas: Strategies and Promotion". International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Zaraghoza, Spain.
• March (1996). "International Seminar in Educating the Educators", WTO, Egypt.
(2000-present). Member of Hotel and Catering International Management Association. (Presently is Institute of Hospitality) (UK.)
(1996-present). Member of the State Specialized Councils (Tourism Sector).
(1996-2000). Vice President of the Egyptian Society of Tourism & Hospitality.
(2003). Commissioner of the Tourism and Hospitality Committee Sector
(1995-2003).Member of the Scientific Committee of Academic Staff Promotion, Tourism and Hospitality Sector.
(1995-2001& 2003) Commossioner of the Scientific Committee of Academic Staff Promotion, Tourism and Hospitality Sector
(1995-2003). Refree for promoting academic staff in Faculties of Tourism and Hospitality
(1994-2003). Member of the Tourism and Hospitality Committee Sector.
(1994-2003 & 2004-Present) Member in the Committee for monitoring and evaluation of private Higher Education Institutes and Private Faculties for Tourism and Hotels.
Februry (2000). National Higher Education Conference.
May (1999). Cairo University Conference for Developing Education at Universities.
March (1998). 1st National Confernce for Marketing Univesity Services.
October (1997). Cairo University Conference for Cultural and Academic affairs.
March (1997).Confernce of Universities at Community Services.
April (1996). Cairo University Confernce for Developing Postgraduate Studies.
1- Teaching
Teaching and running practical classes in different apects of dairy chemistry, processing and food science related subjects including food quality assurance, food hygiene and sanitation, food packaging, ...... etc., June 1978 - June 1980
Teaching and lecturing in dairy chemistry, milk processing, dairy & food packaging, food science related subjects including food quality assurance, food hygiene and sanitation ... etc, for under and post - graduate students. June 1980 – October 1994.
Supervising and Graduating MSc. and Ph.D. Theseses Since 1980-1996
2- Professional Activities
(1980-present). Independent trainer: Food and dairy processing, hygiene and safety and HACCP, food industry, hotels and retailers.
(1985-1990) Laboratories and Equipments Committee member at Fayoum Branch, University of Cairo
(1986-1990) Commissioner of the Students and Teaching Affairs Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Al-Fayoum Campus
(1988-1991). General supervisor of students hostels, University of Cairo, Al-Fayoum Campus, Al- Fayoum, Egypt.
1995-present. Independent expert and reviewer in Organic Agriculture and Food processing
3- Organized and Managed Conferences and Seminars
April (1994).Organized and managed seminar entitled "Packaging of Dairy and Food Products". Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum.
May (1991). Organized and managed seminar entitled "Biotechnology in production and processing of dairy products". Faculty of Agriculture,
4 - Membership of Scientific and Professional Societies
(1985-present).The Egyptian Society of Food Science and Technology.
(1980-present).The Egyptian Society of Dairy Technology.
(1980-1990) Society of Dairy Technology, UK
(1980- 1990) Japan Society of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agro chemistry.
5- Conferences and workshops |
National (21 Events) May (2002). The Second Conference "Sustainable Agriculture Development" 8-10 May, 2002
A Workshop on "The Role of Quality Assurance in International Trade: An Irish Prospective" June 25, 2001, Cairo Marriot
March (2002). Scientific Conference "Sustainable Agriculture Development" Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, March 2001.
January (2000). Cairo University Millennium Symposium. Univ. Cairo, Egypt.
April (2000) the 3rd Conference of the Food Industry at the Service of Tourism-Cairo-Sinai, Egypt.
October (1999). Strategy’s for Safe Agricultural Production in the Arab World. Arab Council for Higher Studies, Univ. Cairo, Egypt.
November (1999). Starter Culture and Their Use in Dairy Industry. Alexandria, Egypt.
November (1998). 7th Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
November (1998). Present and Future Status of Genetic and Genetic Engineering in the Arab World Till Year 2020. Arab Council for Higher Studies, Univ. Cairo, Egypt.
March (1998). 6th Arab Conference for Food Science and Technology. Cairo
June (1997).Egyptian-French Symposium on “Industry and Technology of Milk”. Marriott Hotel, Cairo, Egypt.
Sept (1996). 2nd International Food Science and Technology. Cairo
April (1996). Cairo Univ. Conference on Developing Post-graduate Studies. Univ. Cairo, Egypt.
November (1995). 6th Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
Agriculture Research Projects and its Role in Environment Promotion and Community Service ", Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum, 15 November, 1995.
May 1995). 8th Annual Scientific Conference, Faculty of Social Services, Fayoum, Egypt.
October (1994). The 2nd Conference on the Food Industry at the Service of Tourism. Sinai - Cairo, Egypt.
October (1992). 5th Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology, Ismaelia, Egypt.
November (1989). 4th Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
November (1986). 3rd Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
November (1980). 1st Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
International (13 Events) July (1998). Fair Flow Conference on Microbial Control in the Meat industry, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK.
December (1994). International Conference on Hydrocolloids in Food Processing, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
November (1994). Second Saudi Symposium on Food and Nutrition, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
July (1989). 5th International Congress on Gums and Stabilizers for the Food Industry, Wrexham, UK.
November (1988). The International Dairy Federation Symposium on "Recombination of Milk Products," Alexandria, Egypt.
October (1988). The Arab Conference on Dairy Industry, Cairo, Egypt.
July (1987). 4th International Congress on Gums and Stabilizers for the Food Industry, Wrexham, UK.
September (1984). I4th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference, University College, Cork, Ireland.
September (1983). 6th International Congress on Food Science and Tech, Dublin, Ireland.
.September (1983). 13th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference, University College, Cork, Ireland.
September (1981). 11th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference, University College, Cork, Ireland.
September (1981). International Food Protein Symposium, University College, Cork, Ireland.
6- .Invited Speaker (7Events) publications |
March (1999). Cairo, Egypt. Food and Tourism. 6th Arab Conference on Food Science & Technology
November (1998). The use of HACCP in Managing the Safety of Dairy Products. 7th Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology. Cairo, Egypt.
(With C.Griffith).
November (1998). The use of Rapid Analytical Techniques in Dairy HACCP plans. 7th Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology Cairo, Egypt. .(with C.Griffith).
November (1995). Pharmaceutical and Biological Properties of Milk and Milk Products: An overview. 6th Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology. Cairo, Egypt. (With S.Madkor).
April (1994). Packaging Process and Flavor of Foods. A Seminar on “The New Developments in Packaging of Dairy and Food Products”. Faculty of Agric. At Al-Fayoum, Egypt. (With others).
October (1992). Pesticide Residues in Foods: An Overview. 5th Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology.
November (1989). Gums and Stabilizers in Dairy Products. 4th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology. Cairo, Egypt.
7- .List of publications |
National refereed Journals, Bulletins and Conferences Hammam, M.G.; M.A. Morsy; M.A. Deghedi and M.M Hewedi (1999). Effect of adding some emulsifiers and stabilizers on some physical properties of milk, zabady and soft cheese. Minufiya J. Agric. Res. 24: 515-526.
Ibrahim, F.S.; S.A. Madkor and M.M. Hewedy (1995). The Effect of pH, sugars and calcium ion concentration on the Thermal stability of whey proteins. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 23:177-188.
Soliman, M.S.; M.M.Hewedi S.Nassar and E.Omar (1996). “Post-graduate studies Present and Future Paper presented at “Cairo Univ. Conference for Developing Post-graduate Studies. Cairo Univ., Egypt, April (1996) (In Arabic).
Zahran, A.S.; S.A. Madkor, C.J.Smith and M.M. Hewedy (1994). Detection of porcine pepsin in rennet-mixtures. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 22:119-129.
El-Batawy, M.A.; M.M. Hewedi, E.S. Gergis and W.A. Metry (1993). Studies on Cottage cheese. I- Effect of some technological properties on making Cottage cheese by direct acidification. Egyptian J. Food Sci. 21:113-125.
Gergis, E.S.; M.M. Hewedi, M.A.; El-Batawy and W.A. Metry (1993). Studies on Cottage cheese. II- Role of culture type and cream addition on the properties and keeping quality. Egyptian J. Food Sci. 21:127-138.
Soliman, H.A.; N.A. Abou-Zeid and M.M. Hewedy (1993). Microbial load, pathogenic bacteria and gross chemical composition of kishk at El- Fayoum Governorate. Fayoum J. Agric., Res & Dev. 7: 68 – 77.
Ibrahim, A.M.; A.A. Ragab, M.A. Morsy, M.M. Hewedi and C.J. Smith (1993). Development of immunoassay for the detection of Aldrin/Dieldrin with application In the dairy products. J.Agric. Sci . Mansoura Univ. 18 (2) 603-613.
El- Batawy, M.A.; S.N.; Amer, M.M. Hewedy and E.A. Galal (1992).Use of ultrasonic treatment in the preparation of rennet extracts. Egyptian J. Food Sci.
20: 355 - 369.
Amer, S.N.; M.A.; El-Batawy, M.M.; Hewedy and E.A. Galal (1992). Effect of using some preparations in extraction solution on some rennet properties. Egyptian, J. Food Sci. 20: 371 - 384.
Hewedy, M.M.; M.A.; El-Batawy, S.N. Amer, and E.A. Galal (1992). Some technological aspects on rennet extraction of calves and adult bovine abomasa. Egyptian J. Food Sci. 20:341-354.
Metwally, M.M.; I.A.; Abdel Gawad, M.M. Hewedy and S.M. ElDieb (1991).The hypocholesteroleamic effect of butter milk 3- The effect of orotic acid, buffalo’s and cow's milk on rats serum cholesterol and lipids. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Develop.5: 197- 204.
Hewedy, M.M.; M.M. Zin El- Din, T.A. Nassib, and S. El- Sokkary, (1990). Studies on buffalo’s casein. 2- Some functional properties of casein micelles and sodium caseinate. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 18: 263-271.
Hewedy, M.M. (1990). Orotic acid in milk: Variability among different species. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 18: 247-253.
Madkor, S.; M.M. Hewedy and S.E. Bayoumi (1990). Some factors affecting clotting and proteolytic activities of milk clotting enzymes from Irpex Lactus and calf rennet. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 18: 281-291.
Hewedy, M.M.; I.M.Ghazi, I.G. Abo El- Naga and H. Soliman (1990). Studies on staphylococci in milk and some dairy products. 1. Microbial load and susceptibility of buffalo’s and cow's to infection with mastitis. Egyptian J. Food Sci. 18: 161-169.
Hewedy, M.M.; I.G.; Abo El- Naga, I.M. Ghazi and H. Soliman (1990). Studies on staphylococci in milk and some dairy products. II. Characteristics of yellow pigmented staphylococci and behavior of typical pathogenic S. aureus. Egyptian J. Food Sci. 18 (supple.) 29-44.
Sharaf, O.M.; M.M.Hewedy and N.F. Tawfek (1989).The Microbial content of market milk in relation to the public health. Egyptian J. Food Sci. 17:153-160.
Hewedy, M.M.; T.A.;Nassib, M.M. Zin El- Din, and S. El- Sokkary, (1989). Studies on buffalo’s casein. 1- Composition of casein micelles. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 17: 87-92.
Hewedy, M.M; M.M. Metwally, and M. Morsy. (1989). Some physico- chemical and functional properties of rennet casein. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 17:159-170.
Allen, J.C.; M.M. Hewedy and F.M. Hewedy (1989). Effect of storage on pasteurized whole and skimmed milk. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 17: 327-336.
Hewedy, M.M.; S.A.Madkor and M.A. Zaky (1989). Isolation, purification and general characterization of a protease from B. cereus. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 17: 307-315.
Tawfek, N.F., Sharaf, O.M., Hewedy, M.M. (1988). Incidence of Pathogens and Staphylococcal enterotoxins in Kariesh cheese. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 16: 295-300.
Hewedi, M.M.; M.M.; Metwally, and M.A.Morsy (1986). Some functional properties of mid and late lactation rennet casein from buffalo and cow milks. In “Proceedings of 3rd Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology”, November (1986) Cairo, Egypt.
Morsy, M.A.; M. M. Metwally and M.M. Hewedi (1986). Compositional studies of buffalo and cow milks. 1. The effect of late lactation on nitrogen and calcium distribution and casein micelle size. In “Proceedings of 3rd Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology”, November (1986), Egypt.
Hewedi, M.M.; D.M. Mulvihill and P. F. Fox (1985). Characterization of nitrogen loss during the early stage of rennet casein manufacture. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci.13: 217 - 226.
Anis, S. K.; O, El- Demerdash; M. M. Hewedi and M. A. Deghiedy (1984). Effect of lactation period on casein fractions of sheep's milk. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 22 : 437-442.
Anis, S. K.; M. A. Deghiedy; M. M. Hewedi and O, El- Demerdash (1984). Comparative studies on the proteolysis of casein and casein fractions of sheep's, goat's, cow's and buffalo’s milk. Annals. of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor. 22: 445 - 453.
Anis, S. K.; M.M.Hewedi; O, El- Demerdash and M. A. Deghiedy; (1984). Some physical and chemical properties of sodium caseinate from sheep's, goat's, cow's and buffalo’s milk. Annals. Agric. Sci. Moshtohor. 22 : 455 - 462.
Metwally, M.M.; S. El- Nochrashy; A.A. Ali ; I.A. El- Gawad and
M.M. Hewedi (1984).The free amino acids released by different culture microorganisms in the Ras cheese. Bull. Fac. Agric. University of Cairo. 35: 1063 – 1069.
El- Demerdash, O. and M. M Hewedi (1981). Studies on flavored yogurt (Zabadi). II. Production from skim milk powder. Azhar University Res. Bulletin, 1981.
Metwally, M.M.; A.E. Abou- Dawood; O, El- Demerdash and M.M.Hewedi (1980). Production of sweetened condensed milk with high milk solids. In “Proceedings of 1st Egyptian Conference on Dairy Science and Technology". November (1980) Cairo, Egypt.
Metwally, M. M.; A.E. Abou- Dawood; M.R. Nagmoush and M. M.Hewedi (1978). Studies on the heat stability of evaporated skim milk. 1. Effect of preheating and concentration on the heat stability of evaporated skim milk. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 6 :113-118
Metwally, M.M.; A.E. Abou- Dawoowd; M.R. Nagmoush and M. M. Hewedi (1978). Studies on the heat stability of evaporated skim milk. 2. Effect of salt stabilizers and mixing with buffalo’s skim milk. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 6: 171-176.
Metwally, M.M.; A.E. Abou- Dawood; M.R. Nagmoush and M. M. Hewedi (1978). Changes occurring in sterilized concentrated buffalo’s skim milk during storage. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor 9:105-110.
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Edwards, J. Professor of Food science, School of Industrial Services, University of Bournemouth Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset BH12 5BB UK. E-mail: edwardsj@bournemouth.ac.uk.
Griffith, C. Professor and Head, Food Research and Consultancy Unit, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, Colchester Av. Campus. Colchester Av. Cardiff CF23 9XR UK. E-mail: CGriffith@uwic.ac.uk
Jones, E. Dr. Head of Tourism and Hospitality Department , University Wales Institute Cardif, Cardiff CF23 9XR UK, ejones@uwic.ac.uk .
Jelen. P. Professor, Dept. Food Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada T6G IP5.
J .Phelan, Dr. Ex. Chief Meat and Dairy Service Animal Production and Health Division, FAO, Rome. (Retired)
(1980-present). Member of Cairo University Social Club.
Head of Univesity Staff Building Society for 2 years.
Member of Parents Council, Nafisa Al-Hosary Language Schools at Al_Fayoum for several years.
Member of Consumer Protection Committee at Al_FAyoum Governorate for 3 years
Presented lecture on the "Tourism at Fayoum" to Fayoum Rotary Club members
Presented several lectures on different aspects of tourism at "Ideal Nile Center", Fayoum
Presented several lectures on food safety and hygiene at Fayoum Health Insurance hospital