Faculty of Tourism

Prof.Dr. Nagoua Ibrahim Zoair

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: nia00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: 5th floor - Head of Tourism Guidance - faculty of Tourism and Hotels
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -
     Tourism Studies Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc .: Tourism and Hotels - Fayoum -1998
M.Sc. : Tourism Guidance - Lyon University - 2001
Ph. D. : Tourism Guidance - Lyon University - 2004
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1998 to 2005
Lecturer : From 2005 to 2012
Assistant Professor : From 2012 To 2018
Professor : From 2018 Until Now
Research Interests
Egyptian Archaeology
Archaeology of Hellenistic and Roman world
Ancient Religions
Related sciences of tourist guidance and tourism
Funerary thoughts and practices in ancient world
Egyptian civilization during the Graeco-Roman Period
ServQual in archaeological sites and Museum.

Zoair N. 2018. The Distribution of Book of the Dead Spells' in Ptolemaic Tombs in Egypt, accepted in International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, Vol.  12, Issue (1/2).

Zoair N., Ahmed M. and Abou el-Kassem 2018, The political and religious prospective of Flaviandynasty’q the additions of Flavian dynasty’s additions in Temples of Upper Egypt (in Arabic), accepted in International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, Vol. 12, Issue (1/1).

Zoair, N. with Omran W. Abdel-Nasser G. and Abou Gebel A. 2018. La tombe F2 dans la nécropole d’Al-Salamouni à Akhmim, in M.D. Nenna, Huber S., and Van Andring W. (ed,), Constituer la Tombe, Honorer les Défunts en Méditerranée Hellénistique et Romaine, Etudes Alexandrine 46, p. 1-36.

Zoair, N. with, Abou-Shouk, M. Elbarbary, M. and Hewedi, M. 2017. Sense of Place Relationship with Visitor Satisfaction, and Intentional Behaviour: Evidence from Egypt, International Journal of Tourism Research. doi: 10.1002/jtr.2170.
Impact factor
(JCR 2016) 1.857
(SJR 2016) 1.144

Zoair N. with Koutkat M. Abd El Maguid and Creasmann P.P. 2017. The Vernacular Boats of Egypt’s Natural Lakes: Documentation of Living Maritime Heritage Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, Vol. 16, p. 25-67.

Zoair, N. with, Abou-Shouk, M, Farrag, M., and Hewedi, M. 2017. The Role of International Exhibition Venues in Marketing Exhibitors’ Destinations. Journal of Vacation Marketing.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1356766717690573.
Impact factor
(SJR 2016) 0.760

Zoair, N. With Fahim, T. 2016. Education in Ancient Egypt till the End of Graeco- Roman Period: some Evidences for Quality, Journal of Association of Arab Universities of Tourism and Hospitality, vol.13, p. 1-16.

Zoair, N. with Omran, W., 2014. The depiction of Apis in the Graeco-Roman Tombs of Egypt, Journal of Association of Arab Universities of Tourism and Hospitality, Special issue, p. 66-87.

Zoair, N. 2013. The Osiris epithets in Karnak temple during the Reign of Ptolemy VIII, Journal of Association of Arab Universities of Tourism and Hospitality , vol. 11, p. 20-31.

Zoair N., with Khalifa S. 2013, MUSQUAL for evaluating the quality service in the Egyptian Museum, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Journal, Fayoum University, Vol.7, part, 2, 2013, p. 20-42.

Zoair, N., with Ebeid A. and Fahim M., “Nekloni: Anchorite hermitages in Fayoum”, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Journal, Fayoum University, Vol.6, part, 1, 2012, p. 47-69.

Zoair N., with Khalifa S, "A strategic vision for marketing Luxor sites", The Journal of Tourist Research, 2011, p.51-99

Zoair N. with Engy M.Y.El-Kilan and Enjy Eshak, “Sound of Music in Egypt:the musicians of Ancient, Greco-Roman and the Byzantine Egypt. A comparative study”, Egyptian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality 17, 2011, p. 44-69.

N.I. Zoair and M.I. Fayek, “The offering of Ptolemy VIII to Egyptian gods: guaranteeing the survival of his Kingship”, Research in Historical and archaeological studies, Faculty of Art, Menoufya University, 2010, p.1-25

N. Zoair with F. Boussac, P. Georges, , “Un hypogée intact à Plinthine”, Archéologia 431, 2006, p. 8-9.

Exploring The Factors Predicting M-Commerce Applications’ Adoption In Tourism And Hospitality: Evidence From Travel Agencies, Hotels And Archaeological Sites

Refereed conferences
N. Ibrahim, J. Thomas, R. Derbala and G. Sayed. Quality of Education Process in Institutes of Postsecondary Vocational education. Conference of Quality Insurance in Technical Colleges and the Labour Market Needs, Cairo University, Giza Egypt, 14- 15 May 2013.
G. Sayed, R. Derbala, J. Thomas and N. Ibrahim. Postsecondary Vocational education and Labour Market Needs (Graduates’ point of view). Conference of Quality Insurance in Technical Colleges and the Labour Market Needs, Cairo University, Giza Egypt, 14-15 May 2013
La table rondeentitlé « Constituer la Tombe, Honorer les Défunts en MéditerranéeHellénistique et Romaine », organisé par Ecolefrançaised’Athènes et Centre des Etudes Alexandrine, 30 Octobre- 1 novembre 2014
The International congress of Egyptologists XI, Florence, Italy, August 23-30 2015, The scenes of deceased judgement in the Graeco-Roman Period.
Annual Meeting of The American Research Centre in Egypt,Tucson, 20-22 April 2018, Natural Lakes on Ancient and Historical sources.
Supervising Post-graduate student
Supervisor of 12 Masters’ Students (5 of them have already graduated)
Supervisor of 6 PhD Students (two of them with collaboration with French and American Universities; one of them has already graduated).
Teaching Interest
A. Undergraduate Course
Ancient History of Egypt during the Graeco-Roman Period
Egyptian Archaeology during the Graeco-Roman Period
Egyptian Religion
Hellenistic Art
History of Roman Egypt
Geek and Roman Monuments
B. Postgraduate Courses
Religious Thoughts of Graeco-Roman Wold
Graeco-Roman Archaeological Sites
History of Ancient Greece
History of Roman World
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
History of Roman Egypt
Monuments of Ptolemaic Egypt
Monuments of Roman Egypt
Experiences and other activities
Student Assessment and exams
A Teamwork member of Measurement and Assessment Centre, Ministry of Higher Education for assessing the skills and competencies of tourism graduates at the country level, 2018.
Director of Development of Student Assessment and Exams Centre, Fayoum University, from November 2017 till present.
A member of the project of“Development of Student Assessment and Exams”, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, from 2009 till 2011.
Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions
Quality Consultant of faculty Oral and Dental Surgery, Misr University for Science and Technology from November 2017 till present.
Quality Consultant of faculty Oral and Dental Surgery, Misr University for Science and Technology, from November 2017 till present.
Peer-Reviewer of undergraduate academic program of faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University since 2011 till present.
Peer-reviewer of undergraduate academic program of faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Helwan University from 2011 till 2016.
Peer-reviewer of undergraduate academic program of faculty of Tourism and Hotels, October 6 University, from 2017.
Peer-reviewer of Post graduate academic programs of faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, from 2017 till present.
Peer-reviewer of Post graduate academic programs of faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Helwan University, from 2013 till 2016.
Director of Quality assurance unit, faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University from 2009 till 2013.
Deputy director of Quality assurance unit, faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University from 2008 till 2009.
Strategic planning
Member of Fayoum University committee for preparing strategic plan of Educational affair and students.
Teamwork member of preparing a study about Post-Vocational Education in Egypt, Strategic planning Unit with collaboration of OECD.
Consultant for Strategic Planning Unit, Ministry of Higher Education.
Consultant of Research and Studies Unit, Ministry of Higher Education.
A Teamwork member of preparing a study about ‘Access to Higher Education, Research and Studies Unit, Ministry of Higher Education.
Responsible for preparing study about “community colleges”, Research and Studies Unit, Ministry of Higher Education.
Professional trainer in FLDC, Fayoum University for training program:
Strategic Planning
Academic programs and courses specifications
Credit Hours
Effective Presentations Skills
Self study for Higher Education Institutions
Basics of Quality Management
Academic Advising
Item Banks.
A Team Member of Fayoum University in the MedicalTourismConference, Sharm El-Sheikh, 2017, Egypt. Presenting the suggestion of creating an interactive map to market the medical tourism sites in Egypt.
OrganizingCommitteeMember of the 10th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality (ICTH), Organized by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt in cooperationwith Bournemouth University, UK, 8-11th February 2017, Sharm El- Sheikh, Egypt.
A Committeemember for ‘Updating National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) of Tourism and HospitalitySector, A committeenominated by the SectorCommittee, 2015.
A Committee member for ‘Designing Credit-Hour Bylaw of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 2014.
Training Courses
Faculty Leaders Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, 2006-2013:
    - Effective presentations Skills
    - Preparing and writing academic research
    - Quality awareness
    - Credit Hours
    - Exams and Criteria of Exams
    - Course Report
    - Low and financial aspects of University
NAQAAE Training
    - Peer-Reviewingof Higher Education
    - Strategic planning
    - Self evaluation of Higher Education Institutions
    - External reviewing of Higher Education Institutions
Funded Project
Member of Taposiris Magna and Plinthinarcheological mission, Ministry of ForeignAffairs and the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities.
Director of scientific mission of documentation of el-Salamouni Necropolis, Fayoum University, Ministery of Archaeoligy, Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines.