B.Sc : Egyptology – Faculty of Archaeology – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch - 2006 .
Demonstrator : from 2006 To 2011 .
Assistant Lecturer : from 2011 To 2015 . |
Lecturer : from 2015 To 2020 . |
Assistant Professor : from 2020 until now . |
The Hieratic Graffiti in the 18th and 19th dynasties
"Paleographic and linguistic study"  |
A Social History of Hieratic Graffiti in Eighteenth Dynasty  |
The royalofferingsinthe new kingdomthrough studyingthe hieraticpapyrusC G.58030  |
hieratic palography
ancient egyptain Reliogious |
Hieratic Fragment from Medinet Ghurab (P. BM EA 10777)  |
Hieratic Wine Jar Dockets from Tuthmosis’s IV Temple in Gurna  |
The Funerary Papyrus of Nxt-DHwty(P. Cairo JE.26231)  |
The Wise Woman and The Healing Practice (O. OIM 16974).  |
Two Account Papyri from Deir el-Medina (P. Turin Cat 1961+2006) (P. Turin Cat. 2024+ P. Turin Cat. 2052+ P. Turin Cat. 2077)  |
Unpublished stela of IJJat Cairo Museum (C.G. 10232)  |
Writing Practices in El-Lahun Papyri during the Middle Kingdom.  |
The swnt Documents until The New Kingdom: Form, Formulae, and Function. |