B. A. : Conservation of Antiquities - Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo University - Egypt - 1994 |
M.A. : Conservation of Islamic Antiquities - Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo University - Egypt – 2000. |
Ph.D. : Conservation of Islamic Antiquities - Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo University - Egypt – 2004. |
Demonstrator : From 1995 To 2000 |
Assistant Lecturer : From 2000 To 2004 |
Lecturer : From 2004 To 2009 |
Assistant Professor : From 2009 To 2014 |
Professor : From 2014 up Till now |
July 2009 – October 2011 Head of Research and Conservation of Monuments Center, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
October 2010 – February 2012 Coordinator of Quality at conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
September 2011 – March 2013 Head of Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
March 2013 – December 2014 Vice- Dean of Faculty of Archaeology for Community Service and Environmental Development affairs.
December 2014 – February 2015 Deputy Director of Quality Assurance Unit, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
December 2014 Head of Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
July 2018 – Present Vice- Dean of Faculty of Archaeology for Education and Student affairs.
August 2022 to 20/9/2023 Present Acting Dean of the Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University .
Dean of the Faculty From 21/9/2023 up Till now
Msc Abstract  |
Phd Abstract  |
Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Arab Researchers (Jordan) in the field of Engineering Sciences, (restoration and conservation of historical buildings), which is the oldest Arab international award for scientific research and Arab researchers. ( 2016).
The award is awarded to a distinguished scientific production that results in the promotion of scientific research and its development in one of the specialized fields. The applicant has outstanding scientific and social contributions in his country and environment in relation to his field of specialization.
Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing (2011). |
Fayoum University Incentive Award in scientific authoring (2014). |
Fayoum University prize for excellence in the promotion Associate professor to full professor. (2014). |
Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing (2014). |
Fayoum University Incentive Award in scientific authoring (2016). |
Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing (2016). |
Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing (2017). |
Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing (2018). |
Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing (2020). |
Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing (2021). |
Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing (2022). |
Consultant of restoration and conservation projects of archaeology and urban heritage at the Center of Archaeology Engineering and Environment - Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University 2004 till now (14 years) - Cairo - Egypt.
This includes work as a consultant for the preparation of studies of restoration, preservation and conservation of the monuments and architectural heritage of a large collection of historical and archaeological buildings ranging from ancient Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Coptic and Islamic archaeological buildings.
Consultant of the restoration and maintenance of historical and archaeological buildings and architectural heritage - Ministry of Antiquities 2007 - 2010 - Saqqara - Giza – Egypt. |
Consultant for the restoration and conservation for King Zoser pyramid project in Saqqara as well as the restoration and maintenance project of the Serapeum tomb. |
Consultant in the preparation of restoration studies for the building materials of El Gendi historical Citadel in Ras Sidr city. |
1- Experiences within the project of developing archaeological buildings in historic Cairo.
Consultant of the works of chemical insulation, architectural restoration and conservation of the following archaeological buildings (from 2000 to 2002). |
Al - Mansour Qalawun Complex. - Al-Nasser Mohammed bin Qalawun Madrasa. - Al - Zaher Barqouq Madrasa. - Al - Qadi Abd El Baset Madrasa.
- Murad Bey Mosque. - Wekalet Al - Ghoury. - Mosque of Sharaf al - Din and his brother. Mosque of Mohammed Bey Abu El-Zahab.
Implementation of fine restoration of marble elements as well as the conservation of four decorated marble plates at Prince Sarghtamesh Madrasa. (2001). |
2- Experiences within the work of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in the restoration and maintenance of monuments and urban heritage
Participating in the restoration of colored wooden ceilings in Al-Hussein Mosque (1998). |
Participating in the restoration of art and archeological artifacts (wood, stone, metal, textile, oil paintings, manuscripts) at the Prince of Poets' Museum Ahmed Shawki (1995).
Participating in the work of restoration and conservation of fixed wood artifacts in the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas
( the pulpit - the wooden structure of the mausoleum) 1994.
3- Experience in the work of the Engineering Center of Archeology and Environment, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
Preparing the studies of the current situation and projects of architectural restoration and conservation of the architectural heritage of a group of historical and archaeological buildings, including the following: |
The pyramid of King Senefro, (The bent pyramid and the Northern Pyramid) in Dahshour.
Restoration of of the Ali El-Mahly Mosque minaret in Rosetta city.
Studying the current situation and preparing the project of restoration and preservation of the minaret , Sabil and Kottab of Ali Al-Motahar at Muiz Lidin Allah Fatimi street. |
Saray Al-Haqqaniyah restoration project in Alexandria.
Mosque of Dumaksis restoration project (The Hanging Mosque) in Rosetta city
The Mosque of Tarbana restoration project in Alexandria.
Hassan Agha Kuklian Sabil and Kottab restoration project in Cairo. |
Mosque of Abdul Rahman Katkhda (Al-ghareb) restotation project at Al-Azhar University.
Sabil and Kottab of Roqia Doudourestoration project in Cairo.
Six archaeological mosques in Fawa city - Kafr El-Sheikh governorate.
Saint Catherine Monastery restoration project in Sinai.
4- Experiences within the work of the Center for the Conservation of Antiquities, Manuscripts and Museum objects, Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University, as follows:
Studies and analysis of building materials of limestone, marble, mortar and wood for the walls of Cairo, Al-Azhar Mosque, Al-Ghouri Mosque and El-Banat Mosque (From 1997 to1998). |
Studies to evaluate the materials used in the horizontal isolation El-Banat Mosque and Al-Ghouri mosque (1998).
A study of the materials proposed for the horizontal isolation of the walls of Babylon fortress and the Hanging church to determine its efficiency in horizontal isolation operations (1999-2000).
Participating in the restoration and conservation works of Kasr Al-Aeni building (metal artifacts - marble objects - oil paintings - wood - manuscripts) (1998). |
5- Experience in the work of the Center for Studies and Mining Research, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
Studies, analyses and plans for architectural restoration and maintenance of the architectural heritage of the historical and archaeological buildings, from 2005 to 2008 |
Al - Zaher Baybars Mosque restoration project
Restoration project of the National Post Authority Building (historic building), Cairo.
Mosque and Madrasa of Azbek al – Yusufi restoration project in Cairo. |
6- Experiences in the architectural restoration and conservation of urban heritage within the work of Cairo Governorate
Record and document the current status of the Islamic monuments in Cairo within the project of inventory of Islamic monuments and characterization in Cairo, Implementation of Cairo Governorate in cooperation with the Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University and Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University (1993). |
7- Various experiences in architectural restoration and conservation of monuments and urban heritage
Recording and documenting of the decorative patterns of the Prince Sheikho Madrasa in castle area, (1994).
Participation in the decoration work of the dome of Arab Contractors Mosque in the Green Mount area, Cairo city, (1996). |
Holding a scientific symposium in the Department of maintenance of palaces and monuments - Construction and specialized works sector - Arab Contractors Company - entitled "Architectural l Heritage between the consequences of damage and restoration techniques and maintenance" on 9 March 2013.
Holding a scientific symposium in the Department of Maintenance of palaces and monuments - Construction and specialized works sector - Arab Contractors Company - entitled "The use of modern technologies in the field of antiquities restoration" on May 8, 2013. |
Participation in the preparation, organization and supervision of the Egyptian-Italian training program between the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University and the University of Tochia, Italy, with funding from the United Nations Development Program in the field of environmental awareness and archeology and the management of the archaeological sites of Madi City, Fayoum, under title:”ISSEMM Project Management, Maintenance and Permanent opening the Medinet Madi Archaeological Park”, Which was held during the second semester of the academic year 2013-2014 at the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University - and the Visitors Center at the Madi City Archaeological Temple.
Participating in the training program to prepare and qualify the new specialized scientific members in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in 2013, through a training course entitled "Laser and its applications in documentation, analysis and restoration of monuments" by giving three lectures under the title "
"The nature of the laser and its properties and devices used in the field of antiquities restoration".
"Documentation and recording of antiquities using laser ."
" Restoration of antiquities by Laser ".
A training course was held during the period from 23 September to 2 October 2013 under the title "Architectural Restoration of Historic Buildings and Sites of Cultural Heritage". |
A training course was held during the period from 25-26 February 2013 under the title "Mechanisms for the Conservation and Architectural Restoration of Archaeological Buildings". The course included four lectures as follows:
"Structural, Architectural and Decorative Features of Ancient Buildings in Egypt".
"Problems of damage and deterioration of archaeological buildings and their causes"
"Studies of the current situation and solving the structural problems of the archaeological buildings"
"Architectural Restoration and conservation of Archaeological Buildings"
Delivered a lecture at the Documentation and Scientific Research department, , the Projects Sector at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, within the framework of the scientific program of the Department, on 24/11/2008. The lecture was entitled: "Practical Applications in Architectural Restoration of Archaeological Buildings"
Presented two lectures in the training course under the title: Modern technologies in the field of preservation and restoration projects, which was organized by the Center of Archeology and Environment Engineering Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University in the period from 11/8/2007 to 24/8/2007, the title of the lectures as follows:
The first lecture entitled: Techniques of industry for decorative elements in buildings and the impact of environmental factors. |
The second lecture entitled: methods of restoration and conservation of decorative elements in the archaeological buildings.
Delivered a lecture on the applications of the science of crystals and x-rays in art and archeology, organized by the National Committee for Crystallography during the period from 24/2/2008 to 25/2/2008 at the Academy of Scientific Research. The lecture was entitled:
"X-Ray Analysis as a Guide in Fine Restoration of Some Archaeological Sites"
Participated in the cultural meeting organized by the Department of Training and Human Development in historic Cairo - Ministry of State for Archaeological Affairs in cooperation with the Center for Research and Conservation of Antiquities - Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University - on 12 November 2012 in two lectures under the title:
-”Restoration and Conservation Strategies for Mosaic Works in Historic Cairo”.
-“Nanotechnology Applications in the Field of Monument Restoration and Conservation”.
Delivered a lecture entitled "Applications of polymers and nanotechnology in the restoration and conservation of monuments" as part of the cultural and educational program organized by the Department of Restoration Museum of Islamic Art in 2012.
Participated in the training course entitled "Archaeological and Architectural Documentation" - on 19 February 2013 with a lecture entitled "Documentation of archaeological buildings between traditional methods and modern techniques".
The latest under publication and peer reviewed published papers
[2022 – 2020]
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., A multi-analytical techinques for evaluation of black crusts formation on the façade of Al-Rifa'i Mosque, Egypt.Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, submit date 8-11-2021, Revise date 24-12-2021, Accept date 5-1-2022, (under publication). |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Evaluation of Nanolime-Silica Core-Shell for Consolidation of Egyptian Limestone Samples with Application on an Archaeological Object, Journal of Nano Hybrids and Composites, ISSN print 2297-3370, ISSN web 2297-3400 , under press, Accepted for Publication 4 -7-2022.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., The use of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles for the Inhibition of the Biodeterioration of Archaeological Limestones., Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists, accepted for publication, 2022 AD. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Documentation and Digitalization to Preventive Conservation of Archaeological and Heritage Sites, International Conference on Technology and Digitalization in Preserving, Documenting and Conserving Antiquities, Fayoum University, Faculty of Archaeology, University of Marburg - Germany, 23-25 May, 2022. (under publication).
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Digital simulation techniques using computer programs and their role in the development of antiquities exhibition halls, the Third International Conference of the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University - Egypt in cooperation with Marburg University - Germany entitled “Technology and Digitization in Preserving, Documenting and Maintaining Antiquities, From 23-25 May 2022 AD, (under publication). |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Computer applications in digital documentation and maintenance of Greco-Roman temples in the Egyptian oases - a case study, the third international conference of the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University - Egypt in cooperation with Marburg University - Germany entitled "Technology and digitization in the preservation, documentation and maintenance of antiquities, From 23-25 May 2022 AD (Under publication).
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., The use of digital technology in reconstruction in the preservation of ancient Egyptian tombs - a case study, the third international conference of the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University - Egypt in cooperation with Marburg University - Germany entitled “Technology and digitization in the preservation, documentation and preservation of antiquities, From 23-25 May 2022 AD, (under publication).
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Treatment and conservation of an antique stone block In the exhibition hall of Al-Qantara east, Heritage and Design Journal, Volume Two, Issue Eleven, October 2022 AD.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., The effect of inappropriate display on the stone monuments in the exhibition hall in Qantara Sharq and its development according to the standards of preventive maintenance, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality IJHTH, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Volume 16, Issue 1, June 2022 . |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Technical and analytical investigation study of late period Egyptian stele from The Grand Egyptian Museum., Heritage and Design Magazine, Volume Two, Issue Ten, August 2022 AD.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Decaying Patterns of Queen Khenut Tomb in Saqqara, Giza, Egypt, Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies, An international peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually, Vol. 11 (1) - June. 2021: 29-37.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Detection of flow units of Quseir Formation (Lower Campanian) as a potential reservoir using experimental correlations of capillary pressure derived parameters, Gebel el-Silsila, Egypt, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology ( 2020) 10:2269–2277. |
Dissemination of various researches in the field of archeology, treatment, restoration and conservation of monuments, buildings, archaeological sites, and historical materials, as follows:
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Strategies for Managing and conservation of Archaeological Collections in the Museum Environment, Second International Conference, Department of Tourism and Heritage, Luxor, 2-5 November 2018, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, South Valley University, Luxor
(Research acceptable for publication in the work of the Conference)
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Making Alternative Substrates for Archaeological Wall Paintings using Modern Techniques “A Case Study from Ancient Egypt.” Quo vadis, cultural heritage preservation, International conference on the occasion of 25th anniversary of teaching restoration in Litomy?l University of Pardubice , 8–9 November 2018 / Litomy?l, Czech Republic.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Conservation and Inscriptions of Archaeological False Door and Offerings Table of the so-called (Iqri) from Saqqara. Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies "EJARS", An International peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually, (Under press)
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Assessment of physical and mechanical characteristics of masonry building materials in historic military Towers in Alexandria, Egypt: A Case Study. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., The Role of Geotechnical Properties of Rocks in Failure of Stability of the Funeral Subsurface Structure in Saqqara Plateau, Egypt. Part one. Center of the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture, Vol. 5 , Kansai University, Japan , 2018.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., An experimental study of using calcium nano hydroxide in the consolidation of limestone in the archaeological buildings in Cairo, the third international conference of the Future Egypt Foundation for Heritage, Development and Innovation under the title "Creativity, Innovation and Development in Architecture, Heritage and Arts, Future Perspectives in the Civilizations of the Arab World and Mediterranean Countries, Alexandria from 26 to 28 April 2018. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Preventive and Interactive Strategies to Preserve the monuments of Sector 2000 in Western cemetery, Pyramids of Giza, 3rd International Conference of the Future Egypt Foundation for Heritage, Development and Innovation under the title "Creativity, Innovation and Development in Architecture, Heritage and Arts, Future Perspectives in Civilizations and Cultures of the Arab World and Mediterranean Countries, Alexandria. The period from 26 to 28 April 2018.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Development of the traditional museum display of some museum artifacts using modern techniques. The 4th International Conference of Young Researchers in Fine Arts, Archeology and Tourism, held in Luxor from 19-20 February, 2018.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., An experimental study of using nanometric materials in the consolidation and completion of a false door of the sixth dynasty in Saqqara, the fourth international conference of young researchers in fine arts, archeology and tourism, which was held in Luxor from 19-20 February, 2018. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf and Ezz A. Orabi, Evaluation of Consolidation and Superhydrophobic Nanomaterials Effects in Treatment of Archaeological Anfoushi Tombs Wall Paintings, Alexandria, Egypt, Materialien und Methoden, zur Konsolidierung von Kunst- und Kulturgut, im interdisziplin?ren Dialog, Tagungsband der internationalen Tagung, der HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst, in Hildesheim vom 25.–27. Januar 2018.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf and Ezz A. Orabi, A comparative Study between using of Nanomaterials and Silicon Based Polymers in Consolidation of Archaeological Nubian Sandstone, Materialien und Methoden, zur Konsolidierung von Kunst- und Kulturgut, im interdisziplin?ren Dialog, Tagungsband der internationalen Tagung, der HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst, in Hildesheim vom 25.–27. Januar 2018. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al, Alteration Processes and Deterioration Phenomena of Faience Tiles in the Complex of King Djoser at Saqqara, Egypt, Asian Journal of Behavioural Studies (AjBeS), 3 (9) Jan / Feb 2018 (p. 25-37).
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al., Petrography, Mineralogy and Calcareous Nanofossil of Shepses po ptah tomb, Titi and Unis pyramids building stones, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Science, Vol. 46 ( 05), May 2017, Pp. 907 – 915.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, et al, Antimicrobial potential of consolidation polymers loaded with biological copper nanoparticles, BMC Microbiology Journal (2016) 16:144 , DOI 10.1186/s12866-016-0766-8 |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Mostafa G. Temraz, Weathering behavior investigations and treatment of Kom Ombo Temple sandstone, Egypt, Based on their sedimentological and petrogaphical information, Journal of African Earth Sciences 113 (2016) 194-204.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Ashraf Y. Ewis. Experimental Study of Conservation and Restoration of theLimestone Naos Statues in the Tomb of Nefer in Abusir. The 4th International Conference of the Faculty of Fine Arts - Minia University "Modern Materials in the Restoration and conservation of archaeological Buildings bearing the Mural Paintings - Touna al-Jabal (Case Study)", 20-21 April 2015. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , Ashraf M. M. Essa , Biological nanosilver particles for the protection of archaeological stones against microbial colonization, Internationa مl Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Journal, Vol. 94, 2014.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , Mostafa A. Abd El-Fatah et al, Ptahshepses Mural Painting and its Characterization at Gesr El – Mudir in Saqqara, Egypt, Center of the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture, Vol. 2 , Kansai University, Japan , 2014.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , Ragab A. Mohamed, Treatment and Conservation of Six Egyptian Archaeological Stone Sarcophagi, Shedet, Annual Journal issued by The Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Issue No. 1 (2014). |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, Treatment and Consrvation of two Archaeological Engraved Limestone Blocks from Atfih Museum Store, Egypt. The First International Conference of Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University, Modern Trends in Archeology, April 7-9, 2014.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, The environmental deterioration in the castle of Sultan al-Ghouri (Al-Tina castle) in North Sinai and its causes, Journal of Environmental Research, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, Ain Shams University, 2014.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, The Dry Basin in Dekheila "An Architectural Study and Assessment of the Current Situation and the Requirements for Restoration and Conservation", Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists, ISBN 12864, No. 14, 2013.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, Building techniques and methods of preservation and restoration of stone Minbars in the city of Cairo applied on Khankah Faraj bin Barqouq Minbar, the Third World Conference of Architecture and Islamic Arts organized by the Association of Islamic Universities in Gaza City - Palestine under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering - Islamic University - Gaza from 21 to 24 April 2013. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , Fatma S. Madkour. Degradation Processes of Egyptian Faience Tiles in The Step Pyramid At Saqqara, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal, AicE-Bs 2012 Cairo ASIA Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies Mercure Le Sphinx Cairo Hotel, Giza, Egypt, 31 October – 2 November 2012“, Future Communities: Socio-Cultural & Environmental Challenges” .
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , Study of Deterioration and Conservation of A mosaic Pavement in the Baron's Palace, Egypt, The Fifteen Conference of the General of Arab Archeologists 13 – 15 October – 2012, Morocco , Oujda – Saidia.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Islamic art applications in the mihrab, its artistic and aesthetic values and its functional and religious implications, International Conference on "Art in Islamic Thought", International Institute of Islamic Thought, Amman, Jordan, 25-26 April, 2012.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Deterioration and Conservation of St. Srabamoun Church Building Materials, Al-Ptanon City – Menoufia – Egypt, Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies "EJARS", An International peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually, Volume 2, Issue 1, June – 2012.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Salah M. El-Mofty, Ayman El- Medani, (2011), Influence of acrylic coatings on the interfacial, physical, and mechanical properties of stone-based monuments, Journal of Organic Coatings, No. 72, November , Pp. 592-598.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Salah M. El-Mofty, Ayman El- Medani,. (2011), Characterization of silicone coating For archeological stone conservation, Surface and Interface Analysis Journal, No.43, August, Pp. 1182- 1188.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Shehata A. Abd- El- Rahim, (2011), Deterioration and Treatment Study of Archaeological Limestone Statues, Sakkara, Egypt, Life Science Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, February, 2011, Pp. 323 – 328.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, Analytical study of building materials and manifestations of damage at the Kushmish Dulani Archaeological Tower in Poland and the Mandara Archaeological Mill in Alexandria, Egypt. Journal of the ages, Dar Al-Marikh for publication, December 2010 |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , Ragab A. Mohamed. Restoration and Conservation of Mereit Amon Statue, Tel Basta, Egypt. Journal of Faculty of Archaeology at Qena – South Valley University Scholarly Refereed Journal – No. 5, July, 2010.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, A study of the most important phenomena and deterioration mechanism of some architectural and decorative elements of the Mosque of Ahmad Al-Bajm (692 AH / 1231 AD) Abyar - Gharbia Governorate - Egypt, Journal of the General Union of Arab archeologists - Issue 11, January 2010. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Salah M. El-Mofty, Ayman El- Medani,. (2008), Interfacial Characteristics of Polymeric Coatings for Archaeological Stones Conservation., Sixth International Conference: Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation, Rome, Italy, December 9th – 13th.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Fatma S. Madkour, (2008), Degradation and Conservation of Marble Floors in Archaeological Buildings , 5th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, 8-12 October, 2008, Athens, Greece. October.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, (2008), Study of Decay and Restoration of Stone Sarcophagi at Anfoushi Tombs, Alexandria, Egypt, 5th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, 8-12 October, 2008, Athens, Greece. October. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, Restoration and conservation of some architectural elements of limestone in the area of Oyoun Mousi - South Sinai, Giza Conference through the ages, March 2008, Faculty of Archeology - Cairo University.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, Study of deterioration and the foundations of restoration and conservation of stone components in the Hanging Mosque (966 AH / 1560 AD) Fayoum, 2th Fayoum University Conference, the cultural heritage of Fayoum, March 2008.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, (2009), Weathering of Granodiorite Monuments: The Case of A Squatting Statue in Temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 56 (4), Pp.399 - 415
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, A study of deterioration and techniques of restoration and conservation of the walls of the blue mosque covered with ceramics 11th century AH / 17 AD in Cairo, Fayoum sixth conference, "Fayoum archaeological, tourism and environmental development, Fayoum University - Faculty of Archeology, April 2007. |
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, Study of restoration and conservation of Ahmose the second king's naous, Tel Al- Roba - Governorate of Dakahlia, Journal of the Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, No. (61), May 2006.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , Shehata A. Abd- El- Rahim. (2006) , Environmental Detrioration and Conservation Studies of Building Materials of Qaitbay Citadel, Rosetta City, Egypt, Civil Engineering Research Magazine, Faculty of Engineering, Al - Azhar University, Volume(28) No.(1), January.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf, Shehata A. Abd- El- Rahim. (2006), Role of Investigation and Analytical Methods in study of Archaeological Stone Ornaments's Deterioration and Its Treatment,The Seventh International Symposium on New Trends in Chemistry " Analytical Chemistry for a better Life " Egyptian Journal of Analytical Chemistry – Volume (15), January .
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , (2006) Analysis and Preservation of Marble in Archaeological Buildings, The Seventh International Symposium on New Trends in Chemistry " Analytical Chemistry for a better Life " Egyptian Journal of Analytical Chemistry – Volume (15), January.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf , Fatma S. Madkour, (2006) The Types of Deterioration of Islamic Ceramic Tiles in Archaeological Brick Buildings, The International Conference on : Challenges in preserving and Managing Jordan's Cultural Heritage Resources - Yarmouk University- Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology – Jordan December 2006.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, The Effect of Geotechnical Factors on the deterioration of Archaeological Mausoleum of the Prince Tomrbai Husseini in Cairo, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Mansoura, Issue No. (37) Volume (2), August 2005.
Mohamed ,K. Khallaf et al, The strategy of the architectural restoration of the archaeological minarets in Cairo, applied on the minaret of Yashbak from Mehdi Mosque of Imam Al-Layth, Monument No. 286, Fifth Fayoum Conference: The Nile and Water Resources in Egypt Through the Ages, "Archeological, Geological, Engineering, Restoration, Environmental and Tourism Studies", 2-4 April 2005, Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University.
Mohamed K. Khallaf et al, Restoration and conservation of the mihrab of Abu Bakr Mezher Madrasa decorated with mosaics in Al-Gamaliya area in Cairo, 1st Conference of Fayoum : Fayoum between the past and the present "The Future of Archaeological and Tourism Development", 7-8 April 2001, Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University.
1- Publication A chapter in International Book
Mohamed Kamal Khallaf (2011). Effect of Air Pollution on Archaeological Buildings in Cairo, In book: Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution, Andrzej G. Chmielewski (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-526-6, InTech, Available from:
Book Website:
2- Publication International Books
Mohamed Kamal Khallaf (2016). Architectural Restoration and Preservation of Archaeological Buildings, NOOR PUBLISHING, Germany, 2016. ISBN: 978-3-330-80021-2 |
Mohamed Kamal Khallaf (2020). Minerals and rocks, their types, properties and applications in archeology, German publishing house NOOR PUBLISHING
ISBN: 978-620-0-07572-7 , published in 2020.
Mohamed Kamal Khallaf (2021). Foundations of managing projects for the restoration and maintenance of buildings and archaeological and heritage sites, German publishing house Noor PUBLISHING
ISBN: 978-620-2-35186-7 , Published 2021.
A research project submitted to the Unit of Research Projects at Fayoum University and research under the title: Experimental Study to Evaluate Using of Nano Materials in Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological stone Museum Collections and Buildings.
The project is being implemented as soon as funding is available from Fayoum University.
Evaluation a restoration project presented to the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology - 2011.
Evaluation and arbitration of a project entitled "Laser cleaning of Ethnographic Museum collections" for STDF Short Term Fellowship (STDF-STF) - Ministry of Scientific Research and Project under Project ID 6707 - January 2014.
Advisor to the project to develop the skills of documentation and registration of archaeological sites of the Faculty of Archeology, projects of student participation in the field of quality assurance, Quality Assurance Students' Projects (QASP) (2011).
The innovative model of "Visual Learning of Cultural Heritage" as one of the innovative models of the Ministry of Higher Education - Development Projects Management Unit - Continuing Improvement and Qualification Program for Higher Education Accreditation, Completed and finished all its activities and delivered to the PMU on 31/7/2013.
Through this project, the study of the current situation and the problems of damage and deterioration and the development of plans and proposals for the restoration and maintenance of a group of Pharaonic and Islamic monuments, including:
- The Tomb of Ti in Saqqara - The Mosque of Al-Akmar
- The tomb of Khenoum Hattab and Nay Ankh Khenoum in Saqqara.
- Dome and the tomb of King Saleh Najmuddin Qalawun cemetery of Ptahhotep in Saqqara. - Sultan Mansour Qalawon Architectural Complex.
- Temple of the city of Habu on the western bank of Luxor.
Participation in managing the climate change session and its impact on heritage in the symposium on climate change, heritage and museums in Egypt. Organized by UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on March 21, 2022 AD.
preparation, organization and supervision of the meeting of graduates and employment of Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University, which was held during the academic year 2012/2013.
Preparation, organization and editing of the Journal of Archeology and the Environment issued by the community service sector and environmental development at the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University. It is a non-periodic journal that deals with the studies of the environment, monuments and restoration of antiquities. It also deals with natural reserves, crafts and archaeological, heritage and environmental industries. , The first issue was issued during the month of November 2013, and the second number during the month of April 2014.
Implement Cooperation Protocol between the Faculty of Archeology Fayoum University and the Petroleum Research Institute - Ministry of Higher Education in the fields of archaeology, chemistry, geology, environmental sciences, technology and nanoscience, taking advantage of laboratories in tests, analyses and other areas of cooperation.
Organizing and supervising a fair exhibition of the environment and heritage of Fayoum, held on the sidelines of the first international conference of the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University under the title "Modern Trends in Archeology" held from 7 to 9 April 2014.
Participated in the organization of the first international conference of the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University under the title "Modern Trends in Archeology" held from 7 to 9 April 2014.
Member of the permanent Committee of Antiquities - Ministry of Antiquities since August 2017 till now.
Member of the management committee of a scientific meetings of the twentieth conference of the General Union of Arab archaeologists, which was held during the period 11-13 November 2017 under the auspices of the League of Arab States.
Member of the Committee of Education and Students Affairs, Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University since 2007 till now.
Participate in the purchase and selection of books from the Cairo International Book Fair to provide the Library of the Faculty with the most important and latest books and references in the field of archaeology, as well as cataloging operations and the arrangement of books and classification in the library, from 1996 until now.
Member of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists.
Member of the Egyptian Society of Analytical Chemistry.
Member of the Union of Egyptian Archaeologists.
Member of Egypt International Society for Restoration and Environmental Studies
Member of the Committee for Reviewing National Academic Standards for the Archaeology Sector (NARS) commissioned by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Authority (NAQAEE) - February - 2018.
Member of the committee for reviewing the academic standards (ARS) of the Restoration of monuments Program - Faculty of Arts - Sohag University, commissioned by NAQAEE
Member of the committee for reviewing the academic standards (ARS) of the Restoration of monuments Program - Faculty of Archeology and Tourism Guidance - Misr University for Science and Technology (MUST) commissioned by the NAQAEE.
Performance of multiple activities within the project QAAP2 of Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University as follows:
Preparation of a project to document and record the effects and civilization of Fayoum within QAAP2 project.
Work as a quality coordinator in the Department of Monument Restoration and Conservation.
Member of the team preparing the strategic plan for the faculty.
Participate in the preparation of the program matrices and the courses of the Department of Conservation and Conservation of Archeology.
Preparation of a manual of ethics, intellectual property rights, fair practices and non-discrimination within the project.
Participating in the preparation of the research plan for the Department of Restoration and Conservation of Faculty of Archaeology.
Participation in the preparation of the self-study of the Faculty.
Participate in the preparation of the plan of development, improvement and reinforcement of the Faculty.
To act as facilitator and coordinator for the team of external auditors during the field visit to deliver the project QAAP2 of the Faculty.
Participate in the preparation of standards for the axis of educational effectiveness within the QAAP2 project of the Faculty.
A workshop entitled "Credit Hours" within the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project (QAAP2).
Performance of multiple activities within the project of developing student assessment systems and examinations as follows:
Chairman of the Committee to meet the criteria of the fifth area of evaluation within the project.
Member of the Committee for the preparation of the manual of evaluation of the Department of Antiquities Restoration within the project.
Member of the executive team of the evaluation unit within the project.
Member of the Committee to review the exams within the project.
Member of the Committee for preparing the evaluation plan for the Department of Antiquities Restoration within the project.
Member of the committee to develop a continuity plan for the faculty evaluation unit within the project.
Activities in the field of developing student assessment systems and exams
Member of the review committees for the activities of the eighth quarter and the criteria of the five fields of evaluation within the project of development of evaluation systems for students and exams at Fayoum University, for the colleges of education, kindergartens and arts, within the activities of the Center for the development of systems of assessment of students and examinations - Fayoum University.
Activities within the Development Unit of Student Assessment Systems and Examinations, Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University
Member of the Committee for the preparation of the assessment manual of the Restoration Department.
Member of the executive team of the evaluation unit within the project of developing student assessment systems and examinations.
Member of the Committee for Preparing the Evaluation Plan for the Restoration Department for the academic year 2011/2012.
Member of the Committee to review the exams within the project to develop systems of assessment of students and examinations.
Chairman of the Committee of completion the criteria of the fifth area of evaluation within the project to develop systems of assessment of students and examinations.
Prepare a questions bank for the course "Minerals and rocks" of the Restoration Department within the project of developing student assessment systems and exams.
Member of the committee to develop the continuity plan for the faculty evaluation unit within the project of developing student evaluation systems and exams.
Participation in the preparation of the academic regulations of the Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University in the credit hours system.
The International Conference on : Challenges in preserving and Managing Jordan's Cultural Heritage Resources – Yarmouk University- Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology – Jordan.
Participated in the six conferences held at the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University, during the period from 2001 to 2007, either by attending the meetings of the conference or by giving a research.
Attended the eighth conference of the General Union of Arab Enighers, which was held in November 2005, the Arab Council for Higher Studies and Scientific Research of the Union of Arab Universities.
Attendance and participation in two researches at the 7th International Conference of Modern Trends in Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry for a Better Life, organized by the Egyptian Society of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, from 21 to 24 January 2006. |
Attendance and participation in research at the International Conference on Conservation and Management of Heritage Cultural Resources of Jordan, Yarmouk University - Faculty of Archeology and Anthropology, from 5 to 7 December 2006.
The International Conference on: Challenges in preserving and Managing Jordan's Cultural Heritage Resources - Yarmouk University- Faculty of Archeology and Anthropology - Jordan
The Sixth International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation, Rome 9-13, December, 2008.
The 5th International Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, Athens 8-10 October 2008.
Attendance and participation in the Final Conference of the EC MEDAL project , National Research Center, March, 2009.
Attendance of the conference of the Labyrinth 2009 and the effects of Hawara between the past and present and a look to the future, Faculty of Archeology - Cairo University, from 1 to 2 April 2009.
Participated in the First International Conference of Coptic Studies "Life in Egypt during the Coptic Age - Cities and Villages, Clergy and the Law", held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina from 21 to 23 September 2010. - Menoufia Governorate.
Participation and organization of a course in the cleaning of the archaeological stones in the Italian-Egyptian Center for restoration and antiquities, on 12 November 2010, under the title:
"Cleaning the Stones by using Micro sand blasting"
Participation in the Seminar Italian Center for restoration and antiquities, on 20 June 2011, under the title:
"Restoration of the Mevlevi Architectural Complex"
Participation in the Seminar Italian Center for Restoration and Monuments on 14 May 2011, under the title:
"History of Mawlway Complex & Restoration of the Mausoleum of Sunqor Sa di"
Participated in the conference of the Fourteenth Forum of the Arab Archaeologists in 1432H / 2011, the General Union of Arab Archaeologists entitled: Constantinian construction technology and patterns of application to some archaeological and historical buildings in Egypt.
Participating in the organization of the Fifth International Conference on Science and Techniques for the Preservation of the Civilizational Heritage in the Mediterranean Countries.
"Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin", Which was held in Istanbul, Turkey from 22 to 25 November 2011.
Participating in the 15th Conference of the General Union of Arab Cultures, held in Wijda, Kingdom of Morocco under the auspices of the League of Arab States, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and ISESCO from 12 to 17 October 2012. The research under the title:
"Study of Deterioration and Conservation of A mosaic Pavement in the Baron s Palace"
Participation in the Third International Conference on Architecture and Islamic Arts organized by the Association of Islamic Universities in Gaza City - Palestine under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering - Islamic University - Gaza from 21 to 24 April 2013. And the research under the title "Building techniques and methods of conservation and restoration of stone platforms archaeological city of Cairo, applying to the platform of Khankah Faraj bin Barqouq.
Participation in the first international conference of the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University under the title "Modern trends in archeology, which was held during the month of April 2014.
Access to a training course in nanotechnology and technology "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" from 9 to 12 April 2012 at the Nanotechnology Science and Technology Unit - Beni Suef University.
Participation in the organization and access to a training course in electronic technologies and methods of cultural heritage under the title: "Optoelectronical Methods and Techniques for Cultural Heritage" Which was held on 12 December 2012 and was organized by the Research and Conservation Center of the Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University in cooperation with the National Institute for Research and Development of Optical Electronics - Romania."National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics - INOE 2000", Romania
Work as an instructor certified by the British trainers in the Center for the development of faculty members and leaders at Fayoum University since February 2012 until now.
Self-management, planning and effective communication skills
Project management and marketing course
Course of management and organization of scientific conferences
University Management Course |
Time management course
Management of the research team
Team management course
Session Management Course
Disaster Management and Crisis Management Course
Strategic Planning Course
Administrative Management Course
Course design course
Credit hours course
International Scientific Publishing Course
Course quality standards in the teaching process
Course of ethics of scientific research
Course of professional behavior
Effective communication skills course
Cycle of competitive research projects
Quality assurance and accreditation course, from 29/10/2006 until 3/10/2006.
Teaching course using technology, from 19/12/2006 to 21/12/2006
Effective Presentation Course, from 6/3/2007 to 8/3/2007.
Course design course, from 13/3/2007 to 15/3/2007. |
Credit hours course, from 17/4/2007 to 19/4/2007.
Scientific Publishing Course, from 12/2/2008 to 14/2/2008.
Strategic Planning Course, from 29/12/2009 to 31/12/2009.
Institutional self-assessment course for institutions of higher education in the period from 17/4/2010 to 21/4/2010.
The cycle of external audit of institutions of higher education from the Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation in the period from 9/5/2010. Until 13/5/2010.
Course of learning outcomes and curriculum maps for institutions of higher education in the period from 23 May 2010 to 27 May 2014. -
Training and preparation of trainers TOT in the period from 9/10/2011 to 13/10/2011 m.
The course of quality standards in the teaching process, from 18/5/2013 to 20/5/2013.
The management of the research team, from 3/3/2013 to 5/3/2013.
Course of Ethics of Scientific Research, from 4/8/2012 to 6/8/2013.
The course of organizing scientific conferences, from 25/9/2012 to 27/9/2012.
The course of professional behavior, from 10/7/2012 to 12/7/2012.
The course of time management and meetings, from 25/5/2013 to 27/5/2013.
A- Master Thesis
Co-supervision of the master's thesis for the student / Iman Mohamed Taha Ahmed, registered in the Department of Restoration, Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University, on 22/10/2007 to obtain a master's degree in restoration and conservation of archeology. The doctrine and decoration in the style of excavation and download in some Islamic archaeological buildings - applied to selected models "(awarded).
Co-supervision of the Master's thesis on the student / Rania Khalid Zaki Ghobashi, registered in the Department of Restoration - Faculty of Archeology - Cairo University on 14/1/2008, to obtain a master's degree in the restoration and maintenance of monuments, on the subject: (Colored) in some Islamic monuments in Cairo - applied to selected models.
Supervising the master thesis of the student / Saad Abdullah Sulaiman Abul-Magd - Department of Engineering Sciences - Institute of Environmental Studies and Research - Ain Shams University, on 17/4/2011, under the title: "Environmental impacts on the Islamic monuments in the North Sinai with application Ali Al-Ghouri "(awarded). |
Supervising the master's thesis for the student / Ahmed Mohamed Sayed Issa under the title: STUDY OF THE USE OF NANO - THOXIDE - TITANIUM COMPOUNDS IN THE TREATMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EFFECTIVE IRON STONE BUILDINGS IN A SELECTED MODEL, Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University, 2014. "
Co-supervisor of the Master's thesis for the student / Mahmoud Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim under the title: "The use of modern techniques in the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the historic castles of the limestone in the State of Qatar, using one of the selected models", Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University, 2014.
Supervising the master thesis for the student / Norhan Abdel-Gawad Abdel-Wahab, under the title: Study of the effect of the techniques of the muqarnas stone in ancient buildings and methods of treatment and maintenance in application to one of the selected models, Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University,
B. Ph.D. Thesis
Co-supervision of the PhD thesis for the student / Iman Abdul-Rasul Abdel Halim, recorded in the Department of Photography - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University, on 9/7/2007, to obtain a doctorate degree in wall imaging, on the subject: In Islamic art and techniques of restoration and use in the teaching of murals in the Faculty of Art Education "(awarded).
Supervising the doctoral thesis for the student / Mona Sayed Moawad Abdul Moli, under the title: Study of techniques and treatment and maintenance of glazed effects applied to a selected group at the Museum of Islamic Art, Faculty of Archeology - Fayoum University, 2013.
Participated as a member of the discussion and referee committees - External arbitrator of the following scientific thesises:
Study of the effect of damage on marble decorations and marble in Italian architectural and coastal monuments, and methods of treatment (applied to one of the selected models), Master Thesis / Alia Mustafa Mohamed El Khawaja, Department of Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department. , 2014.
Study of various methods of analysis of the pottery study (applied study on some models of the Mamluk era), Master Thesis for the student / Hanan Mahmoud Mostafa Ali, Department of Sculpture - Faculty of Fine Arts - Sculpture Department - Sculpture Restoration, 2016