*I failed in Dentistry - the first day of admission in a medical conference in the village of Lahore      *Appointment of Prof. Sherif El-Attar as Vice President of Fayoum University for Education and Student Affairs      *Council of Conservation Department      * Council of Islamic Archaeology Department      * Council of Egyptology Department
Dr. Hisham Abdelazeem Ismail Mohamed Kholidy
Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6379562 - 084 6379569
Fax number: 084 6370025
E-mail Address: hak01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Computers and Information - The second Floor – The Teaching assistant Staff Room .
Post Address: Fayoum University – Department of Computer Science - Faculty of Computers & Information POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. Computer Sciences - College of Computers and Information - Helwan University - 2003.
M.Sc. Grid Computing Security - College of computers and information - Helwan University - 2008
Academic Positions
Assistant Lecturer : in King Saud University from 2008 - 2009.
Assistant Lecturer: From 2009 To 2015
Lecturer: From 2015 up till now
Research interests
Cloud Computing and High Performance Systems
Information Security.
Software Composition for Distributed Systems
Autonomic Computing.
Policy-based management of Middleware systems particularly Grid and Cloud Services
Cloud Computing Security, An Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Computing Systems

Hisham A. Kholidy, Fabrizio Baiardi, Salim Hariri, "DDSGA: A Data-Driven Semi-Global Alignment Approach for Detecting Masquerade Attacks" in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, DOI 10.1109/TDSC.2014.2327966, May 2014. (ISI Impact factor: 2.093, 5-Y Impact factor: 2.096)

Hisham A. Kholidy, Fabrizio Baiardi, Salim Hariri, Esraa M. ElHariri, Ahmed M. Youssouf, and Sahar A. Shehata, "A Hierarchical Cloud Intrusion Detection System: Design and Evaluation" ”, in International Journal on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture (IJCCSA), November 2012. (Indexed by: Google Scholar, ProQuest Science Journals, ProQuest Wilson Databases , Scopus, Pubzone, and Scribd)

Hisham A. Kholidy, Alghathbar Khaled s., "Adapting and accelerating the Stream Cipher Algorithm RC4 using Ultra Gridsec and HIMAN and use it to secure HIMAN Data", Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS), vol. 4 (2009)/ issue 4,pp 274,tot.pag 283, 2009. (Indexed by: INSPEC, Scopus, Pubzone, Computer Information System Abstracts, MathSci).

Under Review Journal Papers

Hisham A. Kholidy, Fabrizio Baiardi, Salim Hariri, "Detecting Masquerades in Clouds through Security Events and NetFlow" by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. (ISI Impact factor: 1.34, 5-Y Impact factor: 2.155). Accepted with minor revision.

Hisham A. Kholidy, S. alghathbar Khaled,"Performance Evaluation and security Analysis of New High Performance Symmetric Key Cryptography Scheme for Grid Systems"by Springer Journal of Cryptology. (ISI Impact factor: 1.25, 5-Y Impact factor: 1.533). Waiting for a decision.

Hisham A. Kholidy, Fabrizio Baiardi, Salim Hariri, "Detecting Masquerades in Clouds through Sequences of System Calls and NetFlow", by IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. Waiting for a decision.

Hisham A. Kholidy, S. alghathbar Khaled,"Performance analysis and evaluation of 'ULTRA GRIDSEC' security scheme using 'HIMAN' grid system", by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Waiting for a decision. (ISI Impact factor: 2.093, 5-Y Impact factor: 2.096)

Hisham A. Kholidy, Abdelkarim Erradi, Sherif Abdelwahed, "Intrusion Prediction and Risk Assessment Models for Cloud Systems", by IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. Waiting for a decision.

Published Conference Papers

Hisham A. Kholidy, Abdelkarim Erradi, Sherif Abdelwahed, "Attack Prediction Models for Cloud Intrusion Detection Systems", in the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation (AIMS2014), Madrid, Spain, November 2014. Conference publisher: IEEE.

Hisham A. Kholidy, Hala Hassan, Amany Sarhan, Abdelkarim Erradi, Sherif Abdelwahed, "QoS Optimization for Cloud Service Composition Based on Economic Model", in International Conference on IoT as a Service, Rome, Italy, October 2014. Conference publisher: Springer.

Hisham A. Kholidy, Ahmed M. Yousouf, Abdelkarim Erradi, Hisham A. Ali, Sherif Abdelwahed, "A Finite Context Intrusion Prediction Model for Cloud Systems with a Probabilistic Suffix Tree",in the 8th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, Pisa, Italy, October 2014. Conference publisher: IEEE

Hisham A. Kholidy, Abdelkarim Erradi, Sherif Abdelwahed, "Online Risk Assessment and Prediction Models For Autonomic Cloud Intrusion Prevention Systems", in the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Doha, Qatar, November 2014. Conference publisher: IEEE.

Hisham A. Kholidy, Abdelkarim Erradi, Sherif Abdelwahed, Abdulrahman Azab, "A Finite State Hidden Markov Model for Predicting Multistage Attacks in Cloud Systems", in the 12th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC), Dalian, China, August 2014. Conference publisher: IEEE.

Hisham A. Kholidy, Abdelkarim Erradi, Sherif Abdelwahed, Fabrizio Baiardi, "A Hierarchical, Autonomous, and Forecasting Cloud IDS", the 5th International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control (ICMIC2013), Cairo, Aug31-Sept 1-2, 2013. Conference publisher: IEEE.

Hisham A. Kholidy, Abdelkarim Erradi, Sherif Abdelwahed, Fabrizio Baiardi, "HA-CIDS: A Hierarchical and Autonomous IDS for Cloud Environments", Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks (CICSyN) Madrid, Spain, June, 2013. Conference publisher: IEEE.

Hisham A. Kholidy, Fabrizio Baiardi,"CIDD: A Cloud Intrusion Detection Dataset for Cloud Computing and Masquerade Attacks", the 9th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2012. Conference publisher: IEEE

Hisham A. Kholidy, Fabrizio Baiardi,"CIDS: A framework for Intrusion Detection in Cloud Systems", The 9th International Conf. on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2012. Conference publisher: IEEE

Hisham A. Kholidy, Chatterjee N., "Towards Developing an Arabic Word Alignment Annotation Tool with Some Arabic Alignment Guidelines", the 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), pp 778-783, Cairo, Egypt, vol. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10394-CDR, 2010. Conference publisher: IEEE

Hisham A. Kholidy, "A Study for Access Control Flow Analysis With a Proposed Job Analyzer Component based on Stack Inspection Methodology", the 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), pp 1442-1447, Cairo, Egypt, vol. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10394-CDR, 2010. Conference publisher: IEEE

Hisham A. Kholidy,"HIMAN-GP: A Grid Engine Portal for controlling access to HIMAN Grid Middleware with performance evaluation using processes algebra", The 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development ICCTD 2010, pp 163-168, Cairo, 2010. Conference publisher: IEEE

Hisham A. Kholidy, S. alghathbar Khaled, "A New Accelerated RC4 Scheme using Ultra Gridsec and HIMAN and use this Scheme to secure HIMAN Data", Fifth International Information Assurance and Security (IAS09), pp 617-622, Xi'an, China,vol. 1, 2009. Conference publisher: IEEE

Hisham A. Kholidy, A. Azab Abdulrahman, H.deif Safia, "Enhanced ULTRA GRIDSEC: Enhancing High Performance Symmetric Key Cryptography Schema Using Pure Peer To Peer Computational Grid Middleware (HIMAN)" , Third International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2008. ICPCA 2008, pp 26-31, Alexandria, Egypt, vol. 1, 2008. Conference publisher: IEEE

Abdulrahman A. Azab, Hisham A. Kholidy,"An Adaptive Decentralized Scheduling Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grids" , International, Conf. on Comp. Engineering & Systems, 2008 (ICCES). Publisher: IEEE.

M. Mostafa-Sami, H.deif Safia, Hisham A. Kholidy, "ULTRA GRIDSEC: Peer-to-Peer Computational Grid Middleware Security Using High Performance Symmetric Key Cryptography", Fifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2008., pp 137-142, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2008. Conference publisher: IEEE


Successfully Published Patents

ACCELERATING STREAM CIPHER OPERATIONS USING SINGLE AND GRID SYSTEMS.USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office). Publication Date: 12 April 2012, No.: U.S. Application 12/924,978.

Under Review Patents

An Efficient Data-Driven Semi-Global Alignment Technique for Masquerade Detection Under review by: USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office). Submission Date: April 2014,

Shrink: A Binary Matchmaker for Inter-Grid Job Scheduling Under review by: USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office). Submission Date: May 2014,

BioBin: A binary representation and processing engine for biological data Under review by: USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office). Submission Date: May 2014.

Students That I Currently Supervise
Aref Mohamed. PhD student, “Autonomic Cloud Intrusion Detection System”. January 2014.
Hala Hassan. Master student, “Quality of Service Optimization of Composite Cloud Services Based on Economic Aspects”, July, 2014
Ahmed M. Yousouf, Master student, “Intrusion Prediction in Cloud Systems”, April, 2013.
Michel Bill, Master student,” A Security Model for Composite Cloud Services Based on Economic Aspects”, October, 2014.
Selected Journals and Conferences That I Reviewed
“A novel metaheuristic algorithm and utility function for QoS based scheduling in user-centric grid systems”, Journal of Supercomputing, September 2014.
” Cloud Computing: Risk Assessment & Security”, Journal of Supercomputing, September 2014.
” A Secure Data Privacy Distribution framework for Cloud Service”Journal of Supercomputing, September 2014.
“Online Anomaly Detection for Cloud Computing Infrastructures”, in the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet), May 2014.
“Simplifying Security Analysis for IDaaS Protocols”, in the 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC), June 2014.
“GEMINI: A Hybrid Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol for Reliable Composite Web Services Delivery”, in the 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC), July 2014.
“Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection for Building Automation and Control Networks”, the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), August 2014.
“Hybrid Fuzzy Evolution Differential Classifier for intrusion detection”, the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), August 2014.
“Cryptanalysis of Likability Attacks on Some Blind Signature Schemes”, the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), August 2014.
“Model Based Testing of Agents Using Reference Nets”, the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), August 2014.
Conferences, Journals, and Seminars that I recently founded, managed, reviewed, or cooperated
Publication chair in the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2014.
Reviewer for the distributed system track, Journal of Supercomputing.
Track chair for the Security and Privacy track in the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2014.
Reviewer for the Security, Privacy, Confidentiality and Cloud Networking Track in the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet), 2014
A founder of the Egyptian winter school in Grid and Cloud Computing (egwsgc), 2012.
Track chair for the Information & Communication track in the 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD), 2010.
The organizer of the local Cloud Computing seminar in Fayoum University in Egypt, July 2014.
Other Certificates
Certificate of Excellence in Scientific Research Outputs by Fayoum University in Egypt, 2014.
The first rank certificate in Galileo Galilei Doctoral School – Computer Science Department, Italy, 2013.
PhD-Plus certificate of business plan and entrepreneurs, Pisa University- Italy, 2011.
Best Instructor Certificate, by the National Telecommunication Institute in Egypt, 2007.
MCPD (Microsoft certified Professional Developer), 2005.
ETS certification (Educational Testing Services and Programming Qualifications) from ETS American Department, 2003.
January 2014, I was awarded by the president of Fayoum University in Egypt “The award of Excellence of Fayoum University for Best Research Outputs and Collaboration”.
June 2013, I got the First rank by the PhD evaluation committee based on research outputs, thesis evaluation, and courses grades. My thesis was evaluated through external committee in University of Rutgers and Chicago state university.
February 2012, I was granted a scholarship to study in University of Arizona, College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) as a part of my PhD program to cooperate with their research group.
I had founded with a colleague the 1st Egyptian winter school in Grid and Cloud Computing “egwsgc2012”. We trained a group of master and PHD researchers in practical Cloud and Grid computing tools to use them in their researches.
July 2010, I was granted a short scholarship by Science Center of Ulm University in Günzburg in Germany to attend XtreemOS Summer School for Grid and Cloud systems.
February 2010, I was granted a short scholarship by National e-Science Centre of Edinburgh University in England to attend the International Winter School in Grid Computing (IWSGC).
July 2009, I was granted a full scholarship by computer science department committee of Pisa University in Italy to study in Four years PhD programs.
July, 2009, I have registered a patent to "the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)" has the title "Accelerating Stream Cipher Operations Using Single and Grid Systems" with ref. KSU.0136PTUS, under number 12924978.
June, 2009, I have successfully completed a research project for Enhancing Grid computing Security with the Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) in King Saud University in Saudi Arabia with one conference paper and another journal paper in 2009.
May 2008, I was granted a scholarship by MALAYSIAN TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME to study some practical parts during my master degree.
October 2007, I got the best instructor in year 2007 from National Telecommunication Institute (Telecom Egypt).
April 2005, I got the first Rank in the National ITI (Information Technology Institute) competition for Programming, database, and web developing.
Programming Languages and Tools
High performance systems
Programming Languages: Visual Studio Dot net, Java and Java Script, JSP, C++.
Intelligent Languages: Prolog language.
Database Tools: SQL, MySQL
Operating Systems: Windows 2012 Server, UNIX Solaris, and Linux Systems.
Research Projects That I Participated In
“Fault-Adaptive Performance Management of Enterprise Computing Systems”, funded by National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) by Qatar National Research fund by (QNRF) from January 2013 to November 2014. Role: Postdoctoral Researcher.
“Cloud Computing Security: An Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Computing Systems”, fund by Galileo Galilei Doctoral School and the Italian Government, from February 2013 to July 2013. Role: Postdoctoral Researcher.
“Misbehaviour Analysis in Cloud Computing Systems” fund by Air Force Office of Scientific Research in USA (AFOSR) award # FA9550-12-1-0241, National Science Foundation (NSF) awards IIP-0758579, NSF Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center in University of Arizona. From January 2012 to December 2012. Role: Research Associate.
“Enhancing Grid computing Security” Funded by the Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) in King Saud University in Saudi Arabia.
Software Projects That I Developed
A cloud intrusion detection system to detect attacks in SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.
A cloud Intrusion detection dataset (CIDD).
An Intelligent biometric Fingerprint and Smart Card Reader Software for King Saud University.
Grid Resource Scheduling and allocation for our developed "HIMAN" Middleware Project in Master degree.
Authentication, Authorization, and Encryption Schemes to secure the data passing through our "HIMAN" Framework.
E-learning web site for community college in King Saud University.
Database projects for several companies.
Examination software.
A summer school for Multimedia Enhanced Instructions System for Technical Education and Training (MEIST), Grant by MALAYSIAN TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME (MTCP) At MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY, Melaka, Malaysia.
MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solution Developer). a. C# b. SQL c. ASP d. XML and Web Services
Advance Network Security.
Web Service Composition and Services Oriented Computing.
Cloud Computing and High Performance systems.
Prof. Salim Hariri (My PhD Supervisor) Professor of Comp. Engineering and director of NSF Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center, College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, USA.
Prof. Mohamed Eltoweissy (Cooperator Research Professor) A Chief Scientist of Secure Cyber Systems at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and adjunct Professor of ECE and CS at Virginia Tech, USA.
Prof. Fabrizio Baiardi (My PhD Supervisor), Professor of Comp. Science and the president of the council of aggregate degree of applied computing, and president of the council of information security. Pisa University, Italy.
Prof. Mostafa-Sami (Master Supervisor) Professor of Comp. Science, Head of Comp. Science Dept., Helwan University, Egypt. ExViceDean for Students Affairs, Faculty of Comp. & Inform., Helwan Univ. ExDean, Faculty of Information Technology, MUST Univ., 6th October City,
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